This DVD includes the following perfomances: If You Had My Love (1999 VH-1 Fashion Awards), If You Had My Love (video) Madison Square Garden Performance with Marc Anthony, No me Ames (video), Let's get Loud (1999 Women's World Cup), Waiting for Tonight (megamix video), If You Had My Love (1999 Blockbuster Music Awards), Baila (video), Feelin' So Good (video), Plus exclusive interviews from family and friends.

维尔(沙鲁克·罕 Shahrukh Khan 饰)是一名印度空军救援飞行员,在工作上勤勤恳恳的维尔在内心里也充满了正义感。一次事故中,维尔救下了一个名叫扎拉(普丽缇·泽塔 Preity Zinta 饰)的女子,扎拉的美丽和柔弱让维尔几乎在瞬间就决定将她看做自己此生独一无二的爱人,扎拉亦然。不幸的是,扎拉是巴基斯坦人,政治和宗教在她和维尔之间铸造了深不见底的鸿沟,世界如此之大,却容不下两人纯洁的爱情,很快,维尔被冠上间谍的罪名锒铛入狱。 22年过去了,精明强干的律师萨米亚(拉妮·玛克赫吉 Rani Mukherjee 饰)在无意间得知了维尔和扎拉之间凄美的爱情,感动之中,她决定为两人牵线搭桥,成全这一段旷世姻缘。

一天毛利小五郎收到一张请帖,里面是谜样男子的委托,需要前往横滨的一个游乐场。小五郎和柯南一行人快乐地到达欢乐的游乐场,还带上了可以出入无阻且代表 VIP 的手表,不料正中那名神秘男子的圈套。所有带上手表的人不得离开游乐场,否则便会发生爆炸。从现在开始到晚上十点,柯南和小五郎如果不能解开谜题,兰和少年侦探团也会随着游乐园粉身碎骨。然而更意想不到的是,那名男子居然直接称呼柯南为工藤新一。

A biology teacher’s crusade to save a nearby island from development leads to unexpected romance with the handsome and mysterious young sea captain who is new to the seaside town of Willow Bay.


The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

俄罗斯“果戈里”系列第三部也是最终章(前2部《果戈里·起点》《果戈里·恶灵》)。果戈里的起死回生让大家重新燃起了希望, 黑暗骑士的真身竟然出现了反转, 是什么样的故事导致了这样可怕的复仇, 到底是什么战胜了魔物? 是爱情还是时间... 最终章为您呈现!

克里希纳(Krishna)的梵文原意是“黑天”,印度教崇拜的大神之一。他是天神毗湿奴(Vishnu)的第八个化身。他从小就以牧童的形象出现,善于助人,喜欢吹笛子,并技艺高超,平时用羽毛来装饰自己的头,而且经常和牧牛女嬉戏跳舞。他象征着爱与神圣的喜悦,全身皮肤均为蓝色,好莱坞科幻大片《阿凡达》中的人物形象就是以“黑天大神”克里希纳的原型塑造的。电影讲述了一个孩子经黑天宿主,在人间除恶助善的故事,该片是一部真人版3D动画儿童片。玖熹·查瓦拉近年来已经鲜有作品问世了,不是给这部片配配音,就是帮那部片串串场。这次玖熹·查瓦拉又选择参演了这么一部儿童片,不过她在片中的戏份还是比较吃重的。《我乃黑小天》的第一制片人Nandan Mohato,是玖熹·查瓦拉与赫里尼克·罗斯汉的私人助理,而第二制片人Pomilla Hunter是卡特莉娜·卡芙的御用发型师。显而易见,这三位大牌都是本着友情关系特别出演此片。

迪士尼第11部经典动画,中篇合辑剧情动画片,本片共包括两个中篇段落︰1. 小蟾蜍﹙Mr. Toad﹚,又名“The Wind in the Willows”  2.瞌睡谷传奇﹙The Legend of Sleepy Hollow﹚ “小蟾蜍”改编自Kenneth Grahame 的原著《The Wind in the Willows》 “瞌睡谷传奇”则改编自 Washington Irving 著作《The Sketch Book》中同名故事录像带直到1999年本片50周年时,美国才首度推出完整本片录像带,之前都只将片中的两段落分开发行,之后于2000年时又在美国发行了『黄金典藏系列』录像带以及DVD。电影原声带则并未发行。迪士尼乐园原本有“小蟾蜍历险记”游乐设施,但佛州迪士尼世界的已移掉了,加州迪士尼乐园的则在众多乐园迷大力拦阻下仍然存在。

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

一个变态杀人心理医生,为摆脱其杀人罪名,便一再催眠他的病患 "波恩",让波恩误以为自己就是那一连串灭门血案的杀人狂,并且还通知警察逮捕他。波恩,是夜行族的一员,本以为在他找到夜行族的栖息国度之后,便可快乐的过属于自己的生活,没想到却一再受到变态杀人医生的阻挠,甚至还以将杀害波恩挚爱的女友来胁迫波恩就范…。在这些 〃自然人类〃(变态杀人医生 &.欲毁灭夜行族的地方警察)与 〃夜行族群〃的打斗过程同时,波恩也发现了自己与生俱来的重要使命….。本片内容极具神秘色彩,将带您进入不一样的想像国度。

Legends claim that Saurus Rock keeps bad luck out of the Great Valley. Is it really true? Could the mysterious Longneck named Doc be the famous Lone Dinosaur, who can defeat a Sharptooth with his lasso-like tail To find out, Littlefoot and company must cross the great Valley and face a dangerous Sharptooth themselves!

Mater tells Lightning McQueen about his former job as a daredevil.

Ultra Music Festival 2015. In the middle of the pouring rain. Dash Berlin wrote history surprising the crowd with one of the most emotional, powerful and energetic sets the festival has ever seen and proved to be right at home at the big main stage.


Two silent movie actors escape from their film. Forced to find a way to survive in the real world, they will only cause troubles to the people they will meet along the way.

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).

Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?
