Kumar Agnihotri belongs to a wealthy family, consisting of his dad, Madan, and mom, Janki. He is in love with beautiful Mala Bajpai, and they hope to marry soon with the blessings of their respective parents. Kumar's other passion is boxing, which Janki loathes, and hopes that he will give this up soon. When the Agnihotris bring home a woman named Ganga, and introduce her to Kumar as Janki's childhood friend, Kumar finds out that Ganga is his biological mother, and his father, Ajay Kumar, was the National Champion in boxing, who was killed by three men for refusing to lose a fight. While Janki is afraid that she is going her son to Ganga, Kumar has decided to avenge his biological's father's death by any means, little realizing that he may face the same fate his father did years ago.

The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

Truffaut egy film forgatásáról készített filmet, de nemcsak a forgatás nehézségeit mutatja be, hanem szól az emberi kapcsolatokról, amelyek a filmkészítők között alakulnak ki és szűnnek meg. A filmrendező Ferrand a Bemutatom Pamelát című filmjét forgatja. A főszereplő idegösszeroppanásból épült fel, az egyik színész állandóan részeg, emellett a történetben szerelmi bonyodalom, féltékenység és ármánykodás is fellelhető. Truffaut a film a filmben ötlettel a forgatás folyamatát akarta közelről megmutatni. A film erénye, hogy az ábrázolt nehézségek ellenére is derűs képet fest a filmvilág mindennapjairól.

Young man has his dreams come true when the sexy new maid seduces him. But she also has a secret that leads to trouble.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 11–14, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro ventures to the south-southeast where he encounters a cowardly young man named Zenitsu Agatsuma. He is a fellow survivor from Final Selection and his sparrow asks Tanjiro to help keep him in line.

A young girl is striving for stardom. In order to get a lead role in a new production, she agrees to stand-in for a famous star whose rich patron died in her arms one night. The real-life drama gradually comes to mirror the story of the play being performed by her.

Egy fiatal brit régész kapcsolatba kerül egy etruszk sírok kirablásával foglalkozó nemzetközi hálózattal. Mindenkinek megvan a maga kimérája; valami, amit megpróbál elérni, de soha nem sikerül megtalálnia. A sírrablók számára az ősi temetkezési helyek kincsei a könnyű meggazdagodás álmát ígérik. Arthur számára azonban a kiméra a nőt jelenti, akit elveszített. Hogy megtalálja, Arthur megküzd a láthatatlannal: mindenütt kutat, és a föld mélyére is leszáll a túlvilági élet kapuját keresve, amelyről a mítoszok mesélnek. Az élők és holtak, az erdők és városok, az ünnepek és magány közötti kalandos utazás során végérvényesen összefonódik a kimérát kereső halandók sorsa.

Naruto and his friends must get back a jug of stolen holy water from a band of higher class ninjas.

A re-edit of the film "Rumah dan Musim Hujan" (2012) by its producers. A provocative demolition of traditional family values, the film tackles a wide range of issues, from gay secrets to marital infidelity. After a dinner to mark the end of Ramadan, we follow three siblings through the rest of the night. Ragil looks after his dad, a doddery patriarch, but has a secret lover who visits when dad's asleep. His sister Ade has a terrible experience on the way home (she's lived with mum since the divorce), but the night has greater shocks in store for her. And the randy elder brother Raga is helping his current girlfriend through a pregnancy scare when his former girlfriend shows up at the door in distress.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Angélique megszökik a király ellen lázadó Poitouból, ahol véres csaták után félelem és terror uralkodik. La rochelle-ben talál menedéket, ám ebben a gazdag és hatalmas városban, a protestantizmus fellegvárában is újra kezdődik a vallásüldözés. Angélique-nak, akit kislányával együtt egy tiszteletre méltó hugenotta kereskedő fogad magához, újabb veszélyekkel kell szembenéznie. Egyre nyíltabbak a rendőrségi provokációk, s akik nem akarnak katolikus hitre térni, azoknak hamarosan nincs más választásuk, mint a szökés egy messzi földre, ahol emberi jogaikat nem támadja senki... A szökevények, Angélique merész tervét követve, egy kalózhajóra szállnak. A titokzatos hajó kapitánya nem más, mint a Rescator, a tengerek hercege, aki, úgy tűnik, keresi, üldözi Angélique-ot - és a legőrültebb álmokat ébreszti benne...

Three best friends juggle life as 20-somethings in Mumbai, where romance, ambition and heartbreak collide with the addictive draw of social media.

After hearing that mystical toymaker Andre Toulon has managed to create a troupe of sentient, living puppets, Nazi underling Dr. Hess sets his sights on exploiting Toulon's powers for the glory of the Reich.

Jake Rosser, a Los Angeles-i rendőrség K-9-es rendőre éppen szemtanúja volt annak, hogy egy rejtélyes támadó megdöbbentő módon meggyilkolta odaadó társát. Mivel a belső ügyosztály megakadályozza, hogy a lövöldöző személyazonosságát kiderítse, és a saját felettesei is elhallgattatják, Jake elhatározza, hogy szökevénynek áll, és társul Socks nevű erőszakos K-9-es kutyával. A páros együtt dolgozik egy hatalmas összeesküvés felgöngyölítésén.

Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.

Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

The journey of a professional wrestler who becomes a small town pastor and moonlights as a masked vigilante fighting injustice. While facing crises at home and at the church, the Pastor must evade the police and somehow reconcile his violent secret identity with his calling as a pastor.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

A group of friends seal themselves inside a secluded Cape Cod vacation home after a mysterious orange fog leaks from an old nearby factory. Once trapped, they quickly learn there is no escape.

Miután egy szerelmes pár beköltözik egy kis házikóba, szembetalálják magukat gyermekkoruk elfeledett borzalmaival.