Završnica nastavlja tamo gdje je stao prijašnji film Rat Beskonačnosti. Thanos je upravo izbrisao polovicu svog života u svemiru. Na početku filma Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) pluta u svemiru i uskoro ostaje bez zraka, emotivni Captain America (Chris Evans) zajedno s Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) kuje plan kako spasiti svemir dok Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) služi kao humoristični odmak u inače iznimno tmurnom svijetu nakon Thanosova pohoda.

It has been thirteen years since the Androids began their killing rampage and Son Gohan is the only person fighting back. He takes Bulma's son Trunks as a student and even gives his own life to save Trunks's. Now Trunks must figure out a way to change this apocalyptic future

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

Iako John Wick više ne želi imati ništa sa svijetom profesionalnih ubojica, iz mirovine će ga izvući nekadašnji suradnik koji želi preuzeti kontrolu nad klanom međunarodnih ubojica. Ne želeći prekršiti davno dano obećanje, John odlazi u Rim gdje ga očekuje nemilosrdna borba s najsmrtonosnijim svjetskim ubojicama.

Obični profesor filozofije odlučuje pomoći policiji u malim tajnim zadacima za nadzor i na kraju se pretvara da je unajmljeni plaćeni ubojica, kako bi otkrio naručitelje.

Nastao prema romanu Firing Point, autora Georgea Wallacea i Dona Keitha, novi akcijski triler Hunter Killer, u režiji Donovana Marsha, donosi napetošću nabijenu filmsku priču suvremene tematike u kojoj jedan čovjek preuzima odgovornost sprječavanja eskalacije totalnog rata između SAD-a i Rusije. Duboko pod Arktičkim oceanom, Joe Glass, kapetan je američke podmornice Hunter Killer koja vodi potragu za američkim plovilima u nevolji. Kada otkrije da međunarodnom miru i svjetskom poretku prijeti tajni ruski vojni udar, s posadom i domovinom na kocki, kapetan Glass mora okupiti elitne trupe američke ratne mornarice Navy SEALs kako bi spasili otetog ruskog predsjednika, ušuljali se u neprijateljske vode i spriječili treći svjetski rat. Kada silom krenu protiv sile, pojavljuje se opasnost da započnu rat koji su htjeli spriječiti.

Prequel franšize Pretkazanje prati mladu Amerikanku koja je poslana u Rim gdje će krenuti sa svojim pozivom crkvi, ali tamo naiđe na tamu zbog koje će krenuti propitkivati vlastitu vjeru te otkriva stravičnu zavjeru kojom se na svijet želi donijeti silu tame, kasnije poznatog kao Damien.

Sada kada su Dom i Letty na medenom mjesecu, Brian i Mia u mirovini - a ostatak ekipe oslobođen - svi prividno donekle vode normalan život. Ali kada tajanstvena žena (dobitnica nagrade Oscar® Charlize Theron) uvede Doma u svijet kriminala, on ne pronalazi način izlaska i izdaje sve koji su mu bliski. Svi će se suočiti s kušnjama kao nikada do sad. Od obala Kube i ulica New Yorka do ledenih ravnica artičkog Barentskog mora, naša elitna snaga će pokušati zaustaviti anarhiste i dovesti kući čovjeka koji je stvorio njihovu obitelj.

A Saiyan Space pod crash-lands on Earth out of which a wounded Saiyan crawls: Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan. The wounded Broly shouts out in frustration and turns into normal form. The place soon freezes, trapping him in it and he falls into a coma.

Two years after defeating a satanic cult led by his babysitter Bee, Cole's trying to forget his past and focus on surviving high school. But when old enemies unexpectedly return, Cole will once again have to outsmart the forces of evil.

U ovoj adaptaciji filma Buda Spencera i Terencea Hilla iz 1970-ih dvojica se braće nakon 25 g. otuđenja ponovo sastanu kako bi vratili auto koji je njihov otac obožavao.

Neil, Will and Simon receive an invite from Jay to join him in Australia whilst on his gap year, who promises them it’s ”the sex capital of the world”. With their lives now rather dull compared to their hedonistic school days and legendary lads holiday, it’s an offer they can’t refuse. Once again, they put growing up temporarily on-hold, and embark on a backpacking holiday of a lifetime in an awful car, inspired by Peter Andre’s ‘Mysterious Girl’. Will soon finds himself battling with the lads to do something cultural, whilst they focus their attention on drinking, girls, and annoying fellow travelers.

With the world under attack by deadly creatures who hunt by sound, a teen and her family seek refuge outside the city and encounter a mysterious cult.

Kako bi spasila Pariz od međunarodnog krvoprolića, ožalošćena znanstvenica mora se suočiti sa svojom tragičnom prošlošću kada se u Seini pojavi divovski morski pas.

Tijekom spasilačke misije u svemiru Jean Grey pretvori se u beskrajno moćnu i opasnu Dark Phoenix. Kako Jean gubi kontrolu, X-Men se moraju ujediniti kako bi se suočili sa svojim dosad najrazornijim neprijateljem – jednom od njih.

While W-0 is away, Leila and the remaining crew at base find themselves surrounded by Britannian Knightmares. Piloting the Vercingetorix, Shin Hyuuga leads the enemy charge, having usurped the position of Grand Master in the Knights of St. Michael. With her core members unavailable, it's up to Leila to protect her comrades, but this may be much tougher than she realizes: a spy lurking among them is finally ready to reveal himself. Left with no choice but to surrender, Leila arranges a meeting with Shin in order to ensure the safety of her squad. But as negotiations begin to fall apart, Akito and an unexpected ally return in the nick of time to turn things around.

Jaga Bada, Mr. Satan's old sparring partner, has invited Satan to his personal island to hold a grudge match. Trunks and Goten decide to come for the adventure and Android #18 is following Satan for the money he owes her. Little do they know that Jaga Bada's scientist have found a way to resurrect Broly, the legendary Super Saiyan.

Young newlyweds Paul and Bea travel to a remote lake cottage for their honeymoon, where the promise of private romance awaits them. Shortly after arriving, Paul finds Bea wandering and disoriented in the middle of the night.

After a mysterious woman saves her daughter from a deadly snakebite, a single mother must repay the debt by killing a stranger before sundown.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.