Hashem is a cab driver who finds an infant child in the back seat of his cab one night after he gives a ride to a young woman. Hashem and his girlfriend, Taji, try to cope with this unwanted child. Hashem insists on getting rid of the child, Taji on keeping him.

The story of The Beatles' last song featuring exclusive footage and commentary.

Animovaný vánoční speciál z dílny Walta Disneyho. Uvidíme dva dareby z Rychlé roty, Chipa a Dalea, kteří se na Vánoce chtějí pobavit na účet Mickeyho Mouse a hlídacího psa Pluta. Kačer Donald a jeho synovci si zase chtějí užít klasických zimních radovánek při sáňkování, stavění sněhuláka a koulovačce. Peter Pan se snaží naučit Wendy, Michaela a Johna létat a s jeho pomocí si všichni užijí nádherný noční let nad Londýnem. Koloušek Bambi zažije dobrodružství na ledě, Pinocchio zazpívá publiku vánoční píseň, pejskové Lady a Tramp se chystají na večeři pro dva, Sněhurka se sedmi trpaslíky a doprovodnou kapelou předvedou taneční show... A to zdaleka není všechno – spoustu dalších kreslených kamarádů uvidíme ve speciálním vánočním pohádkovém speciálu plném krásných melodií a legrace!

The life story of Claudinho e Buchecha, greatest icons and most successful duo of the Brazilian funk melody in all time, showing how the rhythm and poetry of the periphery conquered Brazil.

A well-off Indian family is paid an unexpected, and rather unwanted, visit by a man claiming to be the woman's long lost uncle. The initial suspicion with which they greet the man slowly dissolves as he regales them with stories of his travels, tales that are at odds with their conventional middle class perspective on the world.

When two souls find one another, nothing can tear them apart. Widower Takumi lives a quiet life with his six-year-old son Yuji after the loss of wife and mother Mio. Yuji unfailingly remembers her promise to him: "I'll be with you again in a year's time, when the rains come." On the first anniversary of her passing, Takumi and Yuji are taking a walk in the woods when they come across a woman sheltering from a monsoon downpour.

A dog story about a stray traveling in the dense and swallowing Amazon jungle, the dusty streets of Quito, Ecuador, and a Switzerland. Arthur joined a race, and outpaced death, to find a new life with the adopted adventure seekers.

Introducing his never before seen 'leaping one-hander' to the masses on a national level, Kenny Sailors quickly grew to be a fan favorite while leading his Wyoming Cowboys to the Collegiate National Championship in Madison Square Garden in 1943. But after playing on several losing teams in an unstable, emerging league now known as the NBA, Kenny disappeared into the Alaskan wilderness only to be forgotten by the sport he helped pioneer. Now, nearly sixty years later, the multitude of people he has touched along the way have forced Kenny’s humble reemergence.

Mari and Humi learn from their mother that their father has dementia on his 70th birthday. They help prepare their mother for his farewell and prepare themselves for the emotions to follow.

Millie je skvělá mladá manažerka fondu, která se rozhodne opustit své nenaplňující zaměstnání a dlouholetého přítele, aby se vydala za svým životním snem stát se operní zpěvačkou... na Skotské vysočině!

Neoblíbené nejlepší kamarádky PJ a Josie založí na střední škole klub sebeobrany, aby se seznámily s dívkami a přišly o panenství. Brzy jim to ale přeroste přes hlavu, když se nejpopulárnější studenti začnou ve jménu sebeobrany mlátit navzájem.

Na osamělou 34letou Bridget (Kelly O'Sullivanová) se konečně usměje štěstí, když potká skvělého muže a stane se chůvou šestileté Frances (v podání neodolatelné Ramony Edith-Williamsové). Život jí ale značně zkomplikuje neplánované těhotenství. Aby toho nebylo málo, nedaří se jí najít společnou řeč s malou Frances, ani čelit rostoucímu napětí mezi oběma matkami tvrdohlavé dívky. Na pozadí těchto bouřlivých osobních vztahů však nakonec naváže s Frances nečekaně silné pouto a stává se nedílnou součástí dívčiny rodiny.

A re-telling of "Casablanca" starring Bugs Bunny and the Looney Tunes cast.

Příběh torontského obchodu s deskami Play De Record a toho, jak se stal centrem milovníků undergroundové hudby v celé Kanadě.

Join the adventure with the cast and crew, showcasing new characters, stunts, music, locations, production design, and visual effects in five chapters that chart the making of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.

How important is the truth when falling in love? Bella is a Manhattan café waitress, about to turn 35, stuck in a long-term affair going nowhere. Paul is a widower, facing old age alone. Bella's mother sets her up with Bruno, a novelist/cabbie who likes to bed-hop and whose ex-wife expects their two children to stay with him for awhile. While Bruno learns some maturity from his young daughter, Paul answers a personals ad placed by a "widow, 60." The two couples - along with one of Paul's older pals and a Jungian stripper - sort out how to initiate a relationship these days, what to do when someone you like disappoints you, and when to tell the truth.

Suburban soccer moms find themselves constantly competing against each other in their personal lives as their kids settle their differences on the field.

Obětavý italský otec, který dělá vše pro to, aby jeho syn Sticks měl možnost změnit svůj život a hrát basketbal na vysoké škole.

A father finds out that his teenager daughter is possessed, and the only way he can save her is by doing the ghost's bidding, which will mean an encounter with his long-separated twin - who happens to be a psycho killer.

Laura, Eve, Anouch and Yaël are four cousins, very different and very endearing, who have one thing in common: they lie, but always for love! When the first three discover a few weeks before their little cousin's wedding that her perfect fiancé is cheating on her, they vote in unison "Don't tell him"!