Nech zábava a hry začnú! Scooby-Doo! a jeho partia Záhady s.r.o. sa zúčastňuje Svetových atletických hier. O strach nebude núdza - zábava ide bokom, keď ožije 1000 rokov stará socha a Scooby, Shaggy, Fred, Daphne a Velma ju musia zneškodniť skôr, než pokazí celé preteky.

How many Yamil remembers himself, war has always been. He is very much waiting for it to end - after all, then the father will return, whom the boy knows only from photographs and letters. One day, Mom leaves for a distant city and brings the silent girl Oksana with her. Mum transmits the order of his father to take care of Oksana, as if he was a little sister ... A film adaptation of the story “The Joy of Our Home” by the classic of Soviet literature Mustay Karim.

Kathiresan aka Kaththi, a criminal, escapes from the Kolkata prison and comes to Chennai, where he comes across his doppelganger Jeevanandham, fighting for his life after being shot at by unknown men. Kathir decides to pass off as Jeeva and make away with a lump sum amount but once he realizes who Jeeva really is, Kathir turns a crusader.

Hlavným hrdinom príbehu je Ludovic Cruchot, svedomitý policajt, ktorý má problémy predovšetkým so svojou dospievajúcou dcérou Nicole. Za vzorné plnenie povinností je preložený zo zapadnutej alpskej dediny do turistického letoviska na azúrovom pobreží Stredozemného mora. Jeho príchod spôsobí v mestečku poriadny rozruch, keď nová posila zboru stihne len cestou z autobusovej zastávky napariť šokovaným obyvateľom a turistom deväť pokút. Rovnaký rozruch vzbudí v mestečku jeho pohľadná sedemnásťročná dcéra Nicole, ktorá sa chce dostať medzi miestnu partiu mladých ľudí, a preto sa pred nimi vydáva za dcéru amerického milionára Fergusona, ktorého jachta práve zakotvila v prístave.

A view of the inhabitants of a derelict road in Manchester, unsatisfied with their lives and routines. A young man locks himself away from the world. An older woman flirts with a soldier on leave. Two men invite two girls into an empty house.

When an artifact known as the "King's Seal" is stolen during transport from Soul Society, Hitsugaya Toushirou is assigned to retrieve it. Toushirou goes missing after a battle with the thieves, leading Seireitei to suspect him of treachery. They order his immediate capture and execution. Unwilling to believe him capable of such a crime, Ichigo, Rangiku, Rukia, and Renji set out to find Toushirou.

‘Moscou’ is a densely populated working class neighbourhood on the outskirts of Ghent, Belgium. Matty, mother of three, bumps her car into a truck on the parking lot of a supermarket. Johnny climbs down from the cabin. He is infuriated by the dent in his front bumper and yells at Matty. Although impressed by the accident, Matty fights back with sharp words. Their discussion turns into a row, and the police have to intervene. Matty goes home, the trunk of her car dancing up and down. Back in her apartment, Matty takes a hot bath to recover from the afternoon’s emotionswhen the phone rings. It’s Johnny, apologizing for his behaviour on the parking lot. Matty tells him to stay out of her life. A dramatic comedy begins about a woman whose soul is full of dents and bruises.

Holden and Banky are comic book artists. Everything is going good for them until they meet Alyssa, also a comic book artist. Holden falls for her, but his hopes are crushed when he finds out she's a lesbian.

Two rival reporters team up to help prove the innocence of a man set to be hanged for the murder of a politician.

Alice owns a network of sex shops and workaholic who, in trying to reconcile the harsh routine of work and family life, suffers nervous breakdown, she is forced by her husband to go to spa. Precisely at this time, appears unique opportunity to expand its business in New York. Using fun gimmicks, risks his health, leaves spa party there with family to ride, but actually in order to facilitate their professional interests. In trying to reconcile the agendas, engage in hilarious situations and mistakes that culminate in the possible separation of the couple.

A 1988 documentary film directed by Alexander Sokurov, about the later life and death of Soviet Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky. The film was originally intended to mark the 50th birthday of Tarkovsky in 1982, which would have been before his death. Controversy with Soviet authorities about the film's style and content led to significant delays in the production.

While fighting for the political supremacy of their respective families, a Hindu man and a Muslim woman share a forbidden romance.

V našej obľúbenej dedinke Gálii sa stala veľká udalosť: Justforkix, náčelníkov synovec sa práve vrátil z Paríža a Asterix s Oblelixom dostali ťažkú úlohu, urobiť z neho pravého muža. Všetko sa skomplikuje vo chvíli, keď do Gálie dorazia Vikingovia, ktorí hľadajú niekoho, kto ich naučí lietať. Je ním práve Justforkix, ktorý je však už na ceste do Gálie. Počas cesty sa stretáva s krásnou a odvážnou Abbou, do ktorej sa zamiluje až po uši. Toto sa nemôže skončiť dobre.

Willy the whale is back, this time threatened by illegal whalers making money off sushi. Jesse, now 16, has taken a job on an orca-researching ship, along with old friend Randolph and a sarcastic scientist, Drew. On the whaler's ship is captain John Wesley and his son, Max, who isn't really pleased about his father's job, but doesn't have the gut to say so. Along the way, Willy reunites with Jesse

A new team of paranormal researchers has come to the hotel to investigate its murder-soaked past; the puppets -- led by a new member, Torch -- shed some light on the matter, as they tunnel, burn, strangle and hook to survive.

Mesto Seattle je ohromené sériou vrážd, ale páchateľ je stále na úteku. Detektív Jake Riley sa pokúša prípad vyriešiť, ale je frustrovaný zo svojho neúspechu a chce odísť od polície. Jedného dňa nečakane odhalí šokujúce tajomstvo - vrahom je muž menom Garrotte, s ktorým mal v minulosti konflikt a ktorý sa mu chce pomstiť zabitím jeho matky. Jake požiada o pomoc tajnú vládnu organizáciu, ktorá použije vzorky DNA vraha na naklonovanie Garrottovho geneticky dokonalého dvojníka - replikanta. Jake sa chce dostať do mysle vraha a hoci je replikant mentálne stále na úrovni dieťaťa, fyzicky je plne vyvinutý a nebezpečný, pretože vďaka vrahovej DNA môže zlo kedykoľvek vybuchnúť. V pretekoch s časom a vyvíjajúcim sa replikantom musí Jake zneškodniť vraha skôr, ako bude neskoro, inak môže čeliť dvojitej hrozbe!

In 1945, at the end of World War II, Neus Català returns to France, where she recalls her life under the Nazi yoke.

Newtonovci s deťmi Sarou a Brennanom sa chystajú na dovolenku. Richardov brat George im však nečakane zverí bernardína Beethovena, ktorý okamžite začne vyvádzať množstvo všelijakých kúskov. Jediná Sára si veľkého dobráka okamžite obľúbi a len ona si všimne, že ich od začiatku cesty na dovolenku sledujú dvaja muži v starom aute. Nikto z nich totiž netuší, že na DVD, ktoré si Newtonovci vypožičali na cestu, nie je film, ale ukradnutý supertajný počítačový kód, ktorý chcú získať späť.

Pod vedením Júlia Cézara napadli preslávané rímske légie Britániu. Jednej malej dedinke sa však stále darí statočne odolávať, ale každým dňom je slabšia a slabšia. Britská kráľovná preto vyšle svojho verného dôstojníka Anticlimaxa, aby vyhľadal pomoc u Gálov v malej dedinke vo Francúzsku, ktorá je známa svojim dômyselným bojom proti Rimanom. Keď Anticlimax popíše zúfalú situáciu svojich ľudí, Gálovia mu darujú barel svojho kúzelného lekváru a Asterix a Obelix sú poverení doprevadiť ho domov. Nahnevaný Cézar sa však rozhodne naverbovať Normandov – strach naháňajúcich bojovníkov zo Severu, aby navždy skoncovali s Britmi. Lenže Normandovia túžia len po jedinom – zažiť strach.

What is supposed to be a marriage boot camp on a remote island turns into the ultimate test for survival when a 6-headed shark starts attacking the beach. Trapped with minimal weapons they try to fight off the shark, but quickly discover that no one is safe in the water or on land.