Ez egy az Ori ellen keményebb fellépést sürgető Ős által készített láda, ami Celestis-mező melletti hegyeknél van elrejtve. Az Igazság Ládája Daniel szerint képes rá, hogy megállítsa az Ori invázióját a Tejútrendszerbe, mivel mindenkivel képes megláttatni, hogy az Ori nem éppen olyan, mint amilyennek a hívőiknek lefestették őket. Az aktiváláshoz meg kell adni egy kódot a tetején levő gombokkal.

Bison, a nemzetközi terrorista szervezet a Shadowlaw kegyetlen vezetője évek óta kétségbeesetten keresi a bolygó legnagyobb harcosát. Nemsokára rátalál Ryura, egy fiatal vándorra, aki soha nem marad elég hosszú ideig ahhoz, hogy Bison elfogja őt. Ugyanakkor elrabolja Ken Masterst, egy amerikai harcművészeti bajnokot, aki Ryuval együtt ugyanannál a mesternél tanult. Eközben az Egyesült Államok hadseregének őrnagya együttműködve az Interpol Kínai ügynökével Chun Livel, arra készül, hogy elfogja Bisont, és megállítsa nemzetközi bűncselekményének végrehajtásában.

The Straw Hat Pirates landed at Asuka Island, home of the most valuable sword in the world: The Seven Star Sword. Which was said to curse anyone who takes it in possession. When they got back to the Going Merry, they discovered that Zoro is missing from his guard duty. Before they could plan out a search party to relocate him. Luffy and friends escape from the port as Marines were on their tail. They found a new place to dock, which is near a village. Whose job is to keep the Seven Star Sword sealed. Soon it was attacked by the Marines, and among them is Zoro. Luffy and the others don't know why he's helping out the Marines. But it all comes to conclusion when Luffy encounters Saga: Zoro's childhood friend from Swordsman training.

Short film from the Philippines

Whis felébreszti Billst a hosszú álmából, majd elújságolja neki, hogy Freezát legyőzte egy Saiya-jin. Whis, Goku múltjából jeleneteket mutat a Pusztítás Istenének, hogy bemutassa, mégis kivel van dolguk. Bills hamar félbeszakítja a beszámolót, mert úgy gondolja, hogy eleget látott, majd bevillan neki egy 39 évvel ezelőtti jóslat, miszerint lesz egy hatalmas ellenfele, akit csak úgy neveznek, hogy a Szuper Saiya-jin Isten. Bills és Whis útnak indulnak, hogy felkeressék Gokut, hogy megbizonyosodjanak, tényleg ő az a bizonyos istenség...

A loose remake of “12 Angry Men”, “12” is set in contemporary Moscow where 12 very different men must unanimously decide the fate of a young Chechen accused of murdering his step-father, a Russian army officer. Consigned to a makeshift jury room in a school gymnasium, one by one each man takes center stage to confront, connect, and confess while the accused awaits a verdict and revisits his heartbreaking journey through war in flashbacks.

Kabir, a genius yet hostile medical student, falls in love with Preeti from his college. When Preeti's father spots the couple kissing, he opposes their relationship and decides to marry her off.

Experimental film, white specks and shapes gyrating over a black background, the light-striped torso of Kiki of Montparnasse (Alice Prin), a gyrating eggcrate. One of the first Dadaist films.

The main character of the film is an outstanding physicist who was invited to Armenia from Russia to head a lab. He comes across many troubles in his homeland, but nevertheless finds his true love there.

Searching for his brother, Ryota stows away on a boat belonging to a criminal alongside two other teenagers. The group shipwrecks on Letchi island and discover the Infant Island natives have been enslaved by a terrorist organization controlling a crustacean monster. Finding a sleeping Godzilla, they decide to awaken him to defeat the terrorists and liberate the natives.

A bartender and a domestic helper of Filipino origin living in Hong Kong find themselves falling in love, but they each have different plans for their future.

Eddie's mom signs her slacker son up for a digital training seminar to get his life back on track.

Desperate to win a man's affections, Roshanda James uses murder and witchcraft to make herself appear as a beautiful seductress. No man can resist the Black Widow Spider.

Ambitious overachiever Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly, she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being set for victory, Hanna refuses to give up and decides to win him back. But to get there means having to win something much more important, love and desire for herself and who she is.

A tough customs man, out to get a youth smuggling tobacco into France across the Belgium border, falls for the jaded ex bar hostess the smuggler lives with.Meanwhile the young man is intrigued by another, more innocent girl.

Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!