A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.

A young married woman, who lives with her blind sister-in-law, has been waiting eight years for her husband to return home. One day she is about to drown in the nearby pond when a mysterious wanderer named Amaltas rescues her, unexpectedly changing her life and putting her in a dilemma between her husband and her savior. Will she be able to restrain the force of desire or will she give in to temptation?

The Irish musician Oisín (Tadgh Murphy) and his band come to Berlin for a few gigs. They are excited about the city and its legendary nightlife. As they unpack their things at the hostel, Oisín finds an envelope with money from his father in his pocket. Later, at their concert, everything seems to be going well - the boys are in a good mood, the audience is going along - when Oisín suddenly freaks out in the middle of the stage. The anger at his father for abandoning the family and the pain over his mother's death overwhelm him and he throws himself into Berlin's nightlife alone. When he meets the young, pretty Berliner Sabine (Aylin Tezel) and she shows him places far away from the party and tourist hotspots, he seems to find support with her.

A high school basketball player’s life turns upside down after free-falling into the harrowing world of drug addiction.

A warrior named Dahufa goes to save his prince from a dystopian village. He finds the dystopian village ruled by a fake god and his guards. In order to save the prince, Dahufa has to defeat the god and his men, and disclose the whole conspiracy.

După ce s-a oferit voluntar pentru a participa la o competiție de rezolvare a cuvintelor încrucișate cu un nou supercomputer, editorul de cuvinte încrucișate Tess Harper se trezește implicată în investigarea uciderii bizare a unui director general de tehnologie.

A group of friends have created a brand new subculture that is taking over the streets of Glasgow. They've established their very own fight club, but this is no ordinary wrestling event - this is brutal, riotous chaos. Fights don't always stay inside the ring, people are bounced off the side of buses and thrown off balconies in pubs. They now plan the biggest show of their lives. The stakes are high, will it bring them the fame and recognition they need to survive?

In an accident the young mechanic Marco Coccia meets Cristiana. The two fall in love with one another. Cristiana confesses only later that she is a genuine princess. For Marco it is not a problem, but for Cristiana's parents it is a very big problem. The two must separate. When one evening Cristiana calls Marco and lets him know about her forthcoming wedding, Marco with the car races toward Paris and has an accident...

Poveștile despre un agent antidrog sub acoperire, un cercetător universitar și o mamă singură îndurerată au în prim-plan epidemia letală de opioide.

Johnny Knoxville și Steve-O, împreună cu întreaga echipă Jackass, revin cu cascadorii, farse și răutăți mult mai deplasate și mai îndrăznețe.

Cea de-a patra parte a francizei "Resident Evil", care are la baza un joc video de succes, recurge pentru prima data la tehnologia 3D. "Resident Evil: Afterlife" este un horror science-fiction al carui personaj principal este Alice, o supravietuitoare a periculosului virus care a lovit si devastat orasul Los Angeles cu cinci ani in urma si care a transformat pe toti cei infectati in zombii. Luptandu-se in continuare cu Albert Wesker, presedintele corporatiei Umbrella, care si-a stabilit cartierul general la Tokyo si comunica prin intermediul hologramelor cu subalternii sai, curajoasa Alice beneficiaza de sprijinul neasteptat al vechii ei prietene Claire Redfield pentru a-i cauta pe supravietuitori si a-i conduce spre un loc in care sa se simta in siguranta. Atunci cand Alice si camarazii ei ajung in Los Angeles, constata faptul ca metropola este condusa de catre o armata formata din mii de morti vii care vor sa ii atraga intr-o capcana mortala.

Video installation, 2005, at LOKAAL_01 Breda 2007, Burning Marl, curator Frederik Vergaert in Seppenshuis Zoersel, 2005. A woman walking through 3 video images. Three screens display how the day’s light passes by: from the early morning light until late at night. Along with the woman the artist walks through the forest, in the same rhythm, the same pace. Off-screen she looks through the camera, fragmenting time. The age-old androgynous trees are a vertical constant along which the woman moves, as if in an interval between visibility and invisibility, between sound and silence, while the light keeps on evolving metabletically.

Cathy citește șocată scrisoarea în care soțul său Jamie o anunță că mariajul lor s-a încheiat. Își amintește cât erau de fericiți în urmă cu cinci ani. La acea vreme, Jamie își făcea debutul ca scriitor, iar Cathy era actriță de teatru. Cei doi se îndrăgostesc unul de altul la prima vedere și se căsătoresc la scurt timp. Ambii sunt dornici să facă carieră. Încetul cu încetul, căsnicia lor începe să scârțâie. Jamie o acuză pe Cathy de egoism, în timp ce Cathy este deranjată de faptul că Jamie pune mai mare preț pe carieră. Când devine din ce în ce mai cunoscut ca scriitor, Jamie încearcă să reziste tentației de a o înșela pe Cathy.

The friends Curió, Boroca (Dedé Santana), Mexelete and Bateia they venture in search of gold in the mine of Serra Pelada. The area is controlled by the foreigner Von Bermann, whose orders are executed by the bully Bira. Thirsty of being able to, the foreigner smuggles the gold and he wants to take possession of the lands of the Brazilian Ribamar, that refuses to do business before the son's arrival Chicão. With the help of the four dabblers, the boy struggles with the thieves and it helps the father in danger.

Un grup de oameni se trezește prins fără ieșire în pădurile din Virginia de Vest. În lupta pentru supraviețuire, nu pădurea nesfârșită și întunecoasă care pare fără ieșire este cel mai mare pericol, ci un grup de canibali mutanți care îi pândește din umbră și începe să-i omoare unul câte unul în cele mai sângeroase moduri.

In this second episode Dalmazio and Egisto come, respectively, from the prison and the insane asylum. They risk a second arrest for their awkwardness so they return from their "uncle" who is willing to help them.

The subject of male prostitution gets a distinctly zany and offbeat twist in Stellungswechsel (AKA Special Escort), Maggie Peren's tale of five male underdogs who promulgate themselves as female escorts in the city of Munich. Of that group, we meet policeman Gy, in hot water with his insurance company and enduring the vicissitudes of an on-again, off-again romance with comely Daphne; twentysomething Lasse, who lives with his mom and is pathetically henpecked by her; Giselher, a chronically unemployed former manager; Frank, a philologist who spends his days as a house husband; and Olli, a deli proprietor whose business is rapidly going under. These five conjure up the wild idea of charging for liaisons with emotionally needy women, but the scheme doesn't exactly go as planned - as none can even begin to anticipate the eccentricities or oddities of the female clients who turn up in response to their offer.

UFC 211: Miocic vs. dos Santos 2 is a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship held on May 13, 2017 at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas.

Did the Nazis ever see Charlie Chaplin's 'The Great Dictator'? Yugoslavia, 1942 - The young Serbian projectionist Nikola Radosevic decides to teach the German oppressors a lesson they won't forget. The beginning of a true and astonishing World War II resistance story.