Colombian director Víctor Gaviria melds stark realism with nail-biting thrills in this story about a teenage girl who is kidnapped and forced into marriage with a ferocious shantytown thug.

Sarah Codyová sa teší na svoje osemnáste narodeniny. Práve spoznala svoju prvú lásku, Christophera. Za ním aj napriek nesúhlasu svojho otca tajne utečie na večierok. Netuší, že pre jej otca Dona to je posledným stimulom, aby začal uskutočňovať svoj zvrhlý plán. Don je rozhodnutý svoju spurnú dcéru zavrieť v tajnej miestnosti v pivnici. Jedného dňa ju skutočne pod zámienkou, že potrebuje pomôcť s ťažkou debnou, naláka do pivnice, kde ju uzamkne v bývalom protilietadlovom kryte (dom ho má). Sarah je v šoku. Snaží sa volať o pomoc, nikto ju ale nepočuje. Po niekoľkých dňoch ju Don dokonca v pivnici znásilní a zbije. Na polícii nahlási stratu dcéry, tvári sa, že nezdarné dievča utieklo s nejakým mužom. Zo dní Sárinho nedobrovoľného väzenia sa stanú roky. Pri svojom pobyte Sára svojmu zvrhlému otcovi porodí niekoľko detí, o ktoré sa v núdznych podmienkach vzorne stará. Naučia ich dokonca čítať a písať. Celú dobu však tiež myslí na svojho bývalého priateľa Christophera.

A young woman fights to keep her rapist from gaining custody of her daughter.

Heated tempers, frustrated desires and dashed hopes plague a diverse group of individuals whose lives cross paths in Mexico City. There is the bar-owner's son, Chava, who yearns to emigrate to America. A poor barber, Abel, is madly in love with the gorgeous Alma, who eventually becomes a high-class prostitute. Finally, there is Susanita, the desperate spinster who pursues many love affairs in hopes of finding a husband.

Shuhei is leading a tough life. His alcoholic mother Akiko can only hook up with bad guys and order Shuhei to go get money from his disapproving grandparents instead of going to school. Except raising the little half-sister, his rock-bottom life seems to have no end.

Two orderlies pretend to be surgeons to impress two young doctors and conquer, through several scenarios. Finally, they are discovered when they had to operate on a mafia boss to remove a bullet.

Documentary that covers Federica Pellegrini's career and her preparation in the last 300 days before the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Divorced mother Yoo Rim (Yoo Seon) lives with her teenage daughter Eun Ah (Nam Bo-Ra), who is having a tough time at her new school. She has a crush on classmate Jo Han (U-Kiss's Shin Dong Ho), but he turns out to be different than what she expected. He and his friends rape her and then threaten her with a videotape of the assault. Eun Ah eventually takes her own life, leaving Yoo Rim alone and devastated. As minors, Jo Han and his friends are let off with light punishments. Yoo Rim takes matters into her own hand to get revenge for her daughter.

Dempsey Cain is an honored cop, a loving husband and father, and mentor to his handsome younger brother. Then a drug dealer's bullet paralyzes him for life and Dempsey's world is shattered. Suddenly, his wife and brother seem to care less about him than for each other, and a million-dollar insurance.

When unsuccessful actress Clarissa returns to her hometown for a wedding and tries to impress her old friends by claiming she's dating big time celebrity Chas Hunter, she suddenly finds herself in a comically false engagement when her lies go public and Chas decides to join the festivities in a stunt to escape bad press.

Natsume Mochizuki works as a teen model in Tokyo, but she learns that she has to move to her father's hometown of Ukigumo. She is in a desperate situation because she can't do the things she wants to do in Ukigumo. One day, she meets Koichiro Hasegawa. He is the successor of the Hasegawa family. His family is wealthy and is respected in the area. Natsume Mochizuki and Koichiro Hasegawa become attracted to each other, but something changes their fate.

Po zemetrasení a tsunami je ohrozená jadrová elektráreň vo Fukušime aj mesto Tokio. V jednej z výškových budov sú uväznení zamestnanci francúzskej finančnej inštitúcie. V cudzom prostredí sú plní neistoty a obáv. Jedna z vedúcich zamestnankýň Alexandra len nedávno pricestovala z predchádzajúceho pôsobiska v Hongkongu, kde ešte stále sú jej deti a manžel. Rozorvaná medzi túžbou okamžite sa k nim vrátiť a zodpovednosťou voči firme i podriadeným bude nútená urobiť zásadné životné rozhodnutia.

A woman scatters her mother’s ashes into a lake, but finds it’s not so easy to throw away her past.

Christy returns to her hometown years after a car accident that disfigured her older sister. Haunted by the accident in which she was the driver, she learns that her worst nightmares have either come true ... or are about to.

Julie sníva o tom, že pôjde študovať na vysokú školu a nezostane navždy len čašníčkou v malom meste. Keď na miestnu policajnú stanicu príde nová posila, David, Julie je očarená jeho šarmom. Vníma ho však len ako príjemné skrátenie času, kým neodíde študovať. David ale berie ich vzťah oveľa vážnejšie. Po tom, ako sa jeho správanie začne meniť, požiada Julie o pomoc políciu, ale bezúspešne. Z milujúceho priateľa sa David mení na nebezpečného stalkera a Julie sa ocitá uprostred smrteľnej hry na mačku a myš.

When students in the town of Cherry Falls hear that a serial killer is targeting virgins, they realize that the only way to protect themselves is to begin planning a "Pop Your Cherry" party.

Wrongfully executed 100 years earlier, brothers Thomas and Meeks Griffin rise from the grave to exact vengeance on the descendants of those responsible.

A poor young woman prepares to enter music college, but has no piano to practice. Her boyfriend decides to help her crashing into houses that have one so she can plays.

Two brothers have half of a powerful ancient Chinese talisman. An evil gang leader has the other half, and determines to get the brothers' half and have a complete medallion so he can gain absolute power.