A pretty young girl falls for an enigmatic, shy man who sweeps her off her feet. She becomes pregnant but is not allowed to tell him. His advisers are adamant. Back home, they have set up a wedding with the daughter of an antagonistic family and marriage will put an end to the blood feud between them.

A widowed field mouse must move her family -- including an ailing son -- to escape a farmer's plow. Aided by a crow and a pack of superintelligent, escaped lab rats, the brave mother struggles to transplant her home to firmer ground.

An exotic dancer and a nun. They do not know that they are sisters until fate leads them to exchange roles. Now the mother is no longer so pure and the other is pure... mother.

Mickey, Minnie, and their famous friends Goofy, Donald, Daisy and Pluto gather together to reminisce about the love, magic and surprises in three wonder-filled stories of Christmas past.

A boy named Griffin finds a valuable multi-million dollar baseball card. After accidentally selling the card for a million dollar loss, he enlists the help of his best friend Ben and his colleagues to regain the baseball card.

When Shirley, Madea's niece, receives distressing news about her health, the only thing she wants is her family gathered around her. However, Shirley's three adult children are too preoccupied with their own troubled lives to pay attention to their mother. It is up to Madea, with the help of rowdy Aunt Bam, to bring the clan together and help Shirley deal with her crisis.

Mažoji Piterio Peno draugė fėja Auksarankė su savo ištikimu palydovu jonvabaliu, leidžiasi į fantastišką paslaptingų nuotykių kupiną kelionę ieškoti mėnulio akmens – stebuklingo fėjų dulkių šaltinio.

Lėlių miestelyje Pabaisiškėse laimingos gyvena daugybė keistų lėlių. Vieną dieną Pabaisiškių drąsuolė ir pramuštgalvė Moksė įkalba dvi savo drauges kartu leistis į tolimą kelionę ir pagaliau išsiaiškinti, kas slypi Už Kalno, kur dar nė viena lėlė nebuvo nukeliavusi. O ten šaunioji trijulė atranda dar vieną lėlių miestą: Tobulėnus. Turbūt nereikia nė sakyti, kad šiame mieste gyvena vien nuostabiai gražios, tiesiog tobulos lėlės, vadovaujamos žavingojo Lu, o pagrindinis jų tikslas – tapti kaip įmanoma tobulesnėms ir susirasti tobulą vaiką, kuris su jomis žaistų ir jas mylėtų. Pamatę į tobulumą net nepretenduojančias atvykėles, Tobulėnų gyventojai tiesiog pašiurpsta. Moksė ir jos draugės susiduria su iki šiol nepatirtu priešiškumu, bet galų gale dar kartą įsitikina, kad neprivalai būti tobulas, kad būtum mylimas.

Ash and his two friends Iris and Cilan help a Keldeo battle against a powerful Dragon-type Pokémon named Kyurem its his test to become a Sacred Swordsman.

When Papi, Chloe, the pups, Uncle Pedro, and their owners move to a hotel, the smallest pup Rosa feels like she doesn't fit in, and Papi wants to make her feel better by showing her how special she is.

Two L.A. teens with summer jobs at Good Burger try to save their small restaurant when a corporate giant burger franchise moves in across the street.

Cody and Zack are approached to join the Gemini Project, a high-tech research center studying the dynamics between twins. Shockingly, they find themselves interconnected in a whole new way! When one twin experiences something, the other twin feels it too. This newfound revelation helps them see eye to eye for the first time, and it puts them in more danger than they could have imagined.

George'o Jetsono, kuris buvo paskirtas „Spacely Sprockets“ viceprezidentu ir kartu su šeima buvo išsiųstas dirbti ties orbitoje skriejančiu kasybos asteroidu, nuotykiai kosmose...

Veiksmas vyksta 1960 metais Pietų Prancūzijos provincijoje. Mažo kaimelio paauglių grupė rengiasi atremti eilinę kaimyninės gyvenvietės vaikų ataką. Iš kartos į kartą vyksta šis žaidimas, pramintas „Sagų karais“. Kovotojų būriui vadovauja drąsusis Lebracas. Vaikai su savo bendraamžiais kaunasi dėl garbės, bandydami įrodyti, kurie drąsesni ir šaunesni. Šis karas labai apsunkina tai, kad jų praradimus bei laimėjimus atidžiai stebi abiejų kaimų tėvai ir seneliai.

Remake of a 1956 Fritz Lang film in which a novelist's investigation of a dirty district attorney leads to a setup within the courtroom.

Josh is off to his first year of college and Buddy has stayed behind with Josh’s little sister Andrea and the rest of the family. Andrea, attempting to fit in with her Jr. High classmates, decides to join the baseball team and along the way discovers that Buddy is a talented baseball player.

A pampered Beverly Hills chihuahua named Chloe who, while on vacation in Mexico with her owner Viv's niece, Rachel, gets lost and must rely on her friends to help her get back home before she is caught by a dognapper who wants to ransom her.

Melissa has a bad case of sibling rivalry, only her competition is a fictional character in her father's best-selling novel about a teenage super spy. When her father is "dadnapped" by a group of overzealous fans, it's up to Melissa to help him by tapping her inner superhero.

A 7-year-old girl befriends a teacup pig named Arlo, voiced by Drake Bell.