Acțiunea peliculei „Capital uman” este plasată în Italia, pe malurile lacului Como. În noaptea de Ajun, un ciclist este aruncat de pe șosea de o mașină de teren. Pe măsură ce apar detaliile legate de acest accident, destinele a două familii care se situează în zone diferite ale spectrului social ajung să se intersecteze neașteptat. Astfel, cei din familia Bernaschi sunt privilegiați și au o viață fără grija zilei de mâine, în vreme ce cei din familia Ossola se luptă pentru a-și păstra stilul de viață al celor din clasa de mijloc. Dino Ossola are dificultăți financiare, iar cea de-a doua soție urmează să aducă pe lume gemeni, în vreme ce fiica lui adolescentă din primul mariaj are o relație cu fiul lui Bernaschi. Ei bine, din noaptea din Ajunul Crăciunului, destinele celor două familii se vor intersecta în mod cu totul neașteptat.

A weathered Sheriff returns to the remains of an accident he has spent a lifetime trying to forget. With each step forward, the memories come flooding back. Faced with his mistake once again, he must find the strength to carry on.

From childhood to fatherhood, Piero learns things the hard way while growing up in a working-class neighborhood of Livorno.

Patru prieteni bogați, Marcello Mastroianni, Michel Piccoli, Ugo Tognazzi și Philippe Noiret, se retrag într-o vilă de la țară, unde decid să mănânce până vor muri, în timp ce fac sex cu trei prostituate elegante și o profesoară din zonă.

April 24, 1993: it's the last broadcast of Radiofreccia, an independent radio station closing after 18 years, barely one minute before coming of age. Bruno, one of its founders, begins to tell its story, the story of a group of friends—especially troubled Freccia's—and a period of their youth in their small hometown.

Like every August, journalist Sandro, his family and acquaintances vacation on the island of Ventotene. This time, however, they find out the house next door has been rented to a lower middle class family, whose crass nature and values soon clash with their own intellectual and progressive background.

Accio and Manrico are siblings from a working-class family in 1960s Italy: older Manrico is handsome, charismatic, and loved by all, while younger Accio is sulky, hot-headed, and treats life as a battleground — much to his parents' chagrin. After the former is drawn into left-wing politics, Accio joins the fascists out of spite, but his flimsy beliefs are put to test when he falls for Manrico's like-minded girlfriend.

Awkward teenager Charlie Bartlett has trouble fitting in at a new high school. Charlie needs some friends fast, and decides that the best way to find them is to appoint himself the resident psychiatrist. He becomes one of the most popular guys in school by doling out advice and, occasionally, medication, to the student body.

Based on the true story of Jack DiNorscio, a mobster who defended himself in court for what would be the longest mafia trial in U.S. history.

Inspector Betti (Maurizio Merli) is transferred to Naples and immediately after his arrival receives a warm welcome from The Commandante (Barry Sullivan), the city's crime lord. Betti then goes on a personal mission against corruption and organized crime, and tries to force the syndicate out of town with any means necessary.

When her social-climbing father is relocated from small-town North to his native Rome, 12-year-old Caterina enrolls to his old school, finding herself at sea with an environment where students sort themselves by social class and their parents' political affiliation.

Giulia and Carlo have been happy together for three years, but Giulia's announcement that she is pregnant sends him into a secret panic. Terrified at his imminent entry into the adult world of irreversible responsibilities, Carlo finds himself tempted by a bewitching 18-year-old girl, Francesca, whom he meets by chance at a wedding. The possibility of one last youthful crazy fling before the impending prison of parenthood proves to be too attractive to resist.

A group of five mountaineers are hiking and climbing in the Scottish Highlands when they discover a young Serbian girl buried in a small chamber in the wilderness. They become caught up in a terrifying game of cat and mouse with the kidnappers as they try to get the girl to safety.

Elba island, 1814. Martino is a young teacher, idealist and strongly anti Napoleon, in love with the beautiful and noble Baroness Emily. The young man finds himself serving as librarian to the Great Emperor in exile, whom he deeply hates, yet soon begins recording Napoleon's memoirs, getting to know and learning to value the man behind the myth. Among seductions and affairs, expectations and fears, he will craft a precise portrait that nevertheless will not manage to hide a final, inevitable, disappointment.

Marie and Boris decide to get a divorce after 15 years of marriage. Tensions rise when cash-strapped Boris must continue to live with Marie and the two children while trying to figure out how to divide the assets.

When a neurotic hotel manager fires a maid for allegedly stealing a laptop, her son swears revenge and begins to expose his deepest secrets — only to regret it after falling for his daughter.

Mattia, a building contractor on a promising career path, is about to close the biggest deal of his professional life, when his illegally-hired worker Kamal falls off some scaffolding, suffers a severe break and threatens to sue and press charges against Mattia unless... Unless Mattia takes his place in an advanced course for pastry makers! This is the reason Kamal came to Italy from his native Egypt and that will allow him to realize his dream of opening his own pastry shop... Mattia has no choice but to take Kamal’s place in the school and pretend to be him. Among laughs and mouth-watering recipes, Mattia will discover a way to bring his and Kamal's disparate cultures together.

An adolescent girl, living with her mother and her grandmother, will have her first sexual experiences in a heavy and excessive way.

A small New Mexican village discovers a severed hand that is considered a miracle of God, when it actually belongs to a murdered spouse with a husband in search of it.

The story of a teenager whose biggest dream is to marry Simon Le Bon, singer of pop band Duran Duran.