Where We Are: Live from San Siro Stadium features the entire 23 track concert filmed at San Siro Stadium in Milan in June 2014, as well as 24 minutes of bonus content including backstage footage of One Direction and their crew.

In the middle of October 1998, Tomoe Enjou is attacked by bullies from his old school and saved by Shiki Ryougi. He asks her to hide him at her place and admits that he killed someone. Several days after the incident there are still no broadcasts about the murder as if it didn't happen.

Nobita przenosi się w przyszłość, by pokazać babci swoją narzeczoną, ale okazuje się, że dorosły Nobita uciekł z własnego ślubu. Czy będzie dobrym mężem dla Shizuki?

Checco, an uneducated but self-satisfied fellow from Milan, who has always dreamed of becoming a police officer, fails his entrance exam for the third time. It must be said that at the oral examination Checco said that the reason why he wanted to join the police was benefits in kind and cronyism! But the young man has connections and he soon finds himself a security agent at the Milan Cathedral. Of course the bumbling idiot proves a living catastrophe! Spotted by Sufien, an Arab terrorist who is preparing an attack against the cathedral, Checco appears as the perfect sucker. To manipulate him, he sends his charming sister Farah to him, with the mission to seduce him...

Jamilah has her whole life figured out. She's the president of her black sorority, captain of their champion step dance crew, is student liaison to the college dean, and her next move is on to Harvard Law School. She's got it all, right? But when the hard-partying white girls from Sigma Beta Beta embarrass the school, Jamilah is ordered to come to the rescue. Her mission is to not only teach the rhythmically-challenged girls how to step dance, but to win the Steptacular, the most competitive of dance competitions. With the SBBs reputations and charter on the line, and Jamilah's dream of attending Harvard in jeopardy, these outcast screw-ups and their unlikely teacher stumble through one hilarious misstep after another. Cultures clash, romance blossoms, and sisterhood prevails as everyone steps out of their comfort zones.

Jest to historia o nastoletniej dziewczynie o imieniu Mitchie, która desperacko pragnie spędzić wakacje na prestiżowym obozie rockowym. Może to jednak zrobić jedynie pod warunkiem, że będzie pomagać swojej mamie, która zatrudniła się jako kucharka na ww. obozie. Kiedy podczas obozu Mitchie próbuje w samotności swoich umiejętności w śpiewaniu, słyszy ją - choć nie widzi - nastoletni gwiazdor muzyki pop, Shane, i postanawia dowiedzieć się, kto kryje się za tym pięknym głosem. Jednocześnie Mitchie, chcąc zaprzyjaźnić się z "królową obozu" Tess Tyler, okłamuje wszystkich, że jej mama jest prezenterką programu "Hity i Newsy" w Chinach. Jednak Tess nie jest prawdziwą przyjaciółką Mitchie - wykorzystuje ją, a kiedy odkrywa, że główna bohaterka ma piękny głos, spycha ją na dalszy plan, każąc jej śpiewać w chórkach. Po odkryciu kłamstwa Mitchie zostaje skreślona z listy chóru i zakłada zespół z przyjaciółką.

Marzenie Benjamina spełnia się, gdy Leila, dziewczyna, którą potajemnie kocha, przychodzi, aby usiąść obok niego, ponieważ on jest jedynym, który ma swoją książkę z matematyki! Gdy nastolatek idzie do łazienki orientuje się, że znajduje się w pętli czasowej, ponieważ po powrocie historia się powtarza i Leila znów siada obok niego. Jak chłopakowi uda się jednocześnie wydostać z pułapki i nie zniechęcić do siebie swojej ukochanej?

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

In a digital world, can analogue find true love? It is the wise old gramaphone who has the answers for a lovesick loner.

Eren Yeager leaves to restore a break in the wall destroyed by a Titan. He comes under attack by the Titans and is cornered. Shikishima comes to his aid. The titans never stops attacking. Eren is now injured and tries to protect Armin, but is swallowed by a titan. A Titan with black hair appears and begins to expel the other titans.

I wouldn't answer if I were you' Hello is the story of a young lady who falls prey to an evil killer.. alone in her apartment, eagerly awaiting the return of her boyfriend, the phone rings...

Troskliwa siostra stara się zachować zimną krew, szukając w środku nocy centrum odwykowego dla brata uzależnionego od heroiny i zajmując się jego 2-letnią córką.

Hillary zostaje porzucona przez narzeczonego tuż przed Świętem Dziękczynienia, podczas którego miała przedstawić go rodzinie. Kobieta zatrudnia Davida, aby udawał jej przyszłego męża.

A lonely man finds himself bedeviled by a malevolent force. But is it real or just all in his mind? (ALTER)

A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.

The story of a young writer's transformation when her past invades her present.

Call-center workers receive a phone call from God.

Tamtakos is a joyful poor gipsy living day by day on the streets of Athens.

A young girl, after failing an exam, is forced by her father, a taxi-driver, to learn his profession. Soon she discovers that her father is not only a driver but also a member of a racist group eliminating immigrants, homosexual, transvestite, etc. people. She also falls in love with a boy, also a taxi-driver and a "socio" of the group.