„Paryžius, Teksasas“ – tai nestandartinis kelio filmas, pasakojantis apie Travisą, vyrą, pasiklydusį savo asmeniniame pragare. Jau ketverius metus mirusiu laikomas Travisas vėl pasirodo Amerikos dykumose prie Meksikos sienos. Netrukus jo atvažiuoja pasiimti brolis Voltas, kuris visus tuos metus augino dabar jau septynmetį jo sūnų Hanterį. Vaikas iš naujo susipažįsta su savo tėvu, o Travisas iš naujo atranda savo atminties kloduose pasiklydusį sūnų. Galų gale jie nusprendžia į šeimą susigrąžinti mamą.

A lighthearted take on director Yasujiro Ozu’s perennial theme of the challenges of inter­generational relationships, Good Morning tells the story of two young boys who stop speaking in protest after their parents refuse to buy a television set. Ozu weaves a wealth of subtle gags through a family portrait as rich as those of his dramatic films, mocking the foibles of the adult world through the eyes of his child protagonists. Shot in stunning color and set in a suburb of Tokyo where housewives gossip about the neighbors’ new washing machine and unemployed husbands look for work as door-to-door salesmen, this charming comedy refashions Ozu’s own silent classic I Was Born, But . . . to gently satirize consumerism in postwar Japan.

Filme pasakojama apie mėgstamo aktoriaus ir advokato Maiklo J. Fokso gyvenimą, jo asmenines ir profesines pergales bei kančias, taip pat apie tai, kas nutinka, kai nepataisomas optimistas susiduria su nepagydoma liga.

Ariadna discovers that her grandfather has been searching for the remains of his father, who disappeared during the Civil War. Determined to help him, she travels to Burgos, where a mass grave is being excavated, and where he could be buried. During her stay there, she will learn the story of Antoni Benaiges, a young teacher from Tarragona who was her grandfather's teacher before the war. Through an innovative pedagogical method, Antoni inspired his students and made them a promise: to take them to see the sea.

Alžyras, 90-ieji. Aštuoniolikmetė studentė Nedžma svajoja apie drabužių dizainerės karjerą, ir net akylai saugomi bendrabučio mūrai negali jos sustabdyti. Geriausių draugių padedama, naktinių klubų tualetuose ji slapta pardavinėja savo siūtas išskirtines sukneles papišoms, drąsioms, laisvoms ir patrauklioms merginoms. Tuo tarpu politinė ir socialinė situacija šalyje darosi vis labiau įtempta. Nepaisydama griežtėjančių draudimų ir saviraiškos laisvės ribojimų, Nedžma priešinasi suvaržymams ir organizuoja lemtingą mados šou.

In Italy, the gambler and professor of poetry Daniele Dominici arrives in the seaside town of Rimini and is hired to teach for four months in the local high school replacing another teacher. His relationship with his partner Monica is in crisis and he spends most of the time with his new acquaintances and gamblers Giorgio, Marcello and Gerardo. In classroom, he meets the gorgeous nineteen years old student Vanina Abati, who is Gerardo's girlfriend.

Miltonas gyvena ramų įprastą gyvenimą mažame vakarų Pensilvanijos miestelyje, tačiau jo diena pasikeičia, kai kieme avariniu būdu nusileidžia NSO ir nežemiškas keleivis. Netrukus Miltonas užmezga artimus santykius su ateiviu, kurį pavadina Džulijumi. Viskas komplikuojasi, kai apie šį svečią sužino dvi kaimynės, o vyriausybės agentai sparčiai tęsia paieškas. Beprotiškos, išradingos ir smagios kelionės dėka, trys kaimynai ateivio dėka gyvenime vėl atranda ryšį ir prasmę.

Lemmy Caution is on a mission to eliminate Professor Von Braun, the creator of a malevolent computer that rules the city of Alphaville. Befriended by the scientist’s daughter Natasha, Lemmy must unravel the mysteries of the strictly logical Alpha 60 and teach Natasha the meaning of the word “love.”

Hattie, a New Orleans prostitute, meets a photographer named Bellocq at her brothel one night and, after he photographs her, he befriends her 12-year-old daughter, Violet. When Violet is brought on as a working girl by her mother's madam and Hattie skips town to get married, Violet quickly loses her innocence and focuses on reuniting with Bellocq. But a life with Bellocq is compromised for Violet after her mother returns to town.

Based on the popular books, the story tells of Tony who wants a friend to add some adventure to his life. What he gets is Rudolph, a vampire kid with a good appetite. The two end up inseparable, but their fun is cut short when all the hopes of the vampire race could be gone forever in single night. With Tony's access to the daytime world, he helps them to find what they've always wanted.

The true story of Saúl Armendáriz, a gay amateur wrestler from El Paso that rises to international stardom after he creates the character Cassandro, the “Liberace of Lucha Libre.” In the process, he upends not just the macho wrestling world but also his own life.

Puglia. Burnt by the sun and by hatred, the promontory of Gargano is contested by criminals who seem to come from a remote past governed by the law of the jungle. An archaic land reminiscent of the Far West, in which blood is washed away with blood. An old feud between two rival families is rekindled by a forbidden love: the one between Andrea, reluctant heir of the Malatesta, and Marilena, beautiful wife of the boss of the Camporeale clan. A fatal passion that sets the two clans at war again. But Marilena, banished by the Camporeale and prisoner of the Malatesta, disputed and abused, will oppose a fate already written with a mother’s strength.

Antonio, a former shipyard worker, leads a mild and peaceful life: he plays bowls with friends, takes care of his elderly mother, has an ex-wife with whom he is on excellent terms and Emilia, his only and beloved daughter When Emilia announces to him one day that she has decided to get married, Antonio is filled with joy, he can finally fulfill his dream by giving her the reception they have always dreamed of together being able to count on the savings of a lifetime.However, the bank of which he has always been a client seems to be hiding something, the employees are suddenly elusive and the director inexplicably changes constantly.The task of paying for his daughter's wedding will prove increasingly difficult and Antonio will discover, against his will, that those who keep our treasures don't always keep our dreams as well.

Čiro kūnas pamažu grimzta Neapolio įlankoje. Kai jis pasineria į tamsą, iškyla prisiminimai. "Nemirtingasis" yra 2019 m. italų kriminalinis filmas, režisuotas Marco D'Amore. Filmas yra įvykių po trečiojo TV serialo „Gomorra“ sezono tęsinys.

1990s, Banpo Town, rural China. A woman's body is found by the river. Ma Zhe, Chief of the Criminal Police, heads up the murder investigation that leads to an obvious arrest. His superiors hurry to congratulate him, but several clues push Ma Zhe to delve deeper into the hidden behaviour of his fellow citizens.

Vėl prasidėjus vasarai, vaikai iš visų kraštų renkasi į „AdirondACTS“, nedidelę teatro stovyklą Niujorko valstijoje, kuri yra pradedančiųjų atlikėjų prieglobstis. Po to, kai nepalaužiama stovyklos įkūrėja Džoana (vaidina Amy Sedaris) nugrimzta į komą, jos nieko nesuprantančiam sūnui Trojui (Jimmy Tatro) tenka užduotis išlaikyti teatrą. Artėjant finansiniam žlugimui, Trojus turi suvienyti jėgas su Amošu (Ben Platt), Rebeka Diana (Molly Gordon) ir jų ekscentriškų mokytojų grupe, kad iki premjeros vakaro sugalvotų sprendimą.

Naujoji 1992 m. filmo apie porą gatvės krepšininkų, siekiančių užsidirbti papildomų pinigų, versija.

Kler advokatė, kurios vyras netikėtai apkaltintas žmogžudyste. Negana to, paaiškėja, kad jis visai ne tas, kuo dėjosi esąs. Kler negali patikėti, kad jos vyras galėjo šaltakraujiškai išžudyti visą kaimelį Lotynų Amerikoje, todėl nusprendžia atkakliai ginti jį teisme. Į pagalbą ji pasikviečia patyrusį advokatą Čarlį. Tačiau ir jis nesitiki sėkmės teisme, nes visi liudininkai paslaptingai miršta...

Istorija apie dominantę ir Halą, jos turtingą klientą, ir betvarkę, kuri gimsta, kai Halas bando užbaigti santykius.

Henrietta and Junior farm a secluded piece of land that has been in Junior's family for generations, but their quiet life is thrown into turmoil when an uninvited stranger shows up at their door with a startling proposal. Will they risk their relationship & personal identity for a chance to survive in a new world?