Kinnisvaraametnik Marion Crane põgeneb koos rahapaki ja lootusega alustada uut elu ning satub Batesi motelli. Seda juhib Norman Bates, kes hoolitseb oma liikumisvõimetu ema eest.

Südantsoojendav lugu rikkast, halvatud riskiarmastajast, Prantsuse kõrgklassi musternäidisest, kelle maailm pööratakse pea peale, kui ta palkab enda hooldajaks noore, elurõõmsa, mustanahalise, moslemist eksvangi. Kahe mehe koostööst saab alguse sõprus, mis ületab kõik sotsiaalsed, varalised ja muud barjäärid, mis nende vahel on.

The untold story of Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson – brilliant African-American women working at NASA and serving as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history – the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.

Held captive for 7 years in an enclosed space, a woman and her young son finally gain their freedom, allowing the boy to experience the outside world for the first time.

A small town girl is caught between dead-end jobs. A high-profile, successful man becomes wheelchair bound following an accident. The man decides his life is not worth living until the girl is hired for six months to be his new caretaker. Worlds apart and trapped together by circumstance, the two get off to a rocky start. But the girl becomes determined to prove to the man that life is worth living and as they embark on a series of adventures together, each finds their world changing in ways neither of them could begin to imagine.

Harry Potter on pealtnäha täiesti tavaline, pisut tagasihoidlik poiss, kes peale ema ja isa traagilist surma on sattunud elama oma tädi juurde. 10 aastat on ta pidanud taluma tädi Petunia, onu Vernoni ja nende poja Dudley terroriseerimist. Ühel päeval aga hakkavad saabuma salapärased kirjad ning ilmub välja hiiglasekasvu, kuid sõbralik Hagrid, kes Harryle räägib, et ta polegi tavaline poiss, vaid hoopis võlur. Nii asubki Harry õppima Sigatüüka kooli, kus ta õpib võlukunsti erinevaid vorme, leiab endale sõbrad Ron'i ja Hermione'i ning peab vastu astuma igasugustele ohtudele.

A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional career.

Saladuslik ja vahepealne film, mis jutustab Grace'ist (Nicole Kidman), kes üksi isoleeritud viktoriaanlikus majas oma lapsi rangete religioossete reeglite kohaselt koolitab. Lapsed põevad imelikku haigust: nad ei saa päevavalgust otseselt kätte. Kolm uut perekonnaeluga liituvat teenijat peavad õppima ühte olulist reeglit: maja on alati pimeduses; ühtegi ust ei avata kunagi enne, kui eelmine on suletud. See range kord, mille Grace on seni kehtestanud, vaidlustatakse. Armu, lapsed ja ümberkaudsed astuvad ootamatu ja kindla sammu.

Ilmateadete lugeja saadetakse iga aasta Punxsutawneyisse, et teha seal reportaaž ilma ennustavast koopaoravast. See on neljas aasta järjest ja ta ei üritagi oma masendust varjata. Kuid ärgates koopaorava päevale järgneval päeval, märkab ta peagi, et see tüütu päev, mille ta enda arvates selleks korraks selja taha jättis, kordub taas ja järgmist päeva ei olegi.

Christine Collins is overjoyed when her kidnapped son is brought back home. But when Christine suspects that the boy returned to her isn't her child, the police captain has her committed to an asylum.

Melanie Daniels tutvub ühes San Francisco linnupoes advokaat Mitch Brenneriga. Hoolimata mehe pisut sarkastilisest käitumisest snobistliku Melanie vastu, otsustab Melanie teda, tema ema Lydiat ja õde Cathyt Bodega Bays külastada. Kui Melanie kohale jõuab, ründab teda üks kajakas. Kuid see rünnak ei jää ainukeseks: päev hiljem ründavad kajakad lapsi, kamina kaudu lendavad majja varblased, leitakse surnud farmer, kelle silmad on välja nokitud. Järjest rohkem linde hakkab inimesi ründama.

Au revoir les enfants tells a heartbreaking story of friendship and devastating loss concerning two boys living in Nazi-occupied France. At a provincial Catholic boarding school, the precocious youths enjoy true camaraderie—until a secret is revealed. Based on events from writer-director Malle’s own childhood, the film is a subtle, precisely observed tale of courage, cowardice, and tragic awakening.

A group of scientists in San Francisco struggle to stay alive in the aftermath of a plague that is wiping out humanity, while Caesar tries to maintain dominance over his community of intelligent apes.

Lady Bird McPherson, a strong willed, deeply opinionated, artistic 17 year old comes of age in Sacramento. Her relationship with her mother and her upbringing are questioned and tested as she plans to head off to college.

An other-worldly story, set against the backdrop of Cold War era America circa 1962, where a mute janitor working at a lab falls in love with an amphibious man being held captive there and devises a plan to help him escape.

An Amazon princess comes to the world of Man in the grips of the First World War to confront the forces of evil and bring an end to human conflict.

When an asteroid threatens to collide with Earth, NASA honcho Dan Truman determines the only way to stop it is to drill into its surface and detonate a nuclear bomb. This leads him to renowned driller Harry Stamper, who agrees to helm the dangerous space mission provided he can bring along his own hotshot crew. Among them is the cocksure A.J. who Harry thinks isn't good enough for his daughter, until the mission proves otherwise.

A veteran pot dealer creates a fake family as part of his plan to move a huge shipment of weed into the U.S. from Mexico.

When carefree teenager Jay sleeps with her older boyfriend for the first time, she learns that she is the latest recipient of a fatal curse that is passed from victim to victim via sexual intercourse. Death, Jay learns, will creep inexorably toward her as either a friend or a stranger. Jay's friends don't believe her seemingly paranoid ravings, until they too begin to see the phantom assassins and band together to help her defend herself.

Tegemist on järjekordse Rowan Atkinsoni menukomöödiaga, kus seekord kajastab ta salaagendi rolli. Kui varastatakse Tema Majesteedi kroonijuveelid on Johnny Englishil (Rowan Atkinson) hea võimalus näidata enda oskusi. Ta on ainus, kes kahtlustab et salakavala plaani taga seisab mõjuvõimas prantslane Pascal Sauvage (John Malkovich). Kiired autod, superagentidele omane tipptehnika ja ohtlik iludus – eriagent Lorna Campbell (Natalie Imbruglia) panevad mitte kõige vilunumal Englishil pea tõsiselt ringi käima. Sel mehel pole võib-olla aimugi, kuidas olla kolleeg 007 vääriline agent, aga vähemalt ta üritab kõigest väest… tehes seda aeg-ajalt katastroofiliste tagajärgedega