Harry Potter je sirota, ki živi s svojo grdo teto in stricem, Dursleyjem in svojim groznim bratrancem Dudleyem. Bliža se njegov enajsti rojstni dan in ima malo upanja, da bo prejel kakršna koli darila, saj se ga nihče nikoli ne spomni. Vendar pa le nekaj dni pred rojstnim dnem niz skrivnostnih pisem, naslovljenih nanj in napisanih s škrlatno zelenim črnilom, razbije monotonijo njegovega življenja: Harry je čarovnik in tudi njegovi starši

Harry, Ron in Hermiona iščejo koščke Mrlakensteinove duše, ki jih je izločil in skril na mračne kraje po vsem svetu. Če jih ne najdejo in uničijo, bo Mrlakenstein ostal nesmrten.

Harry se vrne v svoje drugo leto v Hogwartsu, vendar odkrije, da se dogajajo slabe stvari, ker je Slytherin dedič odprl mesto, imenovano Zbornica skrivnosti, zaradi česar bodo Mogljevi otroci, nečisti, videti skrivnostno okameneli pošastno žival.

Harry Potter se vrne na Bradavičarko ob začetku šestega leta na čarovniški akademiji. Sooči se z grozečo nevarnostjo, ki bo postavila na trdo preizkušnjo njegove čarovniške moči.

Alice, the only relatively normal member of the eccentric Sycamore family, falls in love with Tony Kirby, but his wealthy banker father and snobbish mother strongly disapprove of the match. When the Kirbys are invited to dinner to become better acquainted with their future in-laws, things don't turn out the way Alice had hoped.

Nekdanji policist Brian in kralj avtomobilskih vragolij Dom znova združita moči v divji cestni akciji, ki ju popelje na ulice kaotičnega Ria de Janeira. Na begu pred zakonom se njuna skupina vročekrvnih voznikov znajde v smrtonosnem boju z neizprosnimi preprodajalci mamil in podkupljivimi poslovneži. Za navzkrižni ogenj poskrbi še izkušeni agent Luke, ki želi Doma na vsak način spraviti za rešetke, kar povzroči vrtoglave in smrtonosne pregone po brazilskih ulicah.

Ko Lex Luthor ujame Ligo pravičnosti, Supermanov pes, Krypto, sestavi ekipo hišnih ljubljenčkov iz zavetišča, ki dobijo super moči. Pes po imenu Ace, postane super močan, prašiš po imenu PB, lahko zraste do velikanskih razsežnosti, želva po imenu Merton, postane super hitra in veverica po imenu Chip, pridobi električne moči.

Ko skupina prijateljev odkrije, kako pričarati duhove z uporabo balzamirane roke, postanejo zasvojeni z novim vznemirjenjem, dokler eden od njih ne gre predaleč in sprosti grozljive nadnaravne sile.

Looping, chugging and barreling by, the trains in Benning's latest monumental film map a stunning topography and a history of American development. RR comes three decades after Benning and Bette Gordon made The United States of America (1975), a cinematic journey along the country’s interstates that is keenly aware “of superhighways and railroad tracks as American public symbols.” A political essay responding to the economic histories of trains as instruments in a culture of hyper-consumption, RR articulates its concern most explicitly when Eisenhower's military-industrial complex speech is heard as a mile long coal train passes through eastern Wyoming. Benning spent two and a half years collecting two hundred and sixteen shots of trains, forty-three of which appear in RR. The locomotives' varying colors, speeds, vectors, and reverberations are charged with visual thrills, romance and a nostalgia heightened by Benning's declaration that this will be his last work in 16mm film.

Groot investigates a spooky noise that’s been haunting the Quadrant, which leads to an intense dance off.

When they were young, Min-joo and Seo-yeon cared for each other and were closer than brothers and sisters. However, she accidentally learns about Seo-yeon's tutor, Woo-hyeon, and because of this man, their 10-year friendship starts to become shaky. Meanwhile, Jeong-soo is hurt in seeing Min-joo like that, and so he distanced himself from Min-joo. Because of Min-joo and Seo-yeon's misunderstanding, Jeong-soo who couldn't care much might just leave so Min-joo tries to break up with the help of Seo-yeon. While in the process of breaking up, Min-joo and Seo-yeon went back to their close relationship. The love of women who have been separated because of man, and the two men's friendship is comically drawn.

Osamljena učenjakinja Dr Alithea Binnie med potovanjem v Istanbul odkrije zelo staro steklenico in v njej starodavnega duha po imenu Djinn. Ta ji v zameno za izpustitev iz steklenice ponudi tri želje, kar zanjo pomeni dve težavi. Prvič dvomi, da je resničen in drugič, ker je poznavalka zgodb in mitologije, pozna vse svarilne zgodbe o izpolnjenih željah. Djinn se zagovarja tako, da ji pripoveduje fantastične zgodbe o svoji preteklosti. Na koncu jo prepriča in ona si zaželi tako željo, ki oba preseneti.

Film producer Na-eun and director Yeong-tae are on the verge of shelving out cash for an adult film production. They're too busy blaming each other for the messed-up filming. Before another filming begins, Na-eun suggests Yeong-tae to become an actor himself and practice filming. Na-eun leads the shy Yeong-tae very skillfully. How far will the practice go...?

A band of medieval mercenaries take revenge on a noble lord who decides not to pay them by kidnapping the betrothed of the noble's son. As the plague and warfare cut a swathe of destruction throughout the land, the mercenaries hole up in a castle and await their fate.

When mysterious Russian gunslinger Ivan Turchin rides into a small Texas town, he runs afoul of a bloodthirsty outlaw gang known as The Hellhounds. Outmanned and outgunned, the town must put their trust in Turchin to protect them from annihilation at the hands of the bandits. The gunslinger finds allies in the form of Marshal Austin Carter and Sheriff Vernon Kelly, and together the three must make a desperate stand against impossible and violent odds.

Nekdanja legenda Antigang enote Niels Cartier, znan po svojih mišičastih in nekonvencionalnih metodah, je zapustil enoto po intervenciji v kateri je šlo vse narobe in privedlo do smrti njegove žene. Ko se osem let kasneje ponovno pojavi tolpa bančnih roparjev, odgovornih za njeno smrt, Niels ne dovoli, da bi mu kdorkoli preprečil maščevanje. Četudi to pomeni, da se bo s svojo temperamentno 14-letno hčerko združil v eksploziven duo.

In 35,000 BC, the tribe of the Dirty Hairs is at war against the tribe of the Clean Hairs for eight hundred years, trying to get their shampoo. The chief of the Dirty Hairs sends his daughter Guy disguised to the enemy tribe to get some shampoo for his tribe. When the healer of the Clean Hairs tribe surprisingly kills two cavemen of his tribe, their imbecile chief assigns Pierre with curled hair and Pierre blonde to investigate the murder and find the criminal.

In an accident the young mechanic Marco Coccia meets Cristiana. The two fall in love with one another. Cristiana confesses only later that she is a genuine princess. For Marco it is not a problem, but for Cristiana's parents it is a very big problem. The two must separate. When one evening Cristiana calls Marco and lets him know about her forthcoming wedding, Marco with the car races toward Paris and has an accident...

Claude in Marie Verneuil bosta kmalu praznovala 40. obletnico poroke. Ob tej priložnosti se njihove štiri hčerke - Isabelle, Odile, Ségolène in Laure - odločijo organizirati veliko zabavo presenečenja v družinskem domu v Chinonu. Prav tako se odločijo, da bodo povabile vsakega od staršev svojih mož - Rachida Benassema, Davida Benichouja, Chao Linga in Charlesa Koffija.

Ko Angela, hčerka očeta samohranilca Victorja Fieldinga in njena prijateljica Katherine pokažeta znake demonske obsedenosti, to sproži verigo dogodkov, ki ga soočijo z naravo zla. Prestrašen in obupan poišče Chris MacNeil, edino živo osebo, ki je že bila priča čemu podobnemu saj se je podobno zgodilo njeni hčerki pred petdesetimi leti.