过去在少年足球界闪耀的传奇闪电日本和在神圣之路精英们所组成的新生闪电日本,这两支队伍展开了一场精彩的表演赛。比赛刚开始时传奇闪电日本先拔头筹。被圆堂的气势所触动的心声闪电日本正准备尝试反击,会场的气氛正达到高潮时,无数的小型机器人忽然出现并袭击了会场。这些小机器人是在天马他们的世界中未曾出现的LBX。LBX们接连不断地破坏会场。这时,新的LBX出现在会场。它们是坂和弘的LBX伊卡洛斯零式们! 在天马一行人的世界出现的坂他们,是敌是友?最强的足球队伍和最强的LBX军团,以地球存亡为赌注的激斗即将展开!



我佛慈悲,普渡众生;万人信奉的缅甸高僧维拉图,弘扬的佛法却是顺我者生,逆我者亡。菩提树下修行出孽魔恶道,端坐权力祭坛,右手支颐高举和平公义,左手捏指挑起反伊斯兰仇恨,煽动种族清洗罗兴亚人。佛光昭昭下生灵涂炭,令番红花革命染上血色,昂山素姬的民主光环幻灭。始于《独裁者阿敏的自画像》(1974),续于《魔鬼大状》,施罗德终以「佛教恐怖面相」 的曼陀罗完成「邪恶轴心」三部曲。人在做,天在看, 无畏无惧以镜头直视邪恶本相:心若囚笼,苍生难渡。

东汉末年乱世中,刘备的两位夫人、以及一位未过门的小妾绮兰(孙俪 饰)受困曹营,关云长(甄子丹 饰)为存忠义投降曹操(姜文 饰),但始终不能原谅曹操操控汉室的狼子野心,希望能够重回刘备身边。曹操倾慕关羽之将才以及仁者之心,试图用天下苍生之利益说服后者。适逢袁绍起兵伐曹,关云长于阵斩杀颜良,获封汉寿亭侯,并与张辽(邵兵 饰)结下同袍之谊。曹操将两位刘夫人遣返后,在关云长酒中加入春药,欲使其与绮兰发生不义关系——关云长昔日对同乡绮兰暗怀情意,甚至曾经不惜为她杀死官兵,这段感情终究被叔嫂之礼阻断,清醒过来的关云长携绮兰投奔刘备,沿路冲破重重关卡,留下“过五关斩六将”的千古传奇……

This real-life look at FBI counterterrorism operations features access to both sides of a sting: the government informant and the radicalized target.

A clumsy maid of honor gets help from her handsome nemesis when things go awry at her best friend’s Costa Rican wedding.

An alienated and misanthropic teenager gains sudden and unwanted celebrity status after he's taken hostage by terrorists where his indifference to their threats to kill him makes news headlines.



Julian, Yasin and Addi learn from the executor of their deceased mother's will that the three men, who had previously been complete strangers, are brothers. The news hits like a bomb. A German family man with a penchant for tricks, a spoiled, ambitious Turk and a rapping African – the three siblings immediately hate each other and it would all be nice if their paths were to separate again soon.

A officer with the Joint Chiefs of Staff uncovers a planned military coup of the U.S. government and has only one week to prevent the takeover.

Warsaw, Poland, 1953. Mr. T., a renowned writer, lives in a hotel and earns his living by giving private lessons.

The Tactical Neutralization Team, or T.N.T., is a squad of elite soldiers sent on top-secret, near-suicidal missions around the world. After one of their missions ends in failure, team member Alex decides he's had enough of the special-op life and calls it quits. His commanding officer, however, doesn't want the security risk of a former member walking around, so he assigns another member of the team to hunt down Alex and retire him permanently.

Ten people arrive at a secluded mountain resort to find it completely deserted. With no gas for the return trip, the visitors are forced to stay and investigate the mystery surrounding the abandoned lodge.


Brasília. Vital is a Brazilian federal police deputy who leads a special investigation group that aims to capture the international drug trafficker Beque Batista. Three other officers make up the group: Dani, Rock and Lua. In parallel, Vital need to take care of Leila, his pregnant wife, and does everything so she does not participate in the violent world in which he lives.


A non-stop, race against time action packed thriller that follows an elite SWAT Team as they try to stop a domestic terrorist from killing innocent hostages and destroying the city of Los Angeles. With 24 hours left on the clock, the team must rely on their instincts and unique skill set to stop the attack and bring justice.

Successful actress Vera Lockman thrashes during a nightmare in which she struggles with, shoots and kills her drug-dealer ex-boyfriend. Jolted awake, she reveals in her journal that the killing actually occurred the day before and that Sal, dead, lies in a trunk in her living room.