Five years after giving up his powers and separating from his friends, Leo San Juan has started a new life trying to focus on his family and their bakery, staying away from danger and adventures. However, Leo knows that his plans are rarely fulfilled and this time is no exception: while traveling with Nando to Veracruz, things start to get weird, and from the depths of the Tuxtlas jungle, an ancient curse has returned and only Leo can face it.

Perfect Blue - vienas pirmųjų Japonų "šyzovos" animacijos meistro Satoši Kon režisuotų filmų. Istorija pasakoja apie jauną perspektyvios pop grupės dainininkę Kirigoe Mima, kuri nusprendė mesti daininikės karjerą ir išmėginti jėgas aktorystės srityje. Mimos gyvenimas apsiverčia, kai jai tenka žudynių apsuptos, išprievartautos merginos vaidmuo mistiniame televizijos detektyve. Realybė mimos gyvenime persipina su haliucinacijomis ir ji palaipsniui ima netekti sveiko proto. Istorija kuriama gan greitu tempu Satoši Kon būdingu stiliumi, kur sunku suprasti, kas yra tikra, o kas - ne. Realumas ir haliucinacijos virsta į bauginantį pasaulį, kur nekaltybė yra prarandama ir sapnai pavirsta į košmarą.

Laputa – paslaptingos senovės civilizacijos sukurta skraidanti pilis, kurią surasti ir aktyvuoti gali tik pilies valdovų palikuonė Šyta, turinti stebuklingą amuletą. Ją persekioja valstybės agentai ir piratai, tačiau kalnakasių kaimelyje ji sutinka jaunuolį Pazu, kuris padeda Šytai rasti paslaptingą pilį ir apginti ją nuo visų niekdarių, besigviešiančių pilies paslapčių.

A girl named Olga is pursued by both the World Government and a man named Mad Treasure, as she is the only one who knows the location of the Pure Gold, a substance that can buy the entire world. Olga ends up sailing with the Straw Hat Pirates, and they journey to find the Pure Gold on the lost island of Alchemi, which is located inside the stomach of a large angler fish named Bonbori.

Beveik negyvas, groteskiškai ištinęs ir dvokiantis vyras guli Argentinos kaime ir aimanuoja, trokšdamas mirties. Jį apsėdo demonas. Norėdami užkirsti kelią sklindančiam blogiui, broliai Pedras ir Jimis nutempia jį į sunkvežimį, kad išgabentų kuo toliau nuo savų žemių.

The introductory chapter to the movie, Strong World, which depicts the events surrounding Gold Roger's execution.

Kasmet universitete vykstančiose acapella grupių varžytuvėse universiteto merginų grupė „The Bellas“ patiria triuškinantį pralaimėjimą, tad artėjant naujoms varžytuvėms siekia žūtbūt suburti stiprų kolektyvą. Metai iš metų dainuodamos tas pačias dainas, į savo gretas priviliojusios Bekę, merginos ryžtasi mesti iššūkį acapella varžytuvių lyderiams, vaikinų grupei „Treblemakers“. Tačiau ar grupės senbuvės pritars Bekės norui kardinaliai pakeisti grupės įvaizdį? O gal „The Bellas“ bus sutriuškintos net nepasiekusios konkurso pusfinalių?

Munich, Germany, 1923. Two years have passed since Edward Elric was dragged from his own world to ours, leaving behind his country, his friends and his younger brother, Alphonse. Stripped of his alchemical powers, he has been all this time researching rocketry together with Alphonse Heiderich, a young man who resembles his own brother, hoping to one day find a way back home. His efforts so far had proven fruitless, but after lending a hand to a troubled gipsy girl, Edward is thrown in a series of events that can wreak havoc in both worlds. Meanwhile, at his own world, Alphonse Elric ventures deeper into the mysteries of alchemy in search for a way to reunite with his older brother.

Dar gana jaunas, buvęs JAV jūrų pėstininkų snaiperis, Bobas Ly Svageris (akt. Markas Wahlbergas) po nepavykusios specialiosios operacijos pasitraukia iš kariškių gretų. Jis pasirenka atsiskyrėlio gyvenimą, tačiau jo viltims surasti ramybę nelemta išsipildyti. Bobas - pernelyg geras specialistas, kad būtų taip lengvai pamirštas. Kai JAV specialiosios tarnybos imituoja neva atskleistą planą nužudyti šalies prezidentą, suprasdamas, kad yra reikalingas, B. Ly Svageris sugrįžta. Tarnyboje jo laukia nemalonus netikėtumas: Bobas išduodamas ir netgi pats apkaltinamas bandymu nužudyti JAV lyderį! Tie, kurių galvose gimė planas "pakišti" snaiperį, net nenutuokė, kokiu žmogumi sumanė pasinaudoti... Su dviem kulkomis kūne snaiperis pabėga nuo persekiotojų ir nusprendžia pats išsiaiškinti, kas yra tikrasis išdavikas ir kas iš tikrųjų bandė pasikėsinti į prezidentą.

Following the roguish terrorist attacks at Uri Army Base camp in Kashmir, India takes the fight to the enemy, in its most successful covert operation till date with one and only one objective of avenging their fallen heroes.

When Nami falls ill, the Straw Hats seek medical care for her on Drum Island. There they meet reindeer doctor Tony Tony Chopper and the Wapol Pirates.

Sabo visits a grave-site where he reflects back on his childhood with his brothers Luffy and Ace. After a flashback of his past Sabo travels to the Kingdom of Dressrosa and meets up with a fellow member of the Revolutionary Army to discuss their next mission. Unbeknownst to Sabo, Luffy and his crew are also on the island searching to destroy an artificial Devil Fruit factory.

When 54 high school girls throw themselves in front of a subway train it appears to be only the beginning of a string of suicides around the country. Does the new all-girl group Desert have anything to do with it? Detective Kuroda tries to find the answer, which isn't as simple as he had hoped.

While Luffy and his crew of Zoro and Nami are starving on their small boat, they are attacked by a large monster. Nami is taken away, while Luffy and Zoro wash up on shore. There they meet a young girl, Medaka, and learn of the sad history of the island. The evil Pirate Ganzack has taken away all the men in the village and enslaved them, including Medaka's father. Now Luffy, Zoro, and Medaka must infiltrate Ganzack's base in order to rescue the villagers and Nami.

Their first week of high school. The biggest party of the year. Mistakes will be made as four teenage boys navigate a night of mayhem and debauchery.

An orphan girl taught magic by her sick grandma must find work in seedy Bangkok, where she encounters a number of unsavory characters. She uses the magical skills her grandmother taught her to her advantage and to increasingly horrific consequences.

A nurse taking care of her daughter's mysterious affliction struggles to hide her secrets when uninvited strangers take shelter in her house during a lethal blizzard.

A military vessel on the search for an unidentified submersible finds themselves face to face with a giant shark, forced to use only what they have on board to defend themselves from the monstrous beast.

A fallen electrical cable zaps Ploddy the Police Car and grants him special powers, but his newfound energy brings new found responsibilities. Ploddy now has what it takes to stand up to the Badger Brothers - a shady duo plotting to steal and bottle the towns water supply. With the help of his friend, Dottie the Otter, Ploddy must defeat the criminals to save the town and the environment.

A response to the poetry of New Zealand filmmaker Joanna Margaret Paul.