A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her from her assailants, while she copes with the pressures of her final examinations.

A World War II satire that follows a lonely German boy whose world view is turned upside down when he discovers his single mother is hiding a young Jewish girl in their attic. Aided only by his idiotic imaginary friend, Adolf Hitler, Jojo must confront his blind nationalism.

Scenaristka in režiserka Greta Gerwig ("Lady Bird") prinaša še eno filmsko priredbo slavne zgodbe "Čas deklištva" po istoimenskem romanu ameriške avtorice Luise May Alcott; drugi jaz pisateljice Jo March predstavlja tako, da se v časovnih prebliskih spominja njenega namišljenega življenja. V različici Gerwigove se kaže brezčasna pripoved o štirih sestrah March, ki spoznavajo ljubezen, življenje in tragedijo, medtem ko same z materjo odraščajo v času po ameriški državljanski vojni. Sestre upodobijo zvezdnice Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Eliza Scanlen, njihovega soseda iz premožne družine in prijatelja Laurieja igra mladi Timothee Chalamet, mamo Marmee upodobi slavna Laura Dern, ljubljeno teto March pa trikratna dobitnica oskarja Meryl Streep.

When Cindy decides that she doesn't want to marry her boyfriend, she runs to Mexico City, where new friendships and unexpected paths teach her that there are so much more possibilities on her life and her talent than she imagines.

Long ago, in the fantasy world of Kumandra, humans and dragons lived together in harmony. But when an evil force threatened the land, the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity. Now, 500 years later, that same evil has returned and it’s up to a lone warrior, Raya, to track down the legendary last dragon to restore the fractured land and its divided people.

Jessica knows exactly what her life is supposed to look like and where it takes her. But then she meets Danny. He has a complicated past and could confuse all their plans. Jessica has to decide.

Maleficent and her goddaughter Aurora begin to question the complex family ties that bind them as they are pulled in different directions by impending nuptials, unexpected allies, and dark new forces at play.

After the coup d'État of the Democratic government of Allende, the embassy of Italy in Santiago played a major role in helping the opposers of the regime, and extradited many of them to Italy.

Po burnem začetku zveze in šokantnim odkritjem, morata Tessa in Hardin najti način, kako nadaljevati s svojo ljubezensko zgodbo. Ali lahko preživi ljubezen, ki ne pozna meja? Tessa počasi začne spoznavati, da lahko vse izgubi. Hardin pa ugotavlja, da nima kaj izgubiti – razen nje. Ali se je zares pripravljen spremeniti zaradi ljubezni? Koliko je ona pripravljena oprostiti in še bolj pomembno, ali ji je slika prihodnosti s Hardinom všeč?

Manuelu, vplivnemu sekretarju v kabinetu regionalne vlade, ki ima prosto pot tudi v višjo državno politiko, se sesuje idealno življenje, sam pa se zaplete v boj za preživetje, potem ko ga iztek informacij pahne v škandal zaradi korupcije skupaj s Pacom, enim njegovih najboljših prijateljev v stranki. Mediji začnejo podrobno poročati o škandalu, stranka pa strne svoje vrste in Paco je edini, ki ostane neomadeževan. Manuela čez noč izženejo, javno je osramočen in izdajo ga tisti, za katere je še nekaj ur prej mislil, da so njegovi najzvestejši prijatelji. Stranka ga naredi za grešnega kozla, vendar se Manuel ne namerava pasivno predati usodi. V boju za preživetje, kjer sta njegova edina zaveznika žena in hči, se bo moral zoperstaviti dobro naoljenemu in podkupljenemu stroju ter strankarskemu sistemu, v katerem lahko kralji padejo, a kraljestvo ostaja.

The inspiring true story of Dream Alliance, an unlikely race horse bred by small town bartender, Jan Vokes. With very little money and no experience, Jan convinces her neighbors to chip in their meager earnings to help raise Dream and compete with the racing elites. Their investment pays off as Dream rises through the ranks and becomes a beacon of hope in their struggling community.

After her fiance is falsely imprisoned, a pregnant African-American woman sets out to clear his name and prove his innocence.

A bureaucrat interviews five souls to decide which of them will be given a life on Earth. But he soon faces an existential challenge of his own.

Mladi slon, katerega prevelika ušesa mu omogočajo letenje, pomaga rešiti moteč cirkus, ko pa cirkus načrtuje nov podvig, Dumbo in njegovi prijatelji odkrijejo temne skrivnosti pod svojim svetlečim furnirjem.

An act of civil disobedience turns into a standoff with police when homeless people in Cincinnati take over the public library to seek shelter from the bitter cold.

Enajst tisoč metrov globoko pod morjem v neskončni črnini Marianskega jarka je Norah Price pripadnica posadke raziskovalcev, ki upravlja z globokomorskimi vrtinami nafte. Potem ko nenadni potres uniči ogrodje podvodne znanstvene postaje in tanke kovinske stene grozijo, da bodo popustile pod deset tisoč atmosferami vodnega tlaka, se mora skupina preživelih pod vodstvom kapitana prebiti na varno in potem skušati priti na površje. Kmalu ugotovijo, da imajo za to samo eno možnost: sprehod po morskem dnu do opuščene podmorske postaje, za katero upajo, da je nepoškodovana. Kmalu se morajo boriti za življenje, ko odkrijejo, da celo na tisti neskončni globini niso sami.

Sandra, a young woman forced to leave the south of France to flee a violent husband. Without attachment, she returned to Boulogne-sur-Mer, the city of her childhood which she left almost 15 years ago. She finds her mother there and a world she left behind. Without money, she is hired in a fish cannery where she befriends two workers. But one day, one of her colleagues tackles her insistently, she defends herself and kills him accidentally.

When a widow gets swindled out of insurance money, her search for answers leads to two cunning lawyers in Panama who hide cash for the superrich.

In a small peaceful town, zombies suddenly rise to terrorize the town. Now three bespectacled police officers and a strange Scottish morgue expert must band together to defeat the undead.