A captured French Resistance fighter during World War II engineers a daunting escape from prison.

In this luminous tale set in the former Yugoslavia, Perhan, an engaging young Romany with telekinetic powers, is seduced by the quick-cash world of petty crime that threatens to destroy him and those he loves.

Per her mother's last wish, an 8 year old girl sets out to reunite her father with his college best friend who was in love with him.

Martin is a neurotic web designer taking baby steps out of the isolation of his one-room apartment and his virtual reality. Mariana is an artist fresh out of a a long relationship. They are perfect for each other, live on the same street, in opposite buildings, but they never meet. Can the movement of a modern city of three million people bring them together?

Under the sun, the heavenly beauty of grasslands will soon be covered by the raging dust of mines. Facing the ashes and noises caused by heavy mining , the herdsmen have no choice but to leave as the meadow areas dwindle. In the moonlight, iron mines are brightly lit throughout the night. Workers who operate the drilling machines must stay awake. The fight is tortuous, against the machine and against themselves. Meanwhile, coal miners are busy filling trucks with coals. Wearing a coal-dust mask, they become ghostlike creatures. An endless line of trucks will transport all the coals and iron ores to the iron works. There traps another crowd of souls, being baked in hell. In the hospital, time hangs heavy on miners' hands. After decades of breathing coal dust, death is just around the corner. They are living the reality of purgatory, but there will be no paradise.

Recently paroled from prison, legendary burglar "Doc" Riedenschneider, with funding from Alonzo Emmerich, a crooked lawyer, gathers a small group of veteran criminals together in the Midwest for a big jewel heist.

Diunkerko apsuptis ir gelbėjimo operacija „Dinamo“ - vienas herojiškiausių ir žiauriausių Antrojo pasaulinio karo istorijos puslapių. 1940 m. gegužės pabaigoje Belgijos miesto Diunkerko paplūdimiuose Vokietijos kariuomenė apsupo Sąjungininkų pajėgas, sudarytas iš britų, prancūzų, kanadiečių, lenkų, belgų ir olandų karių. Gelbėjimo operacijos „Dinamo“ metu nuo gegužės 26 iki birželio 4 dienos iš Diunkirko pavyko evakuoti 338 226 karius. Tačiau per nacių oro ataką taip pat buvo išžudyta apie 290 000 prancūzų ir apie 68 000 britų kareivių – neskaitant kitų Sąjungininkų aukų bei daugiau nei tūkstančio žuvusių civilių.

In 1913 Beijing, three fierce women—disguised rebel Tsao Wan, jewel-seeking Sheung Hung, and opera heiress Pat Neil—embark on a daring quest filled with intrigue and betrayal, challenging societal norms amidst political turmoil and the vibrant world of Peking Opera.

A nurse from Ukraine searches for a better life in the West, while an unemployed security guard from Austria heads East for the same reason. Both are looking for work, a new beginning, an existence, struggling to believe in themselves, to find a meaning in life...

A blunt, abrasive and yet oddly compassionate Jagdishwar Mishra aka Jolly, a small-time struggling lawyer who moves from Kanpur to the city of Nawabs to pursue his dream of becoming a big-time lawyer.

San Francisco, 1985. Two opposites attract at a modern dance company. Together, their courage and resilience are tested as they navigate a world full of risks and promise, against the backdrop of a disease no one seems to know anything about.

A composition of symbolic, surreal and almost mystic images.

Keturi nelaimėliai pagaliau bus laimingi. Žavioji Audrey Tautou nuoširdžioje istorijoje apie meilės ir laimės paieškas. Tai pasakojimas apie keturis paprastus žmones, kurių iki šiol nesiejo niekas, išskyrus vienatvę. Susitikimas jiems suteikė progą pažinti vienam kitą, netgi mylėti ir turėti šeimą. Kamilė yra jauna, tačiau keista moteris, vakarais dirbanti valytoja, nors yra labai talentinga iliustratorė. Frankas yra virėjas, po kurio šiurkščia ir nerafinuota išore slepiasi labai jautrus vaikinas, besirūpinantis senele Paulete. Ji, trečioji filmo veikėja, yra trapi, pagyvenusi, tačiau turinti nuostabų humoro jausmą. O jaunasis aristokratas Philibertas tampa jungiamąja šių veikėjų grandimi.

Having failed in their quest for the Holy Grail, the knights of the Round Table return to Camelot, their number reduced to a mere handful. Seeing a rift developing between Lancelot and Mordred, Arthur urges his knights to bury their differences and become friends. However, the king is unaware that Lancelot is having an affair with his queen, Guinevere. Lancelot is torn between his duty to his king and his love for the queen, whilst Mordred is determined to use his infidelity to destroy him.

Return to the Class of Nuke 'Em High follows a young couple that are up against the school glee club. Unfortunately, the glee club has mutated into a gang called The Cretins. When the other students begin to undergo mutations, our couple must solve the mystery and save Tromaville High School

Chico one of the remaining members of The Magnificent Seven now lives in the town that they (The Seven) helped. One day someone comes and takes most of the men prisoner. His wife seeks out Chris, the leader of The Seven for help. Chris also meets Vin another member of The Seven. They find four other men and they go to help Chico.

Fifteen years after his father's experiments with matter transmission fail, Philippe Delambre and his uncle François attempt to create a matter transmission device on their own. However, their experiments have disastrous results, turning Philippe into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.

Kovinių filmų žvaigždė Jean-Claude Van Damme vaidina buvusį gaisrininką Dareną Makordą, kuris kartu su dukra susiruošia į ledo ritulio rungtynes. Jis nė nenumano, kad sporto areną jau užgrobė teroristai ir įkaitu paėmė Jungtinių Valstijų viceprezidentą. Teroristai paskelbia rungtynių pabaigoje susprogdinsią stadioną. Darenas privalo gelbėti savo dukrą, žiūrovus ir viceprezidentą...

Alice Tomaso gets out of jail, and goes looking for Léo and Julien, one of whom, it appears, is her father. On the way, she steals the wrong car - one belonging to the Russian mafia, and arrives at her destination with a gang of thugs out looking for her and the car.

Max is 6 years old. She lives with her dad Toni, a small time crook with a golden heart. For Xmas, Max offers him Rose, a call-girl found on the street whom she’s very fond of. Despite the complicated situation, Toni’s gonna have a hard time refusing her daughter’s «gift» and must coexist with Rose.