In Ghosts On The Go, the gang crosses the Atlantic Ocean and takes on Europe! In Large Dragon at Large, the gang attends a Renaissance Faire, where a dragon interrupts their fun. While traveling in Greece, an ancient myth apparently comes to life because of a medallion Shaggy wears in It's All Greek to Scooby. In Pompeii and Circumstance, the gang's Italian vacation is interrupted by misdeeds in teh ancient city of Pompeii, leading to an ominous visit into the mouth of th no so dormant Vesuvius. And finally, the gang goes to Paris to see Daphne's cousin become a model, but only to discover she's been abducted by a giant gargoyle in Ready To Scare.

In yet another hilarious caper, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and, of course, Scooby-Doo team up with the talented Harlem Globetrotters to solve a haunting that, apparently, involves the ghosts of Paul Revere and other Revolutionary War soldiers. A second episode features the gang and the Globetrotters heading to a deserted island for some relaxation, but they realize they are in for trouble when their ship sets sail with nobody at the wheel.

A love story written by an ordinary housewife is going to be broadcast as a radio drama and almost everyone among the crew insists on changing various parts of the play to their liking.

The Parrs' baby Jack-Jack is thought to be normal, not having any super-powers like his parents or siblings. But when an outsider is hired to watch him, Jack-Jack shows his true potential.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

Zvončica je upoznala Laru, djevojčicu koja je vjerovala u snagu vilinske prašine i čarobni svijet vila. Tijekom vilinskog ljetnog posjeta cvjetnim livadama Engleske, dva se vrlo različita svijeta po prvi puta ujedinjuju i zvončica razvija poseban odnos sa znatiželjnom djevojčicom kojoj je potreban prijatelj. Dok njezine prijateljice vile organiziraju hrabro spašavanje, Zvončica se izlaže velikoj opasnosti, ugrožavajući vlastiti život i budućnost vilinskog svijeta.

The Author, i.e. J. R. R. Tolkien himself (played by Zinovij Gerdt), tells "his" story: the life of Bilbo Baggins, a quiet and enjoyable hobbit, is turned upside down when he decides to join the wizard Gandalf and a company of thirteen dwarves in an attempt to regain a treasure stolen from the latter. [Soviet television movie adaptation of "The Hobbit"]

A troubled Southern man talks to his suicidal sister's psychiatrist about their family history and falls in love with her (and New York City) in the process.

Svemirski brod Enterprise prolazi zadnju fazu priprema prije nego što krene u presretanje tajanstvenog oblaka koji se velikom brzinom približava Zemlji. Kapetan James T. Kirk (William Shatner) stiže na brod i preuzima komandu od kapetana Willarda Deckera (Stephen Collins), koji je time vrlo razočaran ali ipak prihvaća mjesto prvog časnika. Na brod stiže i Deltanka Ilia (Persis Khambatt) koju s Deckerom povezuje romantična prošlost. U međuvremenu im se pridružuje i Spock (Leonard Nimoy), koji nije uspio proći obred Kolinahr te se vraća na Enterprise. Prva nevolja na koju nailaze je velika crvotočina koja ih zamalo uništava. Uskoro stižu do oblaka, ali otkriju da je oblak živo biće po imenu V'ger koje skriva tajnu staru 3 stoljeća...

Predstavljajući potpuno novi i moderni pristup popularnoj seriji koja u SAD-u uživa kultni status, A-Team prati uzbudljive i opasne avanture Hannibala Smitha i njegovog živopisnog tima sastavljenog od bivših pripadnika specijalnih postrojbi koji su nepravedno optuženi za zločin koji nisu počinili. Stoga se odlučuju odmetnuti i iskoristiti svoje jedinstvene sposobnosti - i ekscentričnosti - kako bi skinuli ljagu sa svog imena i našli prave počinitelje.

Ellie Linton, a teen from an Australian coastal town, leads her friends on an excursion to a camp deep in the woods, dubbed "Hell." Upon their return, the youths find that their town has been overrun by an enemy army, and their friends and family have been imprisoned. When the hostile invaders become alerted to their presence, Ellie and her friends band together to escape -- and strike back against -- this mysterious enemy.

A 14-year-old orphan named Krabat flees the horrors of the 30 Years War by becoming an apprentice to an ominous master of a mysterious mill. Krabat is not only taught the craft of milling, but is also instructed in the sinister world of the darker arts. When the life of his friend and protector is threatened, Krabat must struggle to free himself from an evil sorcerer's control in a gripping fight for freedom, friendship and love.

Legendarni kralj džungle vraća se na velike ekrane u izvrsnoj animaciji i spektakularnom 3D-u. Ova vizualno zapanjujuća animirana akcijska avantura donosi malo drugačiju verziju klasika Edgara Rice Burroughsa – Tarzan i njegov svijet suočiti će se s prijetnjom predsjednika velike kompanije koji je tu istu kompaniju preuzeo od Tarzanovh roditelja nakon njihove pogibije u avionskoj nesreći. Uz pomoć Jane koja se bori za očuvanje afričke džungle, Tarzan će u borbi za svoj sadašnji dom otkriti svijet kome je nekoć i sam pripadao.

The very first movie adaptation of J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit. Made in just 30 days so that the producer could keep the rights to Tolkien's books.

Četvero djece (Spencer Breslin, Kate Mara, Ryan Newman i Michael Cassidy) velik su problem. Svako od njih posjeduje nadnaravnu sposobnost kojom se izdvaja od djece svoje dobi. Još im je nešto zajedničko – oni samo žele biti normalni. Sada ih bivši superjunak, nekada poznat kao kapetan Zoom (Tim Allen) mora naučiti kako da koriste svoje neobične darove i spase svijet od sigurne propasti!

Wayne Szalinski is at it again. But instead of shrinking things, he tries to make a machine that can make things grow. As in the first one, his machine isn't quite accurate. But when he brings Nick & his toddler son Adam to see his invention, the machine unexpectedly starts working. And when Adam comes right up to the machine, he gets zapped along with his stuffed bunny.

Georges, one morning, became uncontrollable despite himself. Something that has the donkey's voice in Shrek, can control his body.