A young woman experiences the worst life has to over in this depressing but worthwhile Colombian drama tinged with a hint of magical realism. Paola Baldion plays Marina, a withdrawn teenager whose abusive grand-dad houses her in a dilapidated shed. When the old fart pops his clogs, Marina passes into the care of cousin Jairo (Julian Roman), a cheesecake photographer who "hires" her to help him with his gear, and the two end up taking an episodic road trip as they travel to reclaim grandpa's legacy. Unpleasant flashbacks to Marina's tragic childhood ensue. Yep, the good times never end in this one! Known in English as Portraits in a Sea of Lies, this meditation on the 50-year long Colombian civil war - as seen through the grueling experiences of our heroine - won the Jury Award for Best Narrative Feature at the 14th Cine Las Americas International Film Festival.
The epic story of a family separated as a result of the Great Tangshan Earthquake of 1976. Based on the Tangshan Earthquake in 1976 that took the lives of 240,000 people.
Beksiński is a gentle man with arachnophobia, despite his hardcore sexual fantasies and his fondness for painting disturbing dystopian works. Beksiński is a family man who wants only the best for his loving wife Zofia, neurotic son Tomasz and the couple's aging mothers. His daily painting to classical music eventually pays off and he makes a name for himself in contemporary art. Good Catholic woman Zofia tries to hold the family together, but troubled son Tomasz proves to be a handful with his violent outbursts and suicidal threats. Their relief is brief when he starts dating women and becomes a radio presenter and movie translator, and the concerned parents must be on constant watch to prevent their son from hurting himself. But Beksiński never believed that family life would always be sunshine and rainbows. As he tapes everything with his beloved camcorder, the 28-year Beksiński saga unfolds through paintings, near-death experiences, dance music trends and funerals...
An aging hairdresser escapes his nursing home to embark on an odyssey across his small town to style a dead woman's hair for her funeral, rediscovering his sparkle along the way.
The British Army, retreating ahead of victorious Rommel, leaves a lone survivor on the Egyptian border who finds refuge at a remote desert hotel. He assumes the identity of a recently deceased waiter and is helped by the hotel's owner, despite protest from the French chambermaid, who fears the imminent arrival of Rommel and the Germans.
Raganų trijulė įtikina Škotijos lordą, kad jis taps kitu Škotijos karaliumi, o ambicinga žmona palaiko jį planuose užgrobti valdžią.
„Paralelinės mamos“ pavadintą kūrinį režisierius vadina įtempto siužeto drama, kurioje kalbama apie protėvių svarbą mūsų gyvenime ir atsiminimus. Anot filmo siužeto, dviejų moterų likimai susikerta gimdymo palatoje. Dženisė (akt. Penélope Cruz) – sėkminga fotografė, Ana (akt. Milena Smit) – pasimetusi paauglė. Jos abi – vienišos, netrukus neplanuotus kūdikius gimdysiančios moterys, kurių susitikimas amžiams pakeis jųdviejų likimus...
After his brother was crippled in the ring by a cheating Thai boxer, Chan Hung goes to Thailand to avenge his brother, and finds the key to an omen which may release their family from an ancient curse. He is then caught up in a spiraling web of fate, Buddhist curses, and black magic.
Trijų „Oskarų“ nominantas – filmas su Nicole Kidman ir Javieru Bardemu – meistriškai vaizduoja vyro ir žmonos santykių krizę, neišvengiamai kliudančią jų santuokai ir abiejų aktorių karjerai. Tai biografinė drama apie Lucille Ball ir Desi Arnazą Elope – realią Holivudo žvaigždžių porą, šeštajame dešimtmetyje kūrusius TV megahitu tapusią situacijų komediją „Aš myliu Liusi“ (angl. „I love Lucy“).
Siaučiant staigią amneziją sukeliančiai pasaulinei pandemijai, Aris įtraukiamas į reabilitacijos programą, skirtą pacientams, kurių niekas nepasigenda. Siekiama sukurti naujas atmintį praradusių žmonių tapatybes. Kasdien atlikdamas vis naują magnetofono kasetėje įrašytą užduotį, Aris fotoaparatu dokumentuoja aplinkinį pasaulį. Naujos patirtys turi užimti prarastų prisiminimų vietą. Tik įpratęs prie programos rutinos, Aris sutinka toje pačioje programoje dalyvaujančią Aną. Ar jie turi šansų būti kartu? „Ar filmas gali būti jaukiai komiškas ir taip pat širdį veriančiai liūdnas? Santūrus, bet kartu ir ypač gilus? Nostalgiškas, bet taikliai atspindintis šiandieną? Ši daugiasluoksnė alegorija atveria neišsemiamą temų jūrą. Režisierius klausia, ar esame tik tai, ką prisimename? O jei neprisimename, ar reiškia, kad negyvenome? Atminties reikšmė mūsų egzistencijoje filme tokia pat svarbi tema kaip ir šiuolaikinė vienatvė.“
A college freshman joins her university's rowing team and undertakes an obsessive physical and psychological journey to make it to the top varsity boat, no matter the cost.
Manny, Joel and Jonah tear their way through childhood and push against the volatile love of their parents. As Manny and Joel grow into versions of their father and Ma dreams of escape, Jonah, the youngest, embraces an imagined world all his own.
Populiarių knygų autorė Džulie Deivis gyvena iš pažiūros palaimingą gyvenimą. Tačiau jos knygose kalbama apie vaikystės baimių atskleidimą ir netrukus moterį ima persekioti tamsios jos pačios gyvenimo paslaptys. Gimus antrajam vaikui, šios paslapties įtaka sustiprėja, įvykiams įsibėgėjus ji bando nusižudyti. Tai jaudinanti istorija apie tai, kokia klastinga liga gali būti pogimdyminė depresija.
Claudia shows up at a bar to meet Luis, a doctor who contacted her through a dating app. Claudia doesn't suspect what fate has in store for her. A kidnapping that ends with an inevitable and unpredictable death. A suspense story with surprising twists until the last second, narrated in a sequence shot without cuts.
When Jane is rejected by life, she spirals into a chaotic, schizophrenic world where love and normality collide with humorous consequences.
Viename iš Čikagos rajonų, kur kadaise stovėjo „Cabrini-Green“ būsto projektai, kaimynystės gyventojai nuo seno dalinasi legenda apie žudiką su kabliu vietoje rankos. Ši legenda taip pat teigia, kad penkis kartus pasakius jo vardą žiūrint į veidrodį, jis ateis tavęs nužudyti. Šiais laikais, praėjus daugiau nei dešimtmečiui po paskutinio „Cabrini-Green“ bokšto griūties, dailininkas Anthony McCoy kartu su mylimąja, galerijos direktore Brianna Cartwright, nusprendžia apsigyventi prabangiame lofte, neatpažįstamai pasikeitusiame „Cabrini“ rajone. Kai Anthony sutikęs kaimynystės senbuvį sužino siaubingąją Bitininko istoriją, jis pradeda tyrinėti šios makabriškos istorijos detales tapydamas savo studijoje, tokiu būdu nesąmoningai atverdamas duris į sudėtingą praeitį, kuri iššaukia bauginančią smurto bangą, pakeisiančią jo likimo kursą.
On a Tuesday night, five couples have separate sexual adventures. Matt and Kris, friends for years, want to have an only-once, no-strings good time. Abby and Andrew, married, celebrate his birthday, but it's marred by angst and miscommunication. Mia and Eric are exes, making sure they are over each other. Jaime and Ken work together and this is a first date. Inez and Gord invite his roommate, Dave, to join them. By the time each couple has gone through a prelude, foreplay, sex, an interlude, orgasm, and afterglow, they've answered basic questions: can sex be anonymous, are we bored, is our marriage really finished, does anyone tell the truth, and how do we make someone happy?
“My plan was to die before the money ran out,” says 60-year-old penniless Manhattan socialite Frances Price, but things didn’t go as planned. Her husband Franklin has been dead for 12 years and with his vast inheritance gone, she cashes in the last of her possessions and resolves to live out her twilight days anonymously in a borrowed apartment in Paris, accompanied by her directionless son Malcolm and a cat named Small Frank—who may or may not embody the spirit of Frances’s dead husband.
Adrift in their broken-down space shuttle with little hope of rescue, two astronauts argue over whether they're better off spending their remaining days as friends or something more.
The story of the love affair between FDR and his distant cousin Margaret Stuckley, centered around the weekend in 1939 when the King and Queen of the United Kingdom visited upstate New York.