The 5th volume of episodes from the hit TV series What's New Scooby-Doo, with four action-packed sports adventures. The Unnatural serves up a full plate of ballpark pranks and ferocious fastballs from Ghost Cab Gray, who wants to stop the current homerun king from breaking his record. The gang tries to stop a giant sand worm from wreaking havoc on the Enduro Slam 5000 offroad race in The Fast and the Wormious. A weird ghost monster called the Titantic Twist turns Daphne and Velma into Wrestle Maniacs. For a grand-slam finale the hockey mystery Diamonds Are A Ghoul's Best Friend introduces the chilling Frozen Fiend. When the gang dons sticks and pads, will they perform a hat trick...or get frozen stiff?

Snoop along with Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne and Fred one last time in this 10th and Final Volume of What's New Scooby Doo Volume 10: Monstrous Tails. The gang flies to the South Pole to fish for clues in hopes of hooking an amphibious menace in Uncle Scooby and Antarctica. Heading north to the Orient, they toy around in a giant water ducky to cool off a ferocious Chinese fire-shooting dragon in Block-Long Hong Kong Terror. Back down under in Australia's Great Barrier Reef, artist Shaggy enters a sand castle contest where a yucky corral creature threatens to wash away his dreams of Clamalot in Great Reef. So it's good to finally be back in their old Kentucky home -- Fort Knox to be exact -- until a golden ghoul turns everything it touches into statues with it's gold finger in Gold Paw.

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

After parting with Sasuke at the Final Valley, Uzumaki Naruto has been away from the village of Konohagakure to further his training. Two and a half years later, he finally returns to the village and takes his mission in Team Kakashi, then he finds the clue on Orochimaru. Naruto leads the team and heads to the place where Orochimaru is in order to save his friend Sasuke. However, little does he know that "Akatsuki" is seeking after his life to acquire the Nine-Tailed sealed in his body.

"This piece, with the generic title Film, is a series of short videos built around one protocol: a snippet of news from a newspaper of the day, is rolled up and then placed on a black-inked surface. On making contact with the liquid, the roll opens and of Its own accord frees itself of the gesture that fashioned it. As it comes alive in this way, the sliver of paper reveals Its hitherto unexposed content; this unpredictable kinematics is evidence of the constant impermanence of news. As well as exploring a certain archaeology of cinema, the mechanism references the passage of time: the ink, whether it is poured or printed, is the ink of ongoing human history." –Ismaïl Bahri

知名舞台剧女演员牧树里这日收到怪盗基德的预告信:在 26 个字母的盘旋飞舞中,他来拜领无价的“命运的宝石”。毛利小五郎受到牧树里委托将信件分析,认为基德将在演出最后一晚前来盗取宝石,当晚他及柯南、小兰等人来到剧场,那里早有诸多警察守候。令柯南吃惊的是,基德竟扮成工藤新一出现在众人面前,但他及众人方向不同的紧张过后,宝石并没被盗,柯南醒悟字母预告信与航班相关。而柯南、小兰、牧树里及其同事搭乘的前往北海道的飞机上,尚有一起杀人计划正被精心设计。



Pardon-me Pete, the official groundhog of Groundhog Day, tells the story of Jack Frost, who falls in love with a beautiful young woman and begs Father Winter to make him human so that she can see him. His request is granted, but only on the condition that by the Spring he has a house, a bag of gold, a horse and a wife. But Jack finds that life as a human is more complicated than he thought.

A bedtime story leads Littlefoot and his grandparents on a journey to a new land, where Littlefoot discovers someone who vanished before he was born: his father! Now Littlefoot must decide between two worlds. Will he leave to be with his friends in the Great Valley, or stay behind and start a new life with his father?

Littlefoot and his friends the gang in their next when a swarm of leaf gobblers had destroyed their homes and this forces them to find a new home but yet find an mysterious island.


  泰山(Harrison Chad 配音)年幼时和母亲卡拉(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 配音)过着相依为命的生活,因为其人类的外表和特殊的身份,泰山遭到了同族人猿们的轻视和欺侮,只有塔克(Brenda Grate 配音)愿意当他的好朋友。在孤独之中泰山慢慢长大,他的内心十分期望能够获得人猿们的认可和肯定。   一场意外的发生让泰山意识到,自己永远也无法融入到族群之中,悲伤而又愤怒的他选择了离家出走,邂逅了离群索居的三只猩猩,在它们的身上,泰山终于感受到了被信任和信任他人的感觉。传说中,无人涉足的黄山之中居住着可怕的怪物,而在机缘巧合之下,这只神出鬼没的怪物和泰山相遇了。

Ultra Music Festival 2015. In the middle of the pouring rain. Dash Berlin wrote history surprising the crowd with one of the most emotional, powerful and energetic sets the festival has ever seen and proved to be right at home at the big main stage.

  本片的故事接续迪士尼电影《钟楼怪人》,在原本电影的最后,Quasimodo 虽然成为巴黎人们心目中的英雄,但他的爱情却无法得偿所愿…每当传统的 Jour D'Amour 节庆到来时,巴黎圣母院古老的大钟 La Fidele 将会被敲响,巴黎的爱侣们一听到钟声,都会大声喊出爱人的名字,就会获得上天神灵的神圣祝福。然而,每当敲钟人 Quasimodo 在此刻敲响 La Fidele 大钟时,心中又会是何种感触呢?这一年的 Jour D'Amour 节庆到来前夕,巴黎街头来了一个神秘的马戏团,马戏团的团长 Sarousch 其实图谋不轨,计划要偷取圣母院的 La Fidele 大钟,这可以为他带来一大笔的财富,于是他派出他的美丽助手 Madellaine ,去迷惑 Quasimodo 的心,后来 Madellaine 被 Quasimodo 感动而良心发现,但 La Fidele 大钟还是落入 Sarousch 的手中,为了要夺回大钟,于是 Quasimodo 在一干好友的鼎力相助下,包括 Esmeralda 、Phoebus,以及他们的儿子 Zephyr ,还有那三个石兽,最后终于才夺回大钟,并且也让 Quasimodo 找到真爱,这一年敲响 La Fidele 大钟的同时,他也有一个可以让他大声吶喊的名字了。

约翰·布雷斯(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)被正义天使拉萨罗斯附体,但天使暴躁乖戾,遇到坏人就要吸取他们的灵魂。莫罗(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴 Idris Elba 饰)请求布雷斯把小孩丹尼带来神殿以避免恶魔夺取他的灵魂,作为回报他将驱除布雷斯身上的诅咒。丹尼是魔鬼罗尔科的儿子,罗尔科为了把自己的魔力植入儿子体内正派卡里跟追踪逃跑途中的母子两人。正当母子俩被困在采石场的时候,布雷斯到来,他体内的天使爆发了出来,压制住了卡里根。他变成了恶灵骑士,毫不手软的把对手撕成碎片。当战争结束时,三人前往神殿,同时,罗尔科也救醒了死亡边缘的卡里根,并赋予他更可怕的摧毁力,让他再去把丹尼找回来。在神殿里,莫罗履行协议把布雷斯体内的扎萨罗斯驱赶了出来。但正当他做法时,神殿的牧师试图杀死丹尼——他认为丹尼就是恶魔。还没等他们行动,卡里根就到了。把丹尼带去见了罗尔科。罗尔科逼迫丹尼参与一个仪式,想使他变成一个彻头彻尾的恶魔。布雷斯试图阻止这个仪式,说服丹尼弃恶从善。在最后一战中,为了打败恶魔,丹尼用了他的力量把扎萨罗斯再次植入布雷斯体内。这次扎萨罗斯变成了正义的化身,打败了恶魔。

  山雨欲来的日子里,芬利·艾伦·谢帕德(伊恩·齐林 Ian Ziering 饰)匆匆赶往白宫。之前他在纽约鲨鱼风暴中力挽狂澜,做出了重要的贡献,因此总统马克斯·罗宾斯(马克·库班 Mark Cuban 饰)亲自为其颁发了金电锯奖。谁知就在此时,一场更为强大的鲨鱼风暴突袭华盛顿,无数建筑损毁,更有众多平民遇难,危机时刻芬利和总统携手力战来势汹汹的鲨鱼大军。与此同时,艾伦的妻子艾波(塔拉·蕾德 Tara Reid 饰)和女儿克劳迪娅(Ryan Newman 饰)正在加州游乐场玩耍。芬利驱车前去与妻女汇合,谁曾想鲨鱼风暴仿佛追逐着他的气味一般,其所到之处恐怖蔓延,杀戮不断。   芬利注定担当起救世主的重任……

Scooby-Doo and the mystery inc gang battle fiends and gobs of eerie monsters.