live action Diabolik Lovers
Abang and Adi are undocumented orphans living in present-day Malaysia. While the older brother, a deaf mute, has resigned himself to a life of poverty, his younger sibling burns with indignation. A brutal accident upsets the fragile balance of their relationship.
Mady, a student, works as a locksmith by night. He helps Claire get into her apartment and soon realizes that she lied to him about her identity and robbed something that belonged to a dangerous man, Yannick. Mady gets embroiled in a manhunt and will have one night to prove his innocence.
In Mumbai, Nurse Prabha's routine is troubled when she receives an unexpected gift from her estranged husband. Her younger roommate, Anu, tries in vain to find a spot in the city to be intimate with her boyfriend. A trip to a beach town allows them to find a space for their desires to manifest.
An intimate portrayal of a quest for love and acceptance at any cost, Q depicts the influence of a secretive matriarchal religious order on filmmaker Jude Chehab’s family and the unspoken ties and consequences of loyalty that have bonded her mother, grandmother, and herself to the mysterious organization. A love story of a different kind, Q is a multigenerational tale of the eternal search for meaning.
Shirley Crisholm se ve volbách probojovala do amerického Kongresu jako první černoška v dějinách. A pak to zkusila dotáhnout až na demokratickou kandidátku na prezidenta.
When Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders, the police forms a task force to investigate. Jun, once a brilliant detective who suffered a mental breakdown, begins his own investigation. Eventually, the police learn that the murder victims are all suspects of cold cases being rubbed out by a figure known as "The Sleuth". Now, Jun and a detective from the task force are on a race against time to beat the brutal killer at its own game.
A filmmaker facing an existential crisis goes on a vacation to a Mexican gay nudist beach, where he meets a social media celebrity who convinces him to collaborate with him on his new TV show. But one disappears and another embarks on a wild journey through Mexico City to find him.
Shortly after the nuclear Chernobyl disaster in 1986, a father risks his life and returns to his deserted apartment to retrieve his front door.
Marie-Line žongluje mezi příležitostnými zaměstnáními, aby uživila svého otce trpícího agorafobií. Navzdory nejistotě jejich životního stylu zůstává živou a veselou mladou ženou. Přesto je po sérii nešťastných událostí propuštěna z práce a soudcem odsouzena k malému trestu. O několik dní později jí právě tento soudce pomůže vrátit se na správnou cestu - pro Marii-Line je to šance, ale také začátek nepravděpodobného přátelství.
Mimmi is a very lonely girl, not knowing what to do with her life. On the search for friends and boyfriends, she wanders around alone in different cities.
Dvacet let po zmizení své dcery se vyléčená alkoholička Darlene Hagenová (Anna Gunnová) chystá se svou nejlepší kamarádkou Gretchen (Janeane Garofalová) uspořádat rodinnou vánoční oslavu. Na Štědrý den pozdě večer neohlášeně přijíždí Darlenin bývalý švagr Jack (Linus Roache), který nese nostalgické dárky a tíživé tajemství. Darlene se brzy ocitne mezi rozumem a bezohledným instinktem. Společně uvězněni v nebezpečné bouři se souboj důvtipu vystupňuje v brutální hru na pomstu.
Zločinec Mason se chystá provést svůj životní kousek, když jeho milenka a klíčová členka jeho týmu Deckerová sejme tým a prozradí, že je agentkou Interpolu v utajení. Zlomený Mason uteče a odejde ze zločineckého života, dokud se jeho mladší bratr Shawn nevymkne z kloubů a nepustí se na vlastní pěst do velké bankovní loupeže. Masonovi nezbývá nic jiného než se vydat na pomoc, zatímco Interpol přivede Deckera v naději, že ho znejistí. Než do banky vtrhnou zásahové jednotky, musí Mason použít všechny nástroje ve svém arzenálu, aby unikl nejen s výhrou, ale i se svou životní láskou.
The life of Orlando, a gentle piano tuner, tormented by back pain, changes when he meets Olga, a charming physiotherapist, who diagnoses him with an emotional contracture and asks him to bring her a photo of himself as a young man, so that she can help him resolve his problems. The unusual request will push Orlando to travel and to relive, almost like a spectator, the events of his life that made him the solitary and contracted man he has become.
Exil tells the story of a chemical engineer of foreign origin who feels discriminated and bullied at work, plunging him into an identity crisis.
When a ruthless serial killer terrorizes a small Southern town, everyone becomes a suspect -- including local authorities. As the body count rises and the dark mystery deepens, the chief detective becomes haunted by the horrors of his past.
Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies...
Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.
Mladému otci přeroste přes hlavu, když se mu nepovede loupež. Některé dluhy nelze splatit penězi.
Iris has a seemingly flawless husband, two wonderful daughters, a dental practice with a relentless stream of customers, a nice apartment in an area she loves, friends who understand her... And she’ll soon be 50. And then a stranger plants a seed in her head: "Take a lover". Iris open Pandora’s box and candidates emerge as if from nowhere – as if it were raining men.