With the Gyaos re-emerging, Gamera's ties to humanity have been severed with his bond to Asagi broken. Nagamine and Asagi investigate while an orphaned girl named Ayana discovers a new creature she names Iris. Nagamine and Asagi must reach Ayana before she takes her revenge on Gamera, who she blames for the death of her family.

Phase Gaye Re Obama is a comedy set against the backdrop of global recession/meltdown that originated in USA. The film traces the journey of OM Shashtri, an American citizen of Indian origin, who loses all his wealth overnight to the global recession & has been asked to vacate his home by the bank unless he pays up $100,000 (mortgaged amount) within 30 days. Seeing no other option Om comes to India to sell a small piece of an ancestral property. But within days of landing in India he is kidnapped by a 'recession-hit' underworld gang those who think that he is still a millionaire. What happens to Om, is he able to save his home, how did the 'poor' gangster cope with their 'poor' catch & what do small town Indian gangsters have to say to President Obama...is largely forms the rest of the story. The film, showcases how global recession/ meltdown impacted lives from an America based businessman to underworld dons in the dusty plains of small town India.

When a reservation mix-up at a mountain resort forces a newly-single travel writer to share a cabin with a handsome widower and his precocious daughter over the holidays, their lives are transformed by the magic of Christmas and the unexpected power of love.

2017 m. filmas „Paskutinis didvirys“ pasakojo paprasto maskviečio Ivano (aktorius Viktoras Choriniakas) nuotykius, patekus į stebuklingą kraštą, kuriame gyvena didvyriai bei raganos, o burtai yra ne stebuklas, o kasdienybė. Ten Ivanas sužinojo, kad ir pats turi didvyrių kraujo, sutiko niekuomet nematytą savo tėvą (patį Ilją Muromecą) ir įsimylėjo nuostabiąją Vasilisą (akt. Mila Sivackaja). Ši juosta pasakoja apie tolimesnius Ivano nuotykius. Naujuose savo namuose vaikinas jau apsiprato, bet jį vis labiau kankina Maskvos ilgesys. Ne paskutinėje vietoje ir neišvengiamai artėjanti šventė, kurios metu iš visų karalystės kampelių suvažiavę didvyriai demonstruos savo ištvermę, galią ir sugebėjimus. Ivano nerimas didėja sulig kiekviena diena, nes vaikinas, nors ir didvyrio sūnus, tų stebuklingų, didvyrio vertų galių galių savyje taip ir nesugebėjo pažadinti.

Documentary sequel that offers a close-up look into the personal lives of the legendary porn stars who've survived the test of time and influenced popular culture. Blends rare interviews with erotic clips and additional appearances by Whoopi Goldberg, Steven Soderbergh and a host of adult stars, directors and trendsetters.

With hard work and dedication on lock, a group of homeless men trains to compete in a global tournament — despite a cranky coach.

Joon-seok is sent to prison for his involvement in Dong-soo's death. He meets Dong-soo's son in prison, keeps his identity a secret, and agrees to join forces when he is released. All of their plans fall apart when Sung-hoon finds out the truth.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

One day a mysterious box arrived and a curse began to spread all over. The source of the box is 'Jukai Village'. The village is hidden in Jukai Forest, a suicide spot that once you enter it, you can never come out.

Two years after the death of Jean, Matthias, the coach, decides to take Selime, a young man from the suburbs he believes is gay, to accompany the Shiny Shrimps to the Gay Games in Tokyo, on a trip to pay tribute to their friend who left too early. But after they miss their connection, they find themselves stranded in Russia, in one of the not the most gay-friendly regions in the world. The start of a crazy adventure as incredible as it is perilous.

Former Antigang legend Niels Cartier, known for his muscular and unconventional methods, left the force following an intervention that went wrong and led to the death of his wife. When the gang of bank robbers responsible for her death reappears eight years later, Niels won't let anyone stand in his way to seek revenge. Even if it means forming an explosive duo with his temperamental 14-year-old daughter.

Anė Valberg kažkada buvo tikra kvepalų industrijos pažiba. Išskirtinę uoslę ir neeilinį talentą turinti moteris kūrė didžiulės sėkmės sulaukiančius kvepalus ir pati galėjo rinktis, su kuo nori dirbti. Tačiau vieną dieną nutinka pats baisiausias dalykas parfumeriui: Anė praranda uoslę. Nors užsakymai staigiai išsenka (gandai mados industrijoje sklinda itin greitai), prisitaikyti prie naujos realybės Anei sekasi kur kas sunkiau. Pripratusi prie pagyrų ir liaupsių, savanaudiška, temperamentinga ir arogantiška moteris ir toliau elgiasi kaip diva, nekreipdama dėmesio į aplinkinių jausmus bei norus. Jai atleidus jau kelintą asmeninį vairuotoją, likimas ją suveda su Giljomu. Sudėtingą skyrybų procesą išgyvenantis vyras tiesiog privalo išlaikyti šį darbą, jei nori ir toliau matytis su savo dešimtmete dukra.

Giacomo is a low-level actor and voice actor with a great passion for acting. After another disappointing audition he has one last chance to get the part assigned

The film is a violent, edgy ride focusing on down and out Reagan Tyler, a man who is troubled by visions and premonitions that ultimately lead him to old school Las Vegas. It's there that Reagan meets the beautiful and mysterious Monika, a young woman who turns out to have been killed the night before he even met her. Reagan is then forced to put the puzzle together of what happened, how she is still present, and help Monika with her revenge on the killers of her younger sister.

Salvadoras Felipas Žasintas Dali Domenekas – ispanų dailininkas, tapytojas, grafikas ir skulptorius bei vienas iš žymiausių siurrealizmo atstovų. 1973-aisiais metais, Niujorke, kai jaunam galerijos savininkui Džeimsui atsiveria durys į vieną iš liūdnai pagarsėjusio, tačiau visame pasaulyje žinomo tapytojo Salvadoro Dali vakarėlių, jis patenka į išskirtinį pasaulį. Džeimsui suteikiama kartą gyvenime pasitaikanti galimybė – padėti surengti didžiulę Dali kūrinių parodą – tačiau kuo daugiau laiko jis praleidžia su ekstravagantiškuoju menininku, tuo giliau jis pasineria į siurrealizmo beprotybę. Be to Džeimsas supranta, kad iš pažiūros nesugriaunami Dali santykiai su ne mažiau ekscentriška žmona Gala (akt. Barbara Sukowa) taip pat kabo ant bedugnės slenksčio.

Alone in the mountains of Switzerland, Anne discovers that her isolated chalet is on surveillance and has been bugged. Caught up by her former life as an intelligence secret agent and an affair with her handler, Anne can only count on herself to get out alive.

A debt-ridden father takes advantage of an unforeseen situation to disappear and live off the grid under a false identity. But a chance event occurs and the temptation to want to know his family resurfaces.

An Irish undertaker profits when outlaws take over a peaceful town, but his own family come under threat as the death toll increases dramatically.

On a secluded family farm, a mother suffers a psychotic break due to postpartum depression, forcing the eldest son to protect his sibling from the mother they have always known and loved.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.