Zoinks! Get ready to shake and shiver with Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang as they collect clues and capture crooks as only they can! Those teenage super-sleuths have the villains on the run in four mysterious adventures. So grab your Scooby snacks, gather your courage and make like a detective because - jinkies - there's a mystery to solve. Compilation of four episodes from the Scooby-Doo franchise: Vampires, Bats, and Scaredy Cats; A Gaggle of Galloping Ghosts; That's Snow Ghost; and Which Witch is Which.

Splash into action with seafaring sleuths Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang as they collide with a mystery ship and try to uncover clues from a vanished crew in Hassle in the Castle! Shaggy and Scooby-Doo are then captured by Redbeard the Pirate in Go Away Ghost Ship. Zoinks! If the case isn’t solved soon, somebody’s going to walk the plank! And when Scooby and friends get lost in a swamp, they meet up with the Harlem Globetrotters and Redbeard the Pirate – again! – for a swashbuckling adventure worth a treasure chest full of Scooby Snax!

Celebrate the season Scooby-Doo style as Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang face off festive frights, frosty nights and - jeepers - the ghost of Christmas, who wants to wish everyone a scary Christmas! In this collection of cold-weather capers, Scooby-Doo and the gang unwrap a series of mysteries in order to stop a group of chilling crooks from stealing the spirits of the season!

火星鬼水》是《神秘博士》2009特别篇第二弹,于11月15日在BBC1播出。制作人Russell T Davies透露,这集会和接下来的2集关系密切,但并不是三部曲的第一部分。本集献给2009年10月过世的前"神秘博士"编剧兼制作人Barry letts。   故事发生于2059年,火星。博士有了新搭档Adelaide Brooke(Lindsay Duncan饰演),火星殖民地Bowie基地1号基地的首领。她可以说是迄今为止博士遇到的最聪明、最坚强的伙伴。Peter O'Brien客串演出Adelaide地副手Ed Gold。   David Tennant 饰演 博士   David Tennant 于1971年4月18日出生在苏格兰的West Lothiam.原名为David JohnMcDonald..在他3,4岁的时候,由于看了BBC的剧集《神秘博士》(该剧首播于1963年),他决心要成为一名演员,并在上学之前就在在电视上露了脸。David Tennant在Bathgate长大,是TheProclaimers乐队的超级乐迷。他毕业于Paisley Grammarschool,在那期间他写下了自己是多么想成为一名职业演员并在《神秘博士》中出演主角。DavidTennant在参加一个周六青年俱乐部的聚会时被苏格兰电视台发现。他在苏格兰皇家音乐戏剧学院学习表演。 2005年,DavidTennant的梦想实现了。他在BBC新一季的《神秘博士》里扮演博士。自此之后,David Tennant的名字就广为人知了。   Lindsay Duncan 饰演 Adelaide Brooke   英国女演员Lindsay Vere Duncan 1950年11月7日出生于苏格兰爱丁堡。舞台剧及电视剧两栖发展,曾凭借《Private Lives》获得托尼奖。2009年生日那天,被授予大英帝国司令勋章。   2005年,她因在BBC与HBO拍摄的古装剧《罗马》中扮演Servilia Caepionis而被美国及中国观众熟悉。据悉,她还将在蒂姆·波顿版《爱丽丝漫游仙境》中扮演爱丽丝的母亲。





  这部现实主义风格的影片突出表现了人与人之间的隔膜和孤独。约翰·卡萨维茨既是性格演员,又是个成功的导演。这部独立制作的影片花了8个月的时间拍摄,所耗费的5万美元是他当演员时攒下的。为节约成本,他用16mm的摄影机在借用的民房里即兴拍摄,并在自己的车库里将影片翻印成35mm的影片。他花了整整3年的时间才找到代理发行的公司,但上映后却受到好评,并获得奥斯卡最佳编剧、最佳男女配角金像奖的提名。   本片描写丈夫理查德在外面和妓女调情,妻子玛丽娅却和流浪汉同床共宿,当妻子的奸情被丈夫发觉后,理查德痛骂妻子,而玛丽娅则向他声明他们的关系彻底结束。

故事发生在车水马龙的繁华大都市巴黎,卡洛塔(Mary Fabian 饰)是一名歌剧演员,某日,剧院之中忽然现身了神秘的幽灵,威胁卡洛塔必须放弃她在歌剧《浮士德》中的角色,并将这个角色让给一位名为克里斯汀(玛丽·菲尔宾 Mary Philbin 饰)的女子扮演。克里斯汀和幽灵之间是怎样的关系呢?原来,幽灵的真身是一直以来潜伏在剧院中的一名头戴面具的男子,一场意外令他的容貌尽毁,变得恐怖狰狞,无奈之下只好戴上面具,躲藏在墓地里。某日,克里斯汀的出现吸引了他的注意,他发现自己已经深深的爱上了这位美丽的女子,于是决定现身将她挟持。起初,克里斯汀十分害怕这位诡异的男子,然而,随着时间的推移,克里斯汀渐渐发现,这恐怖的幽灵亦有温柔善良的一面。

Jimi, a computer game designer, finds that his latest product has been infected by a virus which has given consciousness to the main character of the game, Solo. Tormented by the memory of his fled girlfriend Lisa and begged by Solo to end its useless "life", Jimi begins a search for people who can help him both to discover what happened to Lisa and to delete his game before it is released.

Alice owns a network of sex shops and workaholic who, in trying to reconcile the harsh routine of work and family life, suffers nervous breakdown, she is forced by her husband to go to spa. Precisely at this time, appears unique opportunity to expand its business in New York. Using fun gimmicks, risks his health, leaves spa party there with family to ride, but actually in order to facilitate their professional interests. In trying to reconcile the agendas, engage in hilarious situations and mistakes that culminate in the possible separation of the couple.

Traveling from New York to Italia, pretty Mary rushes into moody macho lawyer Tito. The girl immediately falls for the guy with the gruffy manners and in an very impertinent way, she leans on him as she gets in trouble: Not only that she gets tied up in her suite by some Gangsters, but also, her new husband is found dead.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

达斯蒂(约翰·C·赖利 John C. Reilly 饰)和莱福蒂(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰)是一对小有名气的牛仔音乐组合;罗拉(琳赛·洛翰 Lindsay Lohan 饰)对歌唱和音乐保持着永恒不变的热情;尤兰达(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)和隆达(莉莉·汤普琳 Lily Tomlin 饰)虽然年事已高,却仍然为自己的音乐梦想不断前进着。

好色的Stephane Margelle 把他的妻子Sophie 送走了,整个复活节周末他都可以独处了。他立即打电话给年轻漂亮的Julie,Julie刚刚与她男友吵架。Stephane 和 Julie 回到他的公寓准备渡过一个情色的周末。然而 Stephane 的妻子突然回家了。Stephane 只好现编了一个故事在现场,说 Julie 是他失散多年的女儿。他们三人将一起渡过这个周末……

第一部《天鹅公主》说到,勇敢的德里克王子破解了巫师的咒语,把奥迪塔公主从新变成人,两人相爱并幸 福的生活在一起。时间过得真快,一转眼,公主和王子已经结婚一年了。但是每日忙于处理国事的王子却不再有当初的浪漫,无意中冷落了公主,甚至连他们的结婚纪念日也忘了。

Bologna, 1954. Taddeo, a young man of 18 whom everyone calls Kid, dreams of becoming one of the regulars of the mythical Margherita Café, located under the portico across from his family's home. Through a ploy, he manages to get work as the chauffeur for Al, the neighborhood's most glamorous and mysterious resident. Having been taken under Al's wing, Taddeo gets to witness the adventures of Bep, who is in love with Marcella the entraineuse; the trials and tribulations of Gian, an aspiring singer and the victim of a horrible practical joke; the crazy behavior of Manuelo, a small-time robber with a sex phobia; the meanness of Zanchi, inventor of the elastic necktie; and the bizarre manias of Sarti, a ballroom dancing champion who wears his tux day and night. And Taddeo's home life is no less out of the ordinary, considering his mother is being led on by the family physician while his grandfather has fallen head over heels for a well-built piano teacher.
