Simon Gouache explores his strengths, but above all his weaknesses, through his first one-man show. Focusing on the originality of ideas, the finesse of the writing and a unique ease on stage, the comedian uses his own experiences to make you revisit certain facets of your personality.

It is a story of three veterans released from the army. During one night spent camping in the country they one by one wake up and meet three elvish brothers. Each of the veterans is given a magic item - one gets magic harp that provides him with servants by wish, other one endless pouch of gold and the last one owns magic hat that can create all the staff excluding money and people.

A tale of love and violence when a man on his emotional last legs finds a savior seductively dancing in a run-down strip club. And a life most certainly headed off a cliff suddenly becomes redirected - as everything is now worth dying for.

Péter, polițist într-un oraș mare, cercetează o grupare din Brașov care se ocupă cu traficul de persoane. El și-a dedicat viața găsirii femeilor dispărute. Își vede sora, pe Juli, în fiecare fată pe care o salvează. Juli a dispărut cu 22 de ani în urmă din orașul lor natal, Valan, în haosul provocat de revoluția română din 1989. Péter este obligat să se întoarcă în orășelul transilvănean după ce este informat că trupul surorii sale ar fi fost găsit printre copacii de pe munții înzăpeziți. Investigația care urmează îl forțează să se confrunte cu rata mare a crimelor din localitate, dar îl și determină să se întoarcă în labirintul trecutului unde trebuie să-și înfrângă demonii.

The two sisters of Lingshe Mountain - White Snake and Green Snake - devoted themselves to cultivating of immortality. The White Snake was in danger during the tribulation. Fortunately, Xu Xian, who went to the mountain to search for medicine, rescued her. In a dream White Snake learns the words of the poem "Enter the world, know the warmth and the cold" and enters the city in search of a cause. The Great Demon King of the Yin Division coveted the White Snake's pearl for nearly a thousand years. Knowing that the White Snake is alive, he sent his subordinate judges to seal the city for her search. White Snake meets Xu Xian and cures his classmate Gao Jin's critically ill father. When he finds out that the White Snake is a demon, he tells the Underworld that he will take revenge.

Sayaka works at a office. She's not very good at her job or with love. One night, she finds a man, Itsuki, collapsed in front of her home. She takes him inside and they begin to live together. Itsuki teaches Sayaka about cooking wild herbs and collecting wild herbs, but he has a secret.

June and Jennifer Gibbons are twins from the only Black family in a small town in Wales in the 1970s and '80s. Feeling isolated from the community, the pair turn inward and reject communication with everyone but each other, retreating into their own fantasy world of inspiration and adolescent desires. After a spree of vandalism, the girls are sentenced to Broadmoor, an infamous psychiatric hospital, where they face the choice to separate and survive or die together.

The lovely Ryoko is attending a Japanese University on an exchange program. She’s pretty, vulnerable, shy and full of mysterious secrets. Meeting up with her long-time friend Rumiko, Ryoko shuns her aggressive lesbian advances by saying she’s still a virgin. Rumiko is surprised at this revelation and, over the next few days, she takes Ryoko on a series of misadventures to help her with her sexual awakening...

Three young men with disabilities embark on a road trip to a brothel in Montreal catering to people with special needs to lose their virginity and embrace their independence. Inspired by a true story and remake of the Belgian film Hasta La Vista

After a teacher dies, his best friend — a former cop — takes a job at the school where he worked to confront the gang he thinks was responsible.

Wayne Dobie is a shy cop whose low-key demeanor has earned him the affectionate nickname "Mad Dog." After Mad Dog saves the life of Frank Milo, a crime boss and aspiring stand-up comedian, he's offered the company of an attractive young waitress named Glory for a week. At first both are uneasy about the arrangement, but they eventually fall in love. However, the situation becomes complicated when Milo demands Glory back.

Idealistic young attorney Adam Hall takes on the death row clemency case of his racist grandfather, Sam Cayhall, a former Ku Klux Klan member he has never met.

Will Plunkett și căpitanul James Macleane, doi bărbați din diferite părți ale spectrului social din Anglia secolului al XVIII-lea, au încheiat o înțelegere: ei decid să-i scape pe aristocrați de bunurile lor. Cu cunoștințele criminale ale lui Plunkett și conexiunile sociale ale lui Macleane, ei fac echipă pentru a fi cunoscuți în curând drept „The Gentlemen Highwaymen”. Când Plunkett și Macleane opresc trăsura Lordului Înalt Cancelar Gibson (Michael Gambon) Macleane se îndrăgostește de frumoasa și rebela lui nepoată Lady Rebeca Gibson (Liv Tyler). Manierele sale încântătoare îi atrag lui Macleane denumirea de "Banditul Gentleman". Secundul lui Gibson (Ken Scott) deasemenea încearcă să atragă atenția Rebecăi, însă în zadar, totuși, el este aproape de a-i prinde pe cei doi bandiți, ceea ce ar fi însemnat execuția lor prin spânzurătoare la faimosul Tyburn Tree.

A group of middle schoolers discover a Spirit Halloween store is haunted and must survive the night.

Patru tineri superfani ai fotbalului își unesc forțele pentru a-și ajuta idolii să-și recâștige abilitățile după ce un savant malefic le fură talentul.

Planul lui Hayley de a petrece Crăciunul cu sora ei și noii socri ai acesteia ajunge în impas atunci când bărbatul care i-a cauzat despărțirea de iubit apare neinvitat.

His father a hardcore Southern Baptist, J.C. rebels during his teen years, joining a biker gang and becoming their leader. While day-tripping, he has a prophetic religious vision and leads an LSD-fueled pilgrimage back to his home town, where he challenges the local church leaders, even knocking down chairs and tables in righteous anger, just like ... you know. Is Jesus Christ born again on Earth?

When a new airplane that's equipped with a new computer that can fly the plane on its own, is about to have its first flight. But the son of the owner decides to upload more software, he doesn't bother to check if there are any viruses with it. And he also invites some potential investors to try it. So the plane appears to be working well but suddenly it veers off course and it can't be shut down. When the military learns of this and fears what if something happens if it's over a populated area; decides to shoot it down along with everyone on board. The man who built the computer whose wife is among the passengers thinks if he can get on board he might be able to shut it down and regain control of the plane. So the military using a new plane gets him on board. But what he didn't know is that both pilots are incapacitated so there's no one who can fly the plane.

A married couple suspect that the 'smart apartments' in their high tech residence are being used by its owner for sinister reasons.

Chris Kody, imprisoned member of the US military, is released from prison and reunited with his old team in order to pursue a renegade scientist. The catch, the scientist has developed mind control technology that can make even your friends into heartless killers.