
托尼(维果·莫腾森 Viggo Mortensen 饰)是一个吊儿郎当游手好闲的混混,在一家夜总会做侍者。这间夜总会因故要停业几个月,可托尼所要支付的房租和生活费不会因此取消,所以他的当务之急是去寻找另一份工作来填补这几个月的空缺。在这个节骨眼上,一位名叫唐雪莉(马赫沙拉·阿里 Mahershala Ali 饰)的黑人钢琴家提出雇佣托尼。唐雪莉即将开始为期八个星期的南下巡回演出,可是,那个时候南方对黑人的歧视非常的严重,于是托尼便成为了唐雪莉的司机兼保镖。一路上,两人迥异的性格使得他们之间产生了很多的矛盾,与此同时,唐雪莉在南方所遭受的种种不公平的对待也让托尼对种族歧视感到深恶痛绝。

在费了九牛二虎之力好不容易打败了神秘客之后,蜘蛛侠彼得·帕克(汤姆·赫兰德 Tom Holland 饰)却被濒死之际的神秘客揭露了真实身份。随后主流媒体对超能力者滥用权力造成普通平民生活无数困扰的行为大加挞伐,一时间彼得的生活乱作一团,甚至影响到了 MJ(赞达亚 Zendaya 饰)和好朋友内德(雅各布·巴特朗 Jacob Batalon 饰)的生活。备受困扰的彼得找到了奇异博士(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch 饰),希望对方施展一条能够让世人忘记他真实身份的咒语。谁知乱中出错,这条咒语将其他宇宙中认识彼得·帕克的人陆续带来,其中包括章鱼博士、绿魔、沙人等其他蜘蛛侠的死对头。担心这些“对手”回到各自宇宙后迎来灭亡的命运,彼得决定拯救他们,却无意中带来让他无法承受的因果……

An engaged couple who have been together since their days as high school sweethearts in a close-knit mountain town, but have found themselves in a rut and out of love.

乔治(蒙哥马利·克利夫特 Montgomery Clift 饰)是穷人家的孩子,野心满满的他千里迢迢远赴大城市投靠叔叔,希望能够在那里成就一番大事业。在工厂中,乔治结识了名叫爱丽丝(谢利·温特斯 Shelley Winters 饰)的女工,没过多久,两人便走到了一起。富家千金安琪拉(伊丽莎白·泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 饰)的出现扰乱了乔治平静的生活,夹在两个如花似玉的女人之间,面对着道德和利益,乔治不知该如何选择。爱丽丝怀孕的消息令乔治起了杀心,他约爱丽丝在小船上见面,企图伪造一起沉船事故,可即将动手之时,心中仅存的良知却让乔治难以继续。就在这时,船真的翻了,爱丽丝死于溺水,而乔治也因此陷入了丑闻之中。

A recently single Jessica sends Christmas cards to people who have impacted her life—the aunt who raised her, her younger brother in the military, a popstar who was part of the soundtrack of her life, the music teacher who inspired her, and the best friend who always tells the truth.

Struggling actor Wayne Wenders has to look for other options to pay his increasingly late rent and ends up interviewing for a gig teaching Shakespeare at the local high school. Wayne is soon surprising himself with his love of the job—and for fellow English teacher Amy. He must ultimately decide if his dreams of stardom are really worth sacrificing everything for.

When Elle Bennet decides to reunite her college friends for a special Christmas celebration, her plans are thwarted by an opportunity at work she can’t pass up -- spearheading a Christmas campaign relaunch to prove she’s ready for a career-altering promotion. Much to her surprise, she’s forced to team up with advertising campaign 'fixer' Max, who has a completely different take on the Holidays. But as Elle and Max work together and learn more about each other’s Christmas traditions, they unexpectedly find themselves falling for each other. With the help of a little Christmas magic, will Elle pull off the perfect Christmas reunion and find the love she’s been searching for?

When Alice, a beloved neonatal intensive care unit supervisor, is forced to take early retirement, her young colleague Jenny decides to turn the upcoming staff Christmas party into a surprise celebration for her. The plan is complicated by Matt, the hospital’s new CFO, who’s been tasked to cut costs. Initially at loggerheads, Jenny and Matt get to know and understand each other —a sweet Christmas gift neither saw coming.

Samantha, once jilted by her high school sweetheart Jake during Snowcoming, returns home to honor her football coach father, who’s retiring, and runs into Jake, now a famous quarterback. After seeing the library needs updating, Samantha asks Jake to use his celebrity as a draw for a “Tailgate at the Library” fundraiser.

Nikki Crandon is one of the biggest pop stars on the planet. Whether she's singing the National Anthem or promoting her latest album, everyone knows who she is—none more so than New Jersey high school basketball coach and widower Chris Mitchell, who was Nikki's first love in high school. When Chris' 10-year-old daughter Sophie finds out her dad still has feelings for the singer, she takes matters into her own hands. With her 8-year-old brother Jackson in tow, Sophie succeeds in reuniting the two. But when a misunderstanding and the growing glare of the public spotlight threaten Chris and Nikki's happiness, one can only wonder: will fame get in the way of a Merry Christmas?

Allie, a veterinarian in Evergreen, reluctantly will spend Christmas with her long-distance boyfriend. Bound for the airport, she has engine trouble, and Ryan, headed to Florida with his daughter Zoe, stops to help. Sure they won’t meet again, they ignore their attraction, and part ways. At the diner, Zoe wishes on a snow globe, and a storm seems to grant her wish.

故事灵感来自于《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice),活动策划者伊丽莎白·班纳特(Elizabeth Bennet)最初与彭伯利庄园的主人达西先生发生争执,她打算把彭伯利庄园作为下一次活动的举办地,但很快发现自己被他深深地吸引住了。

少女时期不幸失明的整骨师艾玛活得积极独立,社交圈不大但充满温暖。刚结束婚姻的她,依然每天拄着手杖满城趴趴走,不让生活跟视力一样滑入黑暗。一天,她在漆黑的感官博物馆,邂逅了帅气广告人泰欧。泰欧是事业摆第一的情场玩家,内有女友外有床伴,从未真的对谁敞开心房。艾玛的出现,迅速触碰到泰欧的情感核心。然而现实与人性,才是等在后头的艰难考验。两个迥异的个体,一场见与不见的激情。情爱的摸索之道,谁,才是真正的明眼人? 激情过后,谁才是真正的明眼人?

"童年时代的悲惨遭遇让迈克尔(瑞安·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)和父亲查尔斯(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)之间有着深深的隔阂,如今已经是一位知名小说家的迈克尔刚刚完成了一本名叫《花园里的萤火虫》的小说,这本小说记载了他童年的全部伤痛。 母亲丽莎(朱莉娅·罗伯茨 Julia Roberts 饰)终于完成大学的喜讯让迈克尔回到了家乡,这里有他所熟悉的一切,亦有让他痛苦不已的往昔。不幸的是,当迈克尔踏进家门之时,等待着他的却是母亲在车祸中不幸丧生的噩耗,看着悲痛的父亲,迈克尔开始重新思考起亲情的意义。对于迈克尔的新书,父亲暴跳如雷,他将它看作是儿子对于自己的控诉,矛盾重新在父子两人之间爆发开来。"


  该纪录片由Dan Reed导演和制作,长达236分钟(近4小时)。根据官方概述,本片讲述两位7岁和10岁的男孩曾经和迈克尔·杰克逊有着长期友好关系,现在他们已经30多岁,他们会讲述MJ曾怎样性侵他们以及如何达成协议和解。


As Michelle’s wedding approaches, Hannah steps up to help finish the launch of the new Evergreen museum while questioning her relationship and future with Elliot.

  在这个神秘又黑暗的城市里,犯罪,只是家常便饭。被绝症折磨的教师比尔(赛门佩吉饰演)试图自我了断,但始终想死却死不成。某日,比尔在深夜的咖啡厅里结识了美艳金发女服务生安妮(玛格罗比饰演)。两人竟因为「如何成功自杀」这话题而打开话匣子,培养出一段诡异友谊…。而在城市的另一角落,两位正在执行危险任务的杀手(麦斯艾朗、戴克斯特佛莱契饰演),为了获得高额赏金在城市之间来回奔走,急切想要找到暗杀目标的线索…。   然而夜班警卫(麦克迈尔斯饰演)的出现,竟意外牵起这两组貌似毫无关联的人物。随着一桩又一桩的犯罪事件发生,也逐渐揭露出众人的神秘过去,以及交织而成的爱恨情仇。最终,他们发现自己全被卷入一场错综复杂的犯罪大计。究竟他们能否找出事实真相?而事件背后的神秘主谋又是谁呢?