安东尼娅(马吉莉塔·贝 Margherita Buy 饰)是一名专门研究治疗艾滋病的医生,她的丈夫在一场车祸中不幸丧生,爱人的死让安东尼娅陷入了悲痛和绝望之中,久久的无法从阴影中走出来。让安东尼娅没有想到的是,丈夫生前竟然背叛了自己。实际上,他是一名同性恋者,有一个名叫迈克(斯蒂芬努·阿科西 Stefano Accorsi 饰)的情人。无法解开心结的安东尼娅决定去见一见迈克,很快,她便发现,迈克和很多同他一样的边缘人们一起居住在一幢公寓中,贫穷和疾病深深困扰着他们。安东尼娅选择了隐瞒自己的真实身份,因为她有更重要的事情要做。

After serving prison time for a juvenile offense, Freddo gathers his old buddies Libano and Dandi and embarks on a crime spree that makes the trio the most powerful gangsters in Rome. Libano loves their new status, and seeks to spread their influence throughout the underworld, while the other two pursue more fleshly desires. For decades, their gang perpetrates extravagant crimes, until paranoia threatens to split the friends apart.

Story of Enzo Ferrari's rise from a successful race driver to one of the most famous entrepreneurs of all time. Being interviewed by a fictitious, intrusive young journalist he recalls his setbacks and personal losses.

Women in a failing silk factory, fight to find a way to keep their jobs.

The story of Maria Montessori the most famous pedagogue of the world. She spent all her life to make her "metodo" (method) accepted in the archaic Italian school system, while the rest of the world immediately understand the importance of her theories. She was the first Italian Doctor, a famous feminist, a scientist. Her private life was hit by having an illegitimate son and by the Fascism that didn't want to accept completely her theories.

安东尼欧(斯蒂芬努·阿科西 Stefano Accorsi 饰)和安吉里卡(马吉莉塔·贝 Margherita Buy 饰)是一对恩爱多年的夫妻,可是就在最近,安吉里卡发现了安东尼欧的不忠,而后者似乎有意结束两人之间的婚姻关系。作为两人最好的朋友,同性恋人洛伦佐(路卡·阿根提洛 Luca Argentero 饰)和戴维德(皮尔弗朗西斯科·法维诺 Pierfrancesco Favino 饰)不知该如何安慰心碎的安吉里卡,同时,他们两人之间,亦有无法解决的问题。

Targeted by a dirty cop after witnessing a murder, bank clerk Mario flees to Puerto Escondido, Mexico, where a couple of oddball Italian expats drags him into a journey of self-discovery and bad decisions.

卡罗尔(Stefano Accorsi 饰)和古丽亚(Giovanna Mezzogiorno 饰)是相恋多年的情侣,彼此之间感情十分要好。最近,古丽亚发现自己意外怀孕,面对这个计划外的小小生命,卡罗尔却产生了胆怯的情绪,他还尚未做好准备接收“父亲”这一沉重的身份,其实对于未知的未来,古丽亚亦疑虑重重。阿德里亚诺(Giorgio Pasotti 饰)、保罗(Claudio Santamaria 饰)和艾伯特(Marco Cocci 饰)是卡罗尔的好友们,他们和卡罗尔有着相似的心境,被困在各种各样的关系之中,渴望挣脱束缚,获得自由。他们虽然在身体上已经长大成人,但心智深处依然渴望做一个不用承担责任的孩子。

Everyday family life as perfectly normal madness. “As Melhores Coisas do Mundo“ follows a few days in the life of the 15-year-old Mano, who is fighting on two fronts: his parents have just got divorced and he is going through puberty. Mano tries to make his way through life, with its first sexual experiences, his depressed brother and his self-centered parents. It’s a humorous homage to the pitfalls of daily life and the diversity of life.


马德里帕巴利队是撒丁岛二流足球联盟中水平最差的球队,每年都会被他们的邻居“不图柯瑞图队”羞辱,逢场必输。年轻的移民者马图斯返回家乡彻底扭转了帕巴利队目前的局面,马图斯超凡的足球天赋为球队赢得了一场又一场比赛的胜利。与两支球队故事并行的还有职业裁判员克鲁恰尼的故事,他希望执裁国际比赛来提升在国际足坛中的影响力。但事事总是难料...... 马斯图会赢得青梅竹马,教练的女儿米兰达的芳心吗?克鲁恰尼会执裁那场至关重要的冠军赛吗?(豆瓣电影字幕翻译2.0小组)

A comedy about generational conflict between two parents who do not want to grow old and a seventeen year old daughter who wants to become an adult. During a weekend with some friends in their country house in Tuscany, Marcello and Marina, relieved that the love affair of their teenage daughter Rose with another boy, Luke, is over, prepare to meet their daughter's new boyfriend. The problem is that the two adults, who still feel pretty young, do not know what to expect, and what they are about to discover will leave them speechless ...

Twenty years after tragedy cut their graduation trip short, four friends return to that destination to finish what they started in 1980. However, as they find out, you can't repeat the past.

Riko is an honest and hardworking man who can count on a group of real friends and a loving wife. Things change after he loses his job and experiences a midlife crisis.

A cunning and resourceful housewife vows revenge on her husband when he begins an affair with a wealthy romance novelist.

Alex, a high-school boy fond of rock and punk music, falls in love with Adelaide, who shares his feelings but doesn't want to get too involved because she will soon leave for studying in America. Alex gets relief in music and his friend Martino who leads what looks to him as a more complete life.

人过中年的瑞斯图西亚夫妇生活优渥、饮食无忧。然而富足的物质条件总与匮乏的精神状况形成鲜明的对比。担任公司高管职务的丈夫卡罗(Fabrizio Bentivoglio 饰)与妻子激情不在,在某次同学会上他重逢了已为人妇的昔日恋人爱莉西娅(Monica Bellucci 莫妮卡•贝鲁奇 饰),他们的爱火重燃;妻子吉莉娅(Laura Morante 饰)为了家庭放弃自己钟爱的舞蹈事业,在好友的帮助下,她走入话剧圈真正去做一件自己想做的事情;19岁的儿子保罗(Silvio Muccino 饰)孤独无助,缺乏认同感,他只希望融入其他的同龄人中;18岁的女儿瓦伦蒂娜(Nicoletta Romanoff 饰)一心走上电视荧幕,为此不惜出卖肉体。

When the kooky tenants of an apartment block experience a sudden and shocking situation, they let their private lives, past secrets and crazy passions intervene as the confessions and absurd twists come thick and fast. Previous lovers, wild accusations, a possible murder and more boil to the surface days before New Year’s Eve, but can they even make it until then?

