The Story of Plastic is a seething expose uncovering the ugly truth behind the current global plastic pollution crisis. Striking footage shot over three continents illustrates the ongoing catastrophe: fields full of garbage, veritable mountains of trash; rivers and seas clogged with waste; and skies choked with the poisonous runoff from plastic production and recycling processes with no end in sight. Original animations, interviews with experts and activists, and never-before-filmed scenes reveal the disastrous consequences of the flood of plastic smothering ecosystems and poisoning communities around the world – and the global movement rising up in response.
Filmul ”În linia de apărare”, o producție Disney, este o dramă inspirată de povestea emoționantă a fostului jucător de fotbal american de la Universitatea Clemson, Ray McElrathbey, un tânăr care face față multor provocări, a cărui pasiune și consecvență îl ajută să depășească toate obstacolele. Susținut de coechipierii săi și întreaga Universitate Clemson, Ray are performanțe bune pe teren, crescându-l, în tot acest timp, fratele său de 11 ani, Fahmarr.
Two filmmakers travel around impoverished sectors of the cities of Bogotá and Cali in search of the images of abjection needed to complete a documentary commissioned by German TV. Meanwhile, another camera captures these “vampire” filmmakers feeding off the misery of their marginal subjects.
Follows the life of Native Canadian Saul Indian Horse as he survives residential school and life amongst the racism of the 1970s. A talented hockey player, Saul must find his own path as he battles stereotypes and alcoholism.
N has been a day patient at north London's Dorothy Fish day hospital for 13 years - her ambition is never to leave. Then she meets glamourous new patient Poppy Shakespeare, an ad agency receptionist convinced she's not mad.
Primo si Secundo sunt doi frati care au emigrat din Italia in Statele Unite, unde si-au deschis un restaurant cu specific italian. Primo este un tip irascibil, inzestrat cu talent in arta culinara, dar hotarat sa nu-si iroseasca darul pregatind mancarurile obisnuite pe care clientii le doresc. Secondo este cel care se zbate sa tina restaurantul pe linia de plutire, in ciuda faptului ca afacerea nu prea are succes. Proprietarul unui local din apropiere, care se bucura de un succes enorm, in ciuda mediocritatii serviciilor oferite, le ofera celor doi frati solutia salvatoare: o noapte speciala cu muzica jazz si mancare pregatita asa cum isi doreste Primo.
Chris is a once promising high school athlete whose life is turned upside down following a tragic accident. As he tries to maintain a normal life, he takes a job as a janitor at a bank, where he ultimately finds himself caught up in a planned heist.
Stan și Lion sunt doi frați care încearcă să rămână relevanți în lumea subterană a boxului fără mănuși. Când Stan nu reușește să-i dea banii înapoi unui mafiot periculos, cei doi sunt forțați să livreze un călător neașteptat în timp ce traversează țara pentru un turneu de lupte cu mize mari. În timp ce Stan îl antrenează pe Lion pentru lupta vieții lui, o serie de evenimente amenință să îi despartă pe frați, dar iubirea pe care și-o poartă cei doi și gândul că pot avea o viață mai bună îi ajută să meargă mai departe, în această dramă captivantă care demonstrează că familia nu se dă în lături de la nimic.
Hidden in the heart of Russia, there is a Soviet-era city where thousands of people live and work behind barbed-wire fences monitored by armed guards. It is Ozyorsk (Ozersk), located in the Chelyabinsk Oblast, one of the most polluted places on the planet and home to the largest stockpiles of nuclear material. Its code name: City 40.
In her first special since 2003, Ellen revisits her road to stardom and details the heartfelt -- and hilarious -- lessons she's learned along the way.
In a Polish shtetl, two young men who have grown up together betrothe their unborn children, ignoring the advice of a mysterious traveler not to pledge the lives of future generations. Soon after, one of them dies, and the wife of the other dies in childbirth. The children grow up in different towns, without ever knowing of the betrothal, but the power of the vow leads them to meet each other when they are marriageable. The young woman, Leah, is promised to another man, but Channon, the son of the father who died, is a practitioner of mysticism, and seeks to win his bride through sorcery.
Dupa ce au planuit multa vreme o vacanta pe care au dorit-o perfecta, Diane Shaver (Sandra Bullock) si iubitul ei Jeff Harriman pleaca impreuna in calatoria mult visata. Insa dupa doar cateva zile, Diane dispare fara urma. Timp de trei ani, politia a facut eforturi pentru a o gasi, fara a avea cel mai mic indiciu despre aceasta disparitie misterioasa. In cele din urma politia se decide sa inchida cazul, iar Jeff este singurul care continua cautarile.
La începutul anilor ’80, o studentă la film retrasă e pe cale să-și descopere menirea și începe o aventură cu un bărbat sofisticat, dar dubios.
Evading a scandal, a couple from Istanbul starts over in a town on the Aegean coast — but quickly discover the locals are determined to get rid of them.
Four losers are thrust into the position of saving the world when they stumble upon a UFO crash site and become genetically equipped to the battle suit on board.
Hotărât să-și răzbune familia ucisă, un fost detectiv se infiltrează într-o închisoare de pe o insulă izolată în care se află criminali periculoși condamnați la moarte.
Welcome to Paranoia, the ultimate escape game. Rule #1: Nothing is real. Rule #2: One of you will die. Lucas and Chloe, two passionate gamers, decide to participate to Paranoia, a very exclusive escape game. After solving a first riddle, they make it to the location of the finale in an abandoned mental hospital, lost in a frightening forest. There, four other participants are waiting on them. They soon realize that only one of them will get out of there alive.
Three friends pledge a fraternity that's deadly serious about its secret rituals, turning their rush into a race for survival.
When her possessive high school boyfriend dies in a gruesome accident, Fern Petersen's life is thrown into turmoil. Things go from bad to worse when he returns as a love-sick ghost to kill her so they can be together for eternity.
A widow hosts a gathering for her high-society friends in an attempt to help solve her husband's murder.