Četveročlana obitelj Ki-taeka je bliska, ali potpuno nezaposlena, pred njom je mračna budućnost. Sina Ki-wooa preporučuje njegov prijatelj, student na prestižnom sveučilištu, za dobro plaćeni posao podučavanja, te se nada da će tako imati redovite prihode. Sa svim očekivanjima svoje obitelji, Ki-woo odlazi u obiteljski dom na intervju. Stigavši u kuću gospodina Parka, vlasnika globalne IT tvrtke, Ki-woo susreće njegovu suprugu Yeon-kia, lijepu mladu damu. Ali nakon ovog prvog susreta između dviju obitelji, uslijediti će nezaustavljivi niz nezgoda.

Nakon što otkriju novu crvotočinu, grupa istraživača i znanstvenika krene na putovanje kroz nju da prekorače prijašnje granice ljudskog putovanja svemirom i pokore ogromne daljine međuzvjezdanog putovanja. Među putnicima se nalazi strojar i udovac koji se posvetio mirnom životu na farmi s dvoje djece, i sada mora donijeti tešku odluku da napusti svoju djecu kako bi otputovao u drugu galaksiju s ciljem da spasi čovječanstvo.

Lupita and Toña work as housemaids at the Ruíz Palacio’s house, an aristocratic Mexican family. For a long time they have been mistreated and poorly paid. They’re now fed up with the abuse and lack of respect they get from their employers.

Koralina se dosađuje u svome novom domu sve dok ne otkrije tajna vrata koja vode u svijet koji je poput njezina... ali bolji! No ova fantastična avantura postane opasna kada njezina "druga" majka poželi zadržati je zauvijek...

Law enforcement officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners stand up to the worst the streets have to offer with confidence and focus. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God... and to their children?

When his wealthy grandfather finally dies, Jason Stevens fully expects to benefit when it comes to the reading of the will. But instead of a sizable inheritance, Jason receives a test, a series of tasks he must complete before he can get any money.

Trideset godina nakon događaja iz prvog filma, novi istrebljivač, losanđeleski policajac K pronalazi dugo skrivenu tajnu koja ima potencijala ono malo ljudskog društva što je preostalo baciti u potpuni kaos. Njegovo otkriće odvest će ga u potragu za Rickom Deckardom, bivšim istrebljivačem koji je nestao prije trideset godina…

Ethan Hunt i njegov tim iz IMF-a kreću u svoju najopasniju misiju dosad: ući u trag novom zastrašujućem oružju koje prijeti cijelom čovječanstvu prije nego što padne u pogrešne ruke. S kontrolom budućnosti i sudbinom svijeta na kocki i približavanjem mračnih sila iz Ethanove prošlosti, počinje smrtonosna utrka oko svijeta. Suočen s tajanstvenim, svemoćnim neprijateljem, Ethan mora uzeti u obzir da ništa ne može biti važnije od njegove misije - čak ni životi onih do kojih mu je najviše stalo.

Naš svijet su zauzeli naizgled neranjivi grabežljivci, koji - na najmanji mogući šum - odmah napadaju smrtonosnom silom. Sve se stoga odvija oko jednog bitnog pravila – kreći se pažljivo i nikada ne stvaraj nikakav zvuk, pa čak ni najmanji šum. Jedna je genijalna obitelj uspjela preživjeti u tišini, pažljivo prigušujući svaki mogući zvuk u svakodnevnom životu. U ovom nadnaravnom, napetom horor trileru uz Johna Krasinskog glumi i dobitnica nagrade Zlatni globus® Emily Blunt, Noah Jupe i Millicent Simmonds.

Danielle, a vibrant young woman is forced into servitude after the death of her father when she was a young girl. Danielle's stepmother Rodmilla is a heartless woman who forces Danielle to do the cooking and cleaning, while she tries to marry off the eldest of her two daughters to the prince. But Danielle's life takes a wonderful turn when, under the guise of a visiting royal, she meets the charming Prince Henry.

The sexy Gin is the new love of Hache, but this can not forget his former girlfriend, so the love triangle is inevitable.

Adèle's life is changed when she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who will allow her to discover desire, to assert herself as a woman and as an adult. In front of others, Adele grows, seeks herself, loses herself, finds herself.

Philadelphijski zaštitar na sveučilišnom stadionu, inače bivši igrač footballa, David Dunn, jedini je preživjeli u katastrofalnoj željezničkoj nesreći. Ne samo da je preživio, nego je prošao bez i najmanje ozljede. I, mnogo neobičnije, , nakon nesreće shvaća da ga u životu prati sreća, kao da mu ništa ne može nauditi i kao da je neranjiv.

It's time to put all your chips on the table as All Elite Wrestling's third annual May spectacular is something to bet the house on as The Young Bucks defend their AEW Tag Team Championships against Jon Moxley & Eddie Kingston, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. challenges Hikaru Shida for her AEW Women's World Championship, Pac & Orange Cassidy take on Kenny Omega for his AEW World Championship, and The Pinnacle faces off against Inner Circle in the second ever Stadium Stampede Match.

Rapunzel grapples with the responsibilities of being a princess and the overprotective ways of her father. While she wholeheartedly loves Eugene, Rapunzel does not share his immediate desire to get married and settle down within the castle walls. Determined to live life on her own terms, she and her tough-as-nails Lady-in-Waiting Cassandra embark on a secret adventure where they encounter mystical rocks that magically cause Rapunzel's long blonde hair to grow back. Impossible to break and difficult to hide, Rapunzel must learn to embrace her hair and all that it represents.

Nakon što dobiju poziv tajanstvenog trenera, Ash, Misty i Brock upoznaju Mewtwoa, umjetno stvorenog Pokémona koji se želi upustiti u bitku.

When a San Francisco exec wins a New Zealand inn, she ditches city life to remodel and flip the rustic property with help from a handsome contractor.

Two small-town singers chase their pop star dreams at a global music competition, where high stakes, scheming rivals and onstage mishaps test their bond.

On their fifth wedding anniversary, Sitio and Ana start arguing inside an elevator that keeps opening in their same floor. Emotionally and physically trapped, the two will have to work together to find a way out.

A female American reporter searches for her missing brother against the backdrop of violence and human smuggling across the US/Mexican border.