An epic story of adventure, starring some of the most magnificent and courageous creatures alive, awaits you in EARTH. Disneynature brings you a remarkable story of three animal families on a journey across our planet – polar bears, elephants and humpback whales.

A wandering warrior finds an unlikely friend in the form of a young dragon. The two develop a close bond, until one day the dragon is snatched away. She then sets out on a relentless quest to reclaim her friend, finding in the end that her quest exacts a far greater price than she had ever imagined.

When brash Texas border officer Mike Norton wrongfully kills and buries the friend and ranch hand of Pete Perkins, the latter is reminded of a promise he made to bury his friend, Melquiades Estrada, in his Mexican home town. He kidnaps Norton and exhumes Estrada's corpse, and the odd caravan sets out on horseback for Mexico.

Na prestižnoj izložbi pasa Mayflower filmska ekipa dokumentira uzbuđenje i napetosti ekscentričnih sudionika u ovoj urnebesnoj satiri. Zajedljiv film razotkriva zadivljujuće raznolike vlasnike pasa koji putuju sa svih krajeva Amerike kako bi pokazali svoje četveronožne natjecatelje. Krotki trgovac Gerry Fleck i njegova živahna supruga Cookie pripremaju svog norvičkog terijera, dok se vlasnik trgovine Harlan Pepper nada da će njegov krvosljednik zaraditi prvu nagradu. Dva odvjetnika nervozno pripremaju svog neurotičnog vajmarskog ptičara, a ekstatičan gay par tetoši svog majušnog ši cua dok nesposobni komentator Buck Laughlin pokušava iznijeti zanimljive podatke o svakoj pasmini. Sada kad je prvenstvo na kocki, vlasnici i pseći natjecatelji šepire se pred sucima u nadi da će ponijeti kući trofej najboljeg psa na izložbi.

A 1946 war movie which tells the courageous efforts by French railway workers to sabotage Nazi reinforcement-troop trains.

In the 1970s, five men struggling with being gay in their Evangelical church started a bible study to help each other leave the "homosexual lifestyle." They quickly received over 25,000 letters from people asking for help and formalized as Exodus International, the largest and most controversial conversion therapy organization in the world. But leaders struggled with a secret: their own “same-sex attractions” never went away. After years as Christian superstars in the religious right, many of these men and women have come out as LGBTQ, disavowing the very movement they helped start. Focusing on the dramatic journeys of former conversion therapy leaders, current members, and a survivor, PRAY AWAY chronicles the “ex gay" movement’s rise to power, persistent influence, and the profound harm it causes.

In a soon to be demolished block of apartments, the residents resist the criminal methods used to force them to leave so a greedy tycoon can build his new skyscraper. When tiny mechanical aliens land for a recharge, they decide to stay and help out.

The film is based on a real story that happened in 1943 in the Sobibor concentration camp in German-occupied Poland. The main character of the movie is the Soviet-Jewish soldier Alexander Pechersky, who at that time was serving in the Red Army as a lieutenant. In October 1943, he was captured by the Nazis and deported to the Sobibor concentration camp, where Jews were being exterminated in gas chambers. But, in just 3 weeks, Alexander was able to plan an international uprising of prisoners from Poland and Western Europe. This uprising resulted in being the only successful one throughout the war, which led to the largest escape of prisoners from a Nazi concentration camp.

A determined young woman and a damaged occultist risk their lives and souls to perform a dangerous ritual that will grant them what they want.

When Champion City's hero Captain Amazing is kidnapped by the recently paroled supervillain Casanova Frankenstein, a trio of average, everyday superheroes -- Mr. Furious, the Shoveler and the Blue Raja -- assemble a new super team to save him.

Planet Zemlja, 22. stoljeće. Opustošena priroda većinu preostalih stanovnika primorala je na život u nekoliko preostalih megagradova u kojima ulične bande provode ekstremno nasilje. Odgovor na takvo stanje je stvaranje nove vrste čuvara reda i zakona, nazvanih suci, koji istodobno imaju policijske, porotničko-sudske i izvršiteljske ovlasti, što znači da i love prijestupnike, i izriču im kaznu, i sami je izvršavaju. Najistaknutiji među njima je beskompromisni sudac Dredd koji djeluje u Mega Cityju 1, a partnerica mu je atraktivna i predana sutkinja Hershey. Međutim, jedan među sucima upravljačima, sudac Griffin, kuje urotu te pomaže opakom Ricu, bivšem sucu i Dreddovom odmetnutom bratu, pobjeći iz zatvora. Rico počini zločin za koji okrive Dredda.

Matthew, a college freshman, meets his dream girl in a dorm elevator during a blackout. He never sees her face, but instantly falls in love. In the morning, the power is restored, but the "dream girl" has vanished. All Matthew knows is that she lives in an all-girls dorm. He sets out on a semester-long journey to find his mystery girl among a hundred female suspects. Could it be Wendy? Dora? Arlene? Patty? Cynthia? Or the 95 other girls, any of whom could have been in that elevator with Matthew.

Zapovjednica misije Kate Bowman pilot je i zapovjednica najvažnije misije 21. stoljeća: spašavanje ljudskog roda. 2050. je godina, Zemlja umire, a kolonizacija Marsa jedina je alternativa uništavanju. Bowman i njezina posada napravili su ovo putovanje kako bi istražili što je uzrokovalo neuspjeh projekta Mars Terra-Forming i da ga poprave. Ali ono što se dogodi kad stignu tamo, daleko je zastrašujuće nego što je itko mogao pretpostaviti: pad zrakoplova ostavlja ih bez znanstvene, komunikacijske i spasilačke opreme i uzrokuje neuspjeh njihovog vojnog istraživanja i mapiranja, postajući njihov neprijatelj i nemilosrdno dijeli skupinu. Prkoseći Houstonovim zapovijedima, Bowman odbija napustiti Gallagher, s kojim dijeli intenzivnu vezu, i ostatak tima, i pokušava ih voditi natrag u visine.

Five friends set out to a cabin in the woods for a fun weekend getaway that is, until extraterrestrial visitors turn it into a fight for their lives. The group is pulled from their reverie when a flickering object crashes deep in the woods. As they investigate, the friends stumble across an alien spacecraft, and its inhabitants have not arrived in peace.

After eight years apart, three childhood friends - Lucy, Kit, and Mimi - rediscover their friendship on a cross-country trip. With barely a plan, practically no money but plenty of dreams, the girls catch a lift with Mimi's handsome friend Ben in his convertible. Along the way they not only gather experiences that will change their lives, but they also discover how important it is to hold onto their hearts' desires.

In 2176, a Martian police unit is sent to pick up a highly dangerous criminal at a remote mining post. Upon arrival, the cops find the post deserted and something far more dangerous than any criminal — the original inhabitants of Mars, hellbent on getting their planet back.

A soldier returns home from the Iraq war only to be haunted by visions of the dead.

Marvel's hard-boiled hero is brought back to fight the menace of Hydra after exiling himself in the Yukon since the end of the Cold War. The children of the former Hydra head, Baron Von Stucker, have taken charge of the terrorist organization. Under the lead of his vicious daughter, Viper, Hydra has seized a deadly virus and threatens the destruction of America.

Several teenagers in a small-town in Colorado concoct a July 4th prank based on a frightening legend that goes awry when their friend ends up accidentally killed; however, the teens agree to keep their involvement a secret from the authorities, who continue to search for the man who apparently killed their friend. A year later, with the July 4th celebration coming up again, the teenagers realize that they're being stalked by someone who clearly intends on keeping the horrible legend alive by killing them off.

In a post-apocalyptic future mankind is lives in a prehistoric manner. After killing his father for sexually assaulting his girlfriend, the son of a tribal leader runs away with a group of his teenage friends. They are taken in by Neil and Judith who introduce them to the vices outlawed by their tribes namely sex and drugs.Neil and Judith, however, are genetically altered indestructible mutants who have their own plans for the future of the human race.