The marquis Galeazzo di Torre Alta is murdered by a mysterious killer who calls himself Diabolicus. His heirs are his three brothers and a sister, but all of them, with the exception of Monsignor Antonino di Torre Alta, are killed by Diabolicus. The police are unable to solve the case, but when Antonino gives his inheritance to Pasquale Bonocore, illegitimate son of his father and Pasquale is in prison and therefore can't be the killer, all the clues are in the hand of the police.

The story of Maria Montessori the most famous pedagogue of the world. She spent all her life to make her "metodo" (method) accepted in the archaic Italian school system, while the rest of the world immediately understand the importance of her theories. She was the first Italian Doctor, a famous feminist, a scientist. Her private life was hit by having an illegitimate son and by the Fascism that didn't want to accept completely her theories.

Based on director Aureliano Amadei's 2003 experiences in Iraq, 20 Cigarettes is the gripping story of a twenty-eight year old anarchist and anti-war activist who receives an offer to fly to Iraq as assistant director on a film about the Italian military peace mission.

In 18th-century Sicily, deaf-mute highborn Marianna Ucrìa is forced to marry at age 13, bearing three children before even turning 16, when she finally gives birth to a boy. Despite everything, she'll find a way to emancipate herself from the oppressive social conventions of the time.

A tired and stressed-out mom takes off on a solo vacation, sending her family into chaos as the father tries to take over the household duties.

Rome, 1989. On his last day of high school, Luca gets in trouble when he takes it all out on hated literature teacher Martinelli, only to discover he's going to be heading the examination board for his finals. During a summer of fruitless study, he falls in love with a girl he met once at a party, unaware that she's Martinelli's daughter. The latter, strangely enough, has just offered Luca to prepare with him...

Алис живее в прекрасна вила. Тя има прекрасен съпруг, който изкарва много пари, 9-годишен син и няколко прислужници, които са имигранти. Алис е надменна, не обръща внимание на околните и мрази имигрантите. Но нещата коренно се променят, след като съпругът й е убит. Алис не може да си позволи да поддържа голямата къща, в която е живяла досега и се мести в малък апартамент в краен квартал. А най-големият шок идва от факта, че ще трябва да си намери работа. Запознава се с Ева, която работи като момиче на повикване и решава и тя да пробва.

Four friends to the discovery of the most fun and romantic of Europe: Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam and finally Scotland. A road trip that will bring our protagonists to know each other better and to fall in love.

Началото на 20-и век. Санте и Костанте са бедни момчета, които мечтаят да сятнат колоездачи. Но трудният живот ги кара да крадат, за да помагат на семействата си. Годините минават. Костанте усилено тренира, докато Санте продължава да краде и многократно влиза в затвора. И двамата харесват Мела – приятелка от детството...

After the events of the first movie, the "immatures" go on a trip to the Greek island of Paros.

Комедия за живота на шест разделени двойки от Коледа до Свети Валентин... Какво се случва с любовта след края на връзката? Някои от бившите се мразят, други са станали приятели, за трети чувството е все още живо. Някои са се разделили случайно, други - по приумица на съдбата, трети - по грешка. Но във всички случаи бившият или бившата са като феникс, възраждащ се от пепелта. Те никога не остават в миналото, винаги са на линия, готови да променят живота на човек.

Anna and Piero fighting routine of a long marriage, when Piero loses his memory, Anna reconstructs his way. For its part, the concierge Rocco and his friend Michele play in a group that emulates the Beatles and face opposition from their partners. Finally, Marcello and Paola are a divorced couple who, from time to time, pretend they are still together to avoid problems. They are victims of a relentless war of sexes.

Couple Andrea and Giulia, an outwardly successful couple, are having problems in the bedroom. When Giulia invites Max, an old friend from high school, to stay in the family home with their teenage son, some new attitudes begin to form.

Catlow is a 1971 western based on a story by Louis L'Amour. It stars Yul Brynner as a outlaw determined to pull off a gold robbery and co-stars Richard Crenna and Leonard Nimoy.

Romantically disillusioned woman finds herself organising her sister's wedding. Cue romantic mismatching and shenanigans...

Funny, entertaining comedy with a few storylines. All of them have one thing in common - a resort town of Rimini in Italy.

Gemma works as an employee in the office of an agency that is responsible for launching novice models into their first career steps. However, Gemma does not work in a peaceful atmosphere due to her particularly demanding employer and the harassment she suffers from her own clients. Equally unhappy is her love life, which is why her only friend, as well as her trusted hairdresser, dyes her hair pink. It is from that moment that her life changes radically.

Five deadbeat, sex-crazed friends forge their resumes to enroll in the prestigious University of Oxford to help one of them end up with the girl he's in love with.