A seagull is caught by the black tide of a sinking petrol ship. She manages to fly inland and falls down in a garden by a cat. Moribund, she asks the cat to fulfill three promises: that when she lays her egg he must not eat it; that he must take care of it until it hatches; that he would teach the newborn how to fly.

Pina is a feature-length dance film in 3D with the ensemble of the Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, featuring the unique and inspiring art of the great German choreographer, who died in the summer of 2009.

April 24, 1993: it's the last broadcast of Radiofreccia, an independent radio station closing after 18 years, barely one minute before coming of age. Bruno, one of its founders, begins to tell its story, the story of a group of friends—especially troubled Freccia's—and a period of their youth in their small hometown.

The film tells the true story of French clown Miloud Oukili from his arrival in Romania in 1992 (three years after the fall of Ceausescu) to his encounter with the street children of Bucharest, known as «boskettari» who live in the streets and sleep in Bucharest's sewers, eking a living out of petty crime, begging, and prostitution.

Cate Blanchett wciela się w 13 różnych postaci – od wokalistki punkowego zespołu, przez gospodynię domową, wdowę, robotnicę, naukowca, aż po bezdomnego mężczyznę, aby zderzyć najbardziej radykalne idee XX wieku z otaczającą nas rzeczywistością.

Pakistańskie miasto, Lahore. Do kawiarnianego stolika, przy którym siedzi nieznajomy Amerykanin, dosiada się brodaty mężczyzna, wprawiając obcokrajowca w zakłopotanie. Rozpoczyna konwersację, która bardzo szybko przeradza się w długi monolog. Changez, bo tak nazywa się ów mężczyzna, jest żywym przykładem amerykańskiego snu imigranta. Ukończywszy z wyróżnieniem studia w Princeton, dostaje propozycję świetnie płatnej pracy w jednej z renomowanych nowojorskich firm i zakochuje się w pięknej Erice. Zachwycony życiem Manhattanu problemy swoich pakistańskich krewnych zostawia daleko za sobą. Jednak tragedia z 11 września i cała lawina późniejszych wydarzeń zmieniają wyobrażenie Changeza o idealnym życiu w Ameryce. Jego własna tożsamość ulega diametralnej przemianie, do głosu na powrót dochodzą dawne fundamentalne wartości, odsuwając w cień pragnienie władzy, pieniędzy i miłości.

The true story of Andrea and Franco Antonello, a father and autistic son who traveled by motorbike for three months between the United States and South America.

Filippo is a star on the Italian TV. He works for a documentary series about wild animals and nature. He is sent to Tenerife (Spain) to shot an issue about the local stork. It is the 13th of August. After he did his job is time to leave, but the ferry couldn't operate. He has to spend the night in the island. The day after is again the 13th of August, and Filippo live again the same day for different times. Something has to change to exit the paranoid and unrealistic situation.

Alex, Ivo and Pacifico three Sicilian twin brothers are reunited for their father's funeral.

A Jewish boy living in Amsterdam at the onset of World War II is taken to a concentration camp with his parents. Based on the memoir of Holocaust survivor Jona Oberski.

A divorced couple fights for the custody of their three children: neither of them wants it. Mom wants to leave them to dad, and vice versa.

Peppino, a provincial librarian who became the accidental President of Italy, is now a father and has returned to a peaceful, happy life as a woodsman. That is, until his wife Janis decides to return to politics. Peppino is forced to abandon his home in the mountains and return to Rome to win back his love and help her defeat a speculative plot intended to damage Italy. Together, they must fight against social media attacks of the opposition and get the country back on its feet.

Mario Cavallaro is 50 and lives in the same district of always in Milano and fears changes until arrives Oba, a Senegalese seller of socks so he decides to kidnap Oba and take him back to Senegal.

In the Spanish island of Ibiza, porn filmmaker Sandro and Angelino, the manager of a beachside watering hole, find their very different lives overlapping. Meanwhile, the island police chief, who is currently at odds with his rebellious son Jorge, is investigating the death of a drug dealer (which was accidentally brought on by Angelino). Jorge's plans to move to America have so far been thwarted by his father, but when he finds out about the affair his dad had been having with a male nightclub dancer, he uses it as blackmail fodder.

Cetto la Qualunque, having set aside all political ambition, is now nothing more than an entrepreneur. But the news of the worsening condition of his aunt leads him to return to Italy, where something from his past will be revealed and, “doubtlessly,” all of our lives will be forever changed.

Nicola, paralyzed after a car crash, falls in love for his physiotherapist Lucia. Franco and Manuela, a young couple unfit to have children, fly to Barcelona for a specialized treatment for fertility. Filippo and Fosco, two gay men, decide to marry. Ernesto, waiter in a chic restaurant, has a liaison with Cecilia, the new Spanish help.

Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop

Supernatural private eye, Dylan Dog, seeks out the monsters of the Louisiana bayou in his signature red shirt, black jacket and blue jeans.

A platoon of eagles and vultures attacks the residents of a small town. Many people die. It's not known what caused the flying menace to attack. Two people manage to fight back, but will they survive Birdemic?