In the continuing saga of the Corleone crime family, a young Vito Corleone grows up in Sicily and in 1910s New York. In the 1950s, Michael Corleone attempts to expand the family business into Las Vegas, Hollywood and Cuba.

As armies mass for a final battle that will decide the fate of the world--and powerful, ancient forces of Light and Dark compete to determine the outcome--one member of the Fellowship of the Ring is revealed as the noble heir to the throne of the Kings of Men. Yet, the sole hope for triumph over evil lies with a brave hobbit, Frodo, who, accompanied by his loyal friend Sam and the hideous, wretched Gollum, ventures deep into the very dark heart of Mordor on his seemingly impossible quest to destroy the Ring of Power.​

Frodo Baggins and the other members of the Fellowship continue on their sacred quest to destroy the One Ring--but on separate paths. Their destinies lie at two towers--Orthanc Tower in Isengard, where the corrupt wizard Saruman awaits, and Sauron's fortress at Barad-dur, deep within the dark lands of Mordor. Frodo and Sam are trekking to Mordor to destroy the One Ring of Power while Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn search for the orc-captured Merry and Pippin. All along, nefarious wizard Saruman awaits the Fellowship members at the Orthanc Tower in Isengard.

Chan Wing Yan, a young police officer, has been sent undercover as a mole in the local mafia. Lau Kin Ming, a young mafia member, infiltrates the police force. Years later, their older counterparts, Chen Wing Yan and Inspector Lau Kin Ming, respectively, race against time to expose the mole within their midst.

Filma sākas tur, kur beidzās "Atpakaļ nākotnē" pirmā daļa. Mārtijs Makflajs nupat kā atgriezies no pagātnes, kad atkal viņa ceļi krustojas ar profesoru Emetu Braunu, un sākas jauns ceļojums laikā. Mārtija jaunais darbs nākotnē ir izlikties par paša dēlu, lai nepieļautu sevis nonākšanu cietumā. Diemžēl situācija mainās un pasliktinās ik minūti, un rīcība nākotnē jau atkal atstāj savas sekas tagadnē.

Bilbo Bagina dzīve ir vienkārša, un to viņš bezrūpīgi pavada kopā ar pārējiem hobitiem. Tas ir - līdz ierodas Gendelfs un pārliecina viņu pievienoties rūķu grupai ceļojumā uz Ereboras karalisti, ko beidzot jāatgūst. Piedzīvojums Bilbo vedīs cauri orku, goblinu un citu briesmu pilnām zemēm. Tāpat viņam piedzīvojumu pilnaja ceļā nāksies sastapties ar Gollumu un citiem tēliem.

Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were arch-enemies, they were closest of friends, working together with other mutants (some familiar, some new), to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known.

When the crew of the Enterprise is called back home, they find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization has detonated the fleet and everything it stands for, leaving our world in a state of crisis. With a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew.

Stāsts par diviem vecāku pāriem, kuri iepazīstas pēc tam, kad viņu dēli skolā sakaujas. Katrs pāris meklē vainu otras ģimenes audzināšanas trūkumos tā vietā, lai saskatītu paši savas problēmas.

Rocky Balboa proudly holds the world heavyweight boxing championship, but a new challenger has stepped forward: Ivan Drago, a six-foot-four, 261-pound fighter who has the backing of the Soviet Union.

Pēc tam, kad Doms, Braiens un viņu komanda Rio sarīkoja grandiozu aplaupīšanu un tika pie 100 miljoniem, viņi izklīda pa visu pasauli kur kurais. Viņi nedrīkst atgriezties mājās un šī bēguļošana un slēpšanās ir padarījusi viņu dzīvi par nepilnīgu.Tikmēr Hobss divpadsmit valstīs izseko sacīkšu braucēju-algotņu bandu, kuras iedvesmas avots un grupas vadoņa „labā roka” ir Doma mīļotā sieviete, kuru visi uzskatīja par mirušu. Letija. Vienīgā iespēja, kā apturēt noziedzīgo grupējumu, ir radīt pārspēku, tādēļ Hobss aicina Domu savākt savu elitāro komandu vienuviet Londonā.

After surviving an assault from a squad of hit men, retired CIA black ops agent Frank Moses reassembles his old team for an all-out war. Frank reunites with old Joe, crazy Marvin and wily Victoria to uncover a massive conspiracy that threatens their lives. Only their expert training will allow them to survive a near-impossible mission -- breaking into CIA headquarters.

Topper Harley is found to be working as an odd-job-man in a monastery. The CIA want him to lead a rescue mission into Iraq, to rescue the last rescue team, who went in to rescue the last rescue team—who went in to rescue hostages left behind after Desert Storm.

Obelix falls for a new arrival in his home village in Gaul, but is heartbroken when her true love arrives to visit her. However, the lovers are kidnapped by Romans; Asterix and Obelix set out to rescue them on a dangerous journey that will involve gladiators, slavers and beauracracy - and a personal encounter with the Emperor himself, Julius Caesar...

Trešā filma, kas turpina stāstu par varoni vārdā Ridiks.Ridiku atstāja mirt uz attālas planētas, uz kuras no pirmā acu uzmetiena nav nekādas dzīvības. Taču drīz atklājas, ka planētu apdzīvo bīstami monstri, ar kuriem Ridikam jāiesaistās nāvējošā cīņā.

Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob, knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life.

In a world ravaged by a virus infection, turning its victims into the Undead, Alice continues on her journey to find survivors and lead them to safety. Her deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, but Alice gets some unexpected help from an old friend. A new lead that promises a safe haven from the Undead takes them to Los Angeles, but when they arrive the city is overrun by thousands of Undead - and Alice and her comrades are about to step into a deadly trap.

Skillfully framed by an unknown enemy for the murder of a priest, wanted vigilante MacManus brothers Murphy and Connor must come out of hiding on a sheep farm in Ireland to fight for justice in Boston.

A renegade Vulcan with a startling secret hijacks the U.S.S. Enterprise in order to find a mythical planet.

When a teenager, Chun-Li witnesses the kidnapping of her father by wealthy crime lord M. Bison. When she grows up, she goes on a quest for vengeance and becomes the famous crime-fighter of the Street Fighter universe.