U nedalekoj budućnosti Detroit je postao grad kriminala. Jedna multinacionalna tvrtka ima ugovor s gradskom upravom o nadzoru rada policije. U toj je tvrtki odjel koji smišlja i izrađuje strojeve za borbu protiv kriminala. Najprije konstruiraju jednu vrstu radio-dirigiranog tenka bez vozača no taj zbog pogreške ubija i nevine ljude. Mladi i poduzetni Morton želio bi konstruirati policajca-robota koji će se boriti s kriminalcima. Prilika mu se pruži kad najboljeg policajca Murphyja ubiju zločinci. Upotrijebivši dijelove Murphyjeva tijela, Morton predvodi konstrukciju Robocopa, robotske varijante Murphyja. Morton se nada da će time poniziti i Jonesa koji je naručio onaj neuspjeli stroj za ubijanje. Robocop, vođen Mortonovim zapovijedima, savršeno funkcionira u borbi s kriminalcima. I premda su u njegovom "mozgu" izbrisane sve Murphyjeve svjesne uspomene, u njegovoj podsvijesti još postoji informacija da ga je ubio Clarence - kriminalac s jakim vezama u tvrtki koja nadzire policiju.

A documentary about the rise and fall of the Cannon Film Group, the legendary independent film company helmed by Israeli cousins Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus.

While tracking a ruthless killer, RoboCop and Madigan uncover a conspiracy between insane genius Dr. Cray Mallardo and ruthless OCP executive Chip Chayken, to develop a computer system linked to a human brain. Neuro-brain is created, a system capable of running the public services of the entire city. There s just one glitch: a ghost named Diana inhabits the machine. As RoboCop gets too close to this kindred spirit, Chayken enlists the aid of a homicidal psychopath Pudface Morgan to kill him off.

A 1983 stand-up comedy film featuring the comedy of Bill Cosby. Filmed before a live audience at the Hamilton Place Theatre, in Hamilton, Ontario. Cosby gives his comedic views on people who drink too much and take drugs, going to the dentist, marriage and parenthood.

Bewildered, Don Camillo learns that Peppone intends to stand for parliament. Determined to thwart his ambitions, the good priest, ignoring the recommendations of the Lord, decides to campaign against him.

On a cold winter’s day Sergey Sobolev, a major at the local police office, is driving to the hospital where his wife is about to give birth to their child. High from happiness, he’s driving too fast and runs down a boy on a passage walk, who dies. Now the major has only two options: go to prison or conceal the crime. Sobolev decides to compromise with his conscience and calls on a colleague to help him out. But the case turns out to be messy and when Sobolev finally changes his mind and tries to make up for his deed, it’s already too late…

Rudolph mora pronaći Sretnu, bebu Nove godine, prije ponoći novogodišnje noći.

Ian discovers that André, a former soap opera star and current alcoholic is his real father. Ian decides to go work at his ruined mascot business where he finds a place populated by extravagant people and discovers the meaning of fatherhood.

A series of 12 short movies from the start of the twentieth century. These movies were the first adult movies, and, according to the film-maker Michel Reilhac, show that "the modern porn industry did not invent anything – everything had already been filmed by our great-grandparents."

Seeking to raise his credibility as an actor and to land a role as a tough cop on a new show, Hollywood action star Nick Lang works a deal with New York City Police Capt. Brix, who by chance is one of his fans. Nick will be paired with detective Lt. John Moss and learn how to act like a real cop. But when Nick drives John crazy with questions and imitating him, he gets in the way of John's pursuit of a serial killer.

They used to run the country. Now they're running for their lives! Two on-the-lam former Presidents of the United States. Framed in a scandal by the current President and pursued by armed agents, the two squabbling political foes plunge into a desperately frantic search for the evidence that will establish their innocence.

U budućnosti će zatvorenici privatnog podzemnog zatvora biti kontrolirani kamerama, čitačima snova i uređajima koji mogu uzrokovati bol ili smrt. John (Christopher Lambert) i njegova nezakonito trudna supruga Karen (Loryn Locklin) zaključani su u 'Tvrđavi', ali su odlučili pobjeći prije rođenja svoje bebe.

Nakon što pobjegne na dan vjenčanja, nevjesta se mora boriti za preživljavanje protiv svog osvetoljubivog vjerenika i sedam smrtonosnih djevera. U konačnom obračunu, mladoženja ubrzo otkriva da ona nema namjeru da se vrati u život koji je ostavila iza sebe.

U ovoj novoj verziji klasika iz 80-ih godina prošlog stoljeća, radnja filma odvija se 2028. godine, a multinacionalni konglomerat OmniCorp nalazi se u centru robotske tehnologije. Njihovi dronovi pobjeđuju u američkim ratovima diljem svijeta, a sada bi tvrtka željela ovu tehnologiju dovesti i na domaći teren. Alex Murphy je suprug, otac i dobar policajac koji čini sve što je u njegovoj moći kako bi se suprotstavio kriminalu i korupciji u Detroitu. Nakon što je kritično ozlijeđen na dužnosti, tvrtka OmniCorp uz pomoć svoje nevjerojatne robotske znanosti spašava Alexov život. On se potom vraća na ulice svog voljenog grada s novim nevjerojatnim mogućnostima, ali i s problemima s kojima se normalan čovjek nikada ranije nije morao susresti.

Harry Griswald is a NYPD cop who is possessed with the spirit of a great Kabuki master. This has made him 'the chosen one' to do battle with 'the evil one'. He is also out to do good deeds and fight crime in the name of the law. The only problem is that a number of corrupt people in the community and their henchmen want him dead so that they can gain power when 'the evil one' come to take over the world. Sgt. Kabukiman must use his special superpowers to outsmart and out-fight the bad guys.

Chad Buckley is a horror aficionado, and he's lonely. Chad spends his days at his struggling genre video store arguing with his only regular customer, Sam. When an unsuspecting applicant shows up, Chad begins to teach him about the rules of horror and his video store at large, much to the chagrin of Sam. During Chad's on-boarding process, we weave in and out of different hilarious horror shorts, each one geared at a different set of horror tropes. As this new applicant learns the ropes, he begins to suspect Chad of something sinister, but we quickly learn that he may have a secret of his own.

Jupiter’s famous blemish, the Great Red Spot, has vanished. When massive storms are reported in North America, it quickly becomes apparent that the huge, high storm that has been swirling around Jupiter for hundreds of years has landed on Earth. Swallowing up everything in its path, the Great Red Spot threatens to transform Earth into another Jupiter-like gas giant in just a matter of days! aka Mega Cyclone

On her bachelorette-party weekend with friends in New Orleans, Tara falls for the darkly-sexy bartender Patrick. Waking in his bed the next morning, Tara instantly regrets her unfaithfulness and flies back home to her fiancé. But her secret flame becomes a full-on fire when Patrick shows up at her house and begins stalking her every move. He spirals into madness and delusion, determined to have Tara no matter what the cost.

Mega korporacija Omni Consumer Products i dalje je spremna stvoriti svoj projekt Delta City, koji će zamijeniti truli grad Detroit. Nažalost, stanovnici tog područja ne namjeravaju napustiti svoje domove. Stoga su u OCP-u odlučili zaposliti nemilosrdnu plaćeničku vojsku koja ih napada i uznemirava. Otpor podzemlja započinje i u ovoj borbi Robocop mora odlučiti gdje leži njegova odanost.

When a hunter sent back to the prehistoric era runs off the path he must not leave, he causes a chain reaction that alters history in disastrous ways.