Loneliness: a trucker who calls out on his CB radio waiting for a reply that never comes. A ghost that haunts the deserted highways. A whale that sings at a frequency no other whale can even hear.

Tasujad jätkavad maailma kaitsmist ohtude eest, mis üksikutel kangelastel üle jõu käiks. Nüüd on kosmose varjude seast kerkinud esile uus oht: Thanos. Üle galaktika kurikuulus despoot, kelle eesmärgiks on saada enda valdusesse kõik kuus Igavikukivi, et moonutada nende väge kasutades kogu universum oma tahte alla. Kõik, mille nimel Tasujad on eales võidelnud, on toonud sellesse hetke ning meie maailma saatus pole olnud kunagi suurema küsimärgi all.

Disney-Pixari värviküllane, humoorikas ja seiklusrikas lugu peretraditsioonidest, mille peategelaseks on muusikukarjäärist unistav Miguel, kes võtab ette uskumatu rännakuoma esivanemate maagilisse maailma. Seal sõbruneb ta sarmika vigurivända Hectoriga, kes aitab poisil avastada tolle esivanemate lugude taga peituva müsteeriumi.

Singer Freddie Mercury, guitarist Brian May, drummer Roger Taylor and bass guitarist John Deacon take the music world by storm when they form the rock 'n' roll band Queen in 1970. Hit songs become instant classics. When Mercury's increasingly wild lifestyle starts to spiral out of control, Queen soon faces its greatest challenge yet – finding a way to keep the band together amid the success and excess.

Luca and his best friend Alberto experience an unforgettable summer on the Italian Riviera. But all the fun is threatened by a deeply-held secret: they are sea monsters from another world just below the water’s surface.

In his second year of fighting crime, Batman uncovers corruption in Gotham City that connects to his own family while facing a serial killer known as the Riddler.

A cold and mysterious new security guard for a Los Angeles cash truck company surprises his co-workers when he unleashes precision skills during a heist. The crew is left wondering who he is and where he came from. Soon, the marksman's ultimate motive becomes clear as he takes dramatic and irrevocable steps to settle a score.

Pärast David Kimi (16-aastase tütre kadumist alustavad kohalikud uurijad juurdlust. 37 tundi hiljem, kui pole leitud ühtki lahenduseni viivat juhtlõnga, otsustab David otsida kohast, mis pole veel kellelegi pähe tulnud, ja kus hoitakse tänapäeval kõiki oma saladusi - tütre sülearvutist. Ülimoodne triller viib meid igapäevases suhtluses kasutatavate tehnoloogiliste seadmete maailma, kus David peab jahikoerana ajama digitaalseid jalajälgi, enne kui tütar igaveseks kaob.

2016. aastal said maailma kinosõbrad tuttavaks Marveli universumi kõige omapärasema antikangelasega. Selleks on endine eriväelane ja palgasõdur Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds), kellest äärmuslike ja ta välimust pöördumatult moonutanud eksperimentide tagajärjel sai surma külvav ja kontrollimatult teravmeelitsev üliinimene Deadpool. Nüüd on Deadpool tagasi! Olles hädavaevu üle elanud sõraliste eluohtliku rünnaku, asub moonutatud välimusega sööklakokk (Wade Wilson) täitma oma unistust saada Ebbingi kuumimaks baarmaniks, õppides samas elama ilma maitsmismeeleta. Selleks, et oma ellu uuesti vürtsi saada, peab Wade võitlema ninjade, yakuza kõrilõikajate ning seksuaalselt aktiivse koertekarjaga, rännates mööda maailma, avastamaks perekonna, sõpruse ja maitse tähtsus - ning teenimaks välja oma kohvitassil seisev tiitel "Maailma parim armastaja".

An insight into the life of the world's most famous male dancer, Rudolf Nureyev.

Väike sinine superenergiapall Sonic satub maale, sest peab oma planeedi päästmiseks peidus elama. Tema kõige tähtsam ülesanne on mitte äratada tähelepanu. Kuid sellist supervõimet nagu Sonicul, on võimatu kaua varjata, eriti kui sa oled ülienergiline ja vallatu teismeline, kes üldse ei armasta üksildust.

Marcus and Mike are forced to confront new threats, career changes, and midlife crises as they join the newly created elite team AMMO of the Miami police department to take down the ruthless Armando Armas, the vicious leader of a Miami drug cartel.

In a world where people collect pocket-size monsters (Pokémon) to do battle, a boy comes across an intelligent monster who seeks to be a detective.

When theatre actor Giuliano receives an unexpected visit from his childhood friend Tommasso, the encounter is bittersweet. This reunion is their first meeting in many years, triggered by Giuliano’s failing health and his decision to forgo treatment. Instead he is focussed on putting his affairs in order: distributing possessions, reconciling past disputes, and, most importantly, finding a home for his beloved canine, Pato. Over four days, the two men walk the streets of Rome, visiting bookshops, restaurants, veterinarians and friends, examining their lives and speculating on what the future holds.

Investigative journalist Eddie Brock attempts a comeback following a scandal, but accidentally becomes the host of Venom, a violent, super powerful alien symbiote. Soon, he must rely on his newfound powers to protect the world from a shadowy organization looking for a symbiote of their own.

Four teenagers in detention discover an old video game console with a game they’ve never heard of. When they decide to play, they are immediately sucked into the jungle world of Jumanji in the bodies of their avatars. They’ll have to complete the adventure of their lives filled with fun, thrills and danger or be stuck in the game forever!

Katniss Everdeen reluctantly becomes the symbol of a mass rebellion against the autocratic Capitol.

To get revenge on her ex-boyfriend, an influencer attempts to transform an unpopular classmate into prom king.

There comes a point in everyone’s life when you have to make a decision about the direction you’re going to take. For newly-18 American fashion model Cora, that time is now. She’s moved to an Australian coastal town to be with her favourite aunt, after a 'fashion faux pas’ back home.

Laurel and Hardy join the army. They are hardly soldiers, but they believe their employer, (Dick Nelson) will need them now he's drafted.