1897 metai, „gražiosios epochos“ Paryžius. Talentingajam Edmonui Rostanui dar nėra trisdešimties metų, bet jis jau turi du vaikus ir daug rūpesčių. Deja, viskas, ką iki šiol parašė, buvo nesėkmė. Jį paralyžiuoja tuščio lapo vaizdas, o įkvėpimas išseko. Jo gerbėjos, garsios aktorės Saros Bernar, pastangomis į Edmoną kreipiasi garsiausias to meto aktorius Konstanas Koklenas. Iš nevilties Edmonas pasiūlo naują pjesę – herojinę komediją. Sužavėtas aktorius nori, kad jos premjera įvyktų per tris savaites! Vienintelė problema: Edmonas dar neparašė pjesės ir neįsivaizduoja, kokią istoriją pasakos. Jis žino tik pavadinimą – „Sirano de Beržerakas“. Nekreipdamas dėmesio į aktorių užgaidas, prodiuserių reikalavimus, žmonos pavydą, pasakas apie geriausio draugo širdies paslaptis ir visų aplinkinių entuziazmo stoką, Edmonas pradeda rašyti kūrinį, kuriuo niekas netiki.

Piktadarės istorijos tęsinys pasakoja apie sudėtingus ryšius tarp raguotosios fėjos ir princesės, netrukus tapsiančios karaliene. Jos mėgina sudaryti naujus aljansus, ir kovoti su naujais priešais, siekdamos apsaugoti karalystėje dabar jau taikiai gyvenančias stebuklingas būtybes. Tačiau koją pakiša... meilė ir vestuvės! Saulėtas dienas išgyvenančios karalystės ateitis tampa visiškai nenuspėjama, nes herojės pradeda abejoti net jas siejančiais itin sudėtingais šeimos santykiais.

Just before the holidays Jessica Lew is ending her tenure as the assistant to her wealthy boss to use her recently earned law degree within his company, but offers to help his charming, younger brother as he looks after his orphaned nieces and nephew over Christmas.

Molly is determined to prove to her family that her new networking app—designed to pair busy professionals together for upcoming events, without long-term romance—is a success. When Molly joins Mingle All the Way and is matched with Jeff, they are both horrified to realize they’ve already had not one, but two disastrous previous encounters.

The pop band Slavabody Disco Disco Boys, a fever among girls from all over Brazil, announces that it will play in Rio de Janeiro. Gabi, Manu and Ritinha will do everything they can to watch the show far from the city where they live.

Sydney Ragsdale, recently divorced, decides to spend Christmas in a house she inherited with her young daughter. As Sydney begins to spend more time at the local bookstore, she meets a teacher, Mac, who also fills in for the town Santa. Mac tries to make Christmas wishes come true, and this year Sydney is at the top of his ‘nice’ list. As a new opportunity with the bookstore unfolds, Mac helps Sydney open herself up to life, love, and believing in the spirit of Christmas again.

Sara išsirenka vyrą ir su juo gyvena lygiai vieną mėnesį, mokydama nepažįstamuosius modernaus, laisvo ir saldaus gyvenimo būdo...Jokių įsipareigojimų, jokių pykčių, tiesiog kūnui ir sielai malonūs žaidimai...Tiesa, jei stipriosios atstovas per šį neįprastai trumpą laiką nepateisina Saros Deever lūkesčių, jam tiesiog pasakomas švelnus “sudie”... Tačiau viskam ateina galas. Vieną liūdną lapkritį jos namuose apsigyvena eilinė auka, išvaizdus vyras Nelsonas Mossas. Ir – o stebukle! – gražuolė įsimyli Keanu Reeves herojų. Kas galėtų ją kaltinti...

A hapless inventor finally finds success with a flying car, which a dictator from a foreign government sets out to take for himself.

A talented photographer stuck in a dead-end job inherits an antique Advent calendar that may be predicting the future -- and pointing her toward love.

Captain Grace Garland, a decorated U.S. veteran, returns home after two tours of Search and Rescue in Afghanistan. After being separated from her beloved K9 partner, Grace must rediscover the magic of Christmas. When she finds herself stranded in the town of River’s Crossing a couple weeks before Christmas, the local judge, Joe Peterson, offers her a place to stay on his property and takes it upon himself to show Grace everything she has been missing; Christmas, family, community, and love.

It’s just weeks before Christmas when Ellie gets a call to return home to help her father on the family’s poinsettia farm. The family business is on the line to deliver tens of thousands of plants for the town’s annual parade. The problem is — the poinsettias have yet to turn red! As Ellie searches for the solution, she is reminded of where her heart truly lies as she falls in love with both her roots and a local botanist.

A Californian family inherits a castle in Romania. This is especially exciting to the son, who is obsessed with monsters. And he is not disappointed.

Corey Calvin lives in a ski village where she works at her late father's local antique shop, having sidelined her her big city dreams of becoming a theater director. When Los Angeles hunk Ryder Donnelly comes into her shop, sparks fly and she starts to wonder what could be.

Recently divorced, Laurel struggles to get into the holiday spirit while heading up her hometown Christmas parade. With the help of a Christmas sleigh and a handsome woodworker, Laurel is destined to turn her luck around, rekindle her holiday spirit and even find time for love.

When architect and Christmas amateur Steven finds himself hosting his family for Christmas, he recruits holiday coordinator Gretchen to bring holiday joy to his home. Gretchen’s expert Christmas spirit brings Steven’s family together, but neither expected it to bring them closer to each other. After a great opportunity presents itself to Gretchen, she and Steven must decide what’s really important in life.

Haley Foster built a big city life in Los Angeles as a top wedding planner at an elite and powerful company run by Ms. Reynolds. When her sister, Angela, insists on getting married Christmas Day on the tree farm in their old hometown of Truxton, Haley is resigned to make her sister’s dreams come true and her parents happy.

An out-of-work New York City actress returns home to the quaint small town she escaped 10 years before and finds a place far different than the hamlet she left. She suddenly finds performing possibilities and even romance that kind of blow her away.

A group of students from the San Crispino school for boys take a holiday in the United States, traveling from New York to Los Angeles. Young Father Don Buro has great difficulty controlling the youngsters, especially trouble making ex-student Peo, and finds himself distracted by the attractive single mother of one of the boys.

Pediatric specialist Tasha Mason is focused on one thing; keeping the kids in her ward as healthy and happy as possible. So when her high-school crush, who just happens to be handsome Prince Alexander Cavalieri, breaks his leg on a nearby ski-slope, Tasha is forced to allow him to secretly get well on her floor and she’s furious that a spoiled Royal is interrupting the precious healing time her kids so badly need. Soon, however, Tasha learns that some tough love and a lot of Christmas spirit, could turn this royal pain into a knight in shining armor.

Devyniolikmetė mergina Kesė Beldon (Odette Yustman) niekuo neišsiskiria iš savo bendraamžių. Mokosi, pramogauja, juokiasi, plepa apie vaikinus ir guodžiasi draugėms. Niekuo neypatingas gyvenimas baigiasi, kuomet ją ima atakuoti dibukas – taip žydų mitologijoje vadinama nerandanti ramybės, klajojanti dvasia. Kesės vaikinas Markas ir geriausia draugė Romi kaip įmanydami stengiasi padėti bičiulei. Tačiau jauno vaikino, kažkada žiauriai nužudyto Aušvico koncentracijos stovykloje, siela merginai kelia vis didesnį siaubą ir – pamažu – realias fizines kančias. Nebelikus kitos išeities, tenka kreiptis pagalbos į jau anksčiau su panašiomis istorijomis susidūrusį paranormalių reiškinių specialistą (Gary Oldman). Tačiau ar jis sugebės išgelbėti Kesę?..