Șapte prinți au fost transformați printr-o vrajă în șapte pitici. Acum, ei sunt în căutarea unei perechi de conduri roșii fermecați care au puterea de a-i face înapoi cum erau. Dar aceștia aparțin unei fete care nu-și cedează condurii cu una, cu două, căci are și ea nevoie de ajutor din partea celor șapte prinți.

Kenshin Himura, un războinic devenit pacifist, confruntă cu reticență un asasin nemilos, care complotează să răstoarne guvernul Meiji cu ajutorul unor mercenari.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

Love is in the air as Zoe and friends go on a quest to find a fabled Maid's Stone. But when rivalry blinds them to danger, it's Raven to the rescue!

Groot descoperă o civilizație miniaturală care crede că bebelușul-copac aparent uriaș e eroul lor mult-așteptat.

Summer vacation. Mika is overjoyed to see Windstorm again. But then she discovers strange wounds on the belly of Windstorm, for which no one has an explanation. Yet this is Kaltenbach verge of bankruptcy! With a heavy heart Mika decides to participate in a variety tournament in which beckons a high prize money. But during training affects Windstorm distracted, often he runs away easily. Mika pursued the black stallion until deep into the forest and is quite surprised: From the thicket a seemingly magical gray mare appears and the two horses dance around lovingly. Suddenly, a strange boy named Milan appears, who says the mare had escaped him. He claimed that he could Help Mika to win the tournament. But is there still time to save Kaltenbach?

Toată lumea are nevoie de liniște, relaxare și curățenie, dar, atunci cand ești un bebeluș Flora Colossi, procesul e inedit. Încercările sale de a folosi jucării, lumânări și sare de baie rezultă într-un haos vegetal de proporții. Și, după ce frunzele sale se transformă în tufiș, Groot decide să devină propriul stilist și încerce o coafură inedită.

Pe măsură ce primii fulgi încep să cadă în vale, este momentul să se adune proviziile pentru iarnă. Din păcate, o buburuză tânără este prinsă într-o cutie care este expediată în Caraibe. Există o singură scăpare: membrii echipei de vis trebuie să se adune! Buburuza, furnica și păianjenul își unesc forțele din nou pe partea cealaltă a globului. O nouă lume, noi întâlniri și noi pericole ... vor reuși să scape la timp?

În partea a doua a animaţiei bazate pe popularul joc creat de Rovio Entertainment, celebrele păsări nezburătoare şi ticăloşii porcuşori verzi îşi duc lupta la un alt nivel. S-ar zice că pe Insula Pasărilor nu s-a schimbat nimic. Devenite vedete, înaripatele nezburătoare se tot războiesc cu porcuşorii verzi și s-ar zice că nimic nu va opri vreodată această ciondăneală. Până când apare o nouă insulă la orizont și astfel cele două tabere sunt nevoite să se alieze. Cum arată echipa de șoc și ce planuri (nu) are pentru cucerirea noului teritoriu aflăm din 16 august, la cinema.

Journalists Ichiro Sakai and Junko cover the wreckage of a typhoon when an enormous egg is found and claimed by greedy entrepreneurs. Mothra's fairies arrive and are aided by the journalists in a plea for its return. As their requests are denied, Godzilla arises near Nagoya and the people of Infant Island must decide if they are willing to answer Japan's own pleas for help.

When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.

After accidentally stumbling into his uncle's mysterious "tanning bed", Adam learns the answer to all of his problems - multiple Adams. With his new collection of clones, Adam is hopping on one wild summer ride with an epic splash.

Although sumo is a cherished part of Japanese culture, few have managed to get a behind-the-scenes look at the sport. Director Eiji SAKATA had the opportunity to spend six months in close contact with two sumo stables. In the process, he managed to capture fascinating footage of the rigorous training sessions and daily life of the wrestlers.

A follow up to the 2009 animated feature and adapted from the childrens' book by Julia Donaldson and Alex Scheffler. The Gruffalo's child explores the deep dark wood in search of the big bad mouse and meets the Snake, Owl and Fox in the process. She eventually finds the mouse, who manages to outwit her like the Gruffalo before!

Franck and his girlfriend Sonya, plus some of their friends go on holiday in Brazil. Franck, his friends, two girls and Sonya's grandmother leave to visit a cave, but everything goes wrong and their crazy adventures begin.

Nereușind să încheie un armistițiu cu cea mai populară fată din școală, două prietene inadaptate conduc o răscoală a tocilarilor ce răstoarnă ierarhia popularității.

Inventor Goro Ibuki creates a humanoid robot named Jet Jaguar. It is soon seized by an undersea race of people called the Seatopians. Using Jet Jaguar as a guide, the Seatopians send Megalon as vengeance for the nuclear tests that have devastated their society.

When a high school teacher is asked a question in class about Jesus, her reasoned response lands her in deep trouble and could expel God from the public square once and for all.

Tortured by the ghosts of the demonized insane asylum that killed the crew of GRAVE ENCOUNTERS, film students fight to escape death as their own paranormal investigation goes terribly wrong in this horrifying sequel.

Villaviciosa de al Lado is a peaceful town stuck in time, living exclusively of the fame of a 200 years-old spa. Therefore, city hall's debts threatens to close the spa and ruin all town. Their salvation becomes when suddenly mayor Anselmo and the rest of members of city hall realize that they won the Christmas Lottery. But their happiness turns in horror after to discover that the prize belongs to a serial number distributed by the town's brothel, causing the suspicion of the wives and fear of the husbands after a TV interview where Mari, brothel's owner, claims that the almost men of the town will have prize from the lottery. Wanting a way to charge the prize to save the town without having to suffer the anger of their respective women, Anselmo, Ricardo, César, Juandi and Paco plots a plan in order to steal the money from the brothel, meanwhile Mari tries reconcile her stranded life and restore the memory of her deceased father, a former mayor.