BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.

One-time gangster Antoine is enjoying retirement on the coast, now managing a boating club. He receives a visit from a former accomplice who asks for a loan. The money will be repaid by a crook who is now in hiding; Antoine intends to recover his money.

One of America's fastest-rising comedians, Bill Burr wields his razor-sharp wit with rare skill. In this brand-new stand-up performance, Bill takes aim at the stuff that drives us crazy, political correctness gone haywire, and girlfriends, or as he calls them: relentless psycho robots. A keenly observant social commentator, Bill Burr is also one of the funniest voices in comedy today.

Turkey, cranberries, pumpkin pie... and the Peanuts gang to share them with. This is going to be the greatest Thanksgiving ever! The fun begins when Peppermint Patty invites herself and her pals to Charlie Brown's house for a REALLY big turkey party. Good grief! All our hero can cook is cold cereal and maybe toast. Is Charlie Brown doomed? Not when Linus, Snoopy and Woodstock chip in to save the (Thanksgiving) Day. With such good friends, Charlie Brown - and all of us - have so many reasons to be thankful.

In Japan, the vampire-hunter Saya, who is a powerful original, is sent by her liaison with the government, David, posed as a teenage student to the Yokota High School on the eve of Halloween to hunt down vampires. Saya asks David to give a new katana to her. Soon she saves the school nurse Makiho Amano from two vampires disguised of classmates and Makiho witnesses her fight against the powerful demon.

Spring has sprung, and baby Roo is excited to get out and explore and make new friends. But Rabbit seems preoccupied with spring cleaning, instead of embracing his usual role of playing Easter Bunny. Leave it to Roo to show Rabbit -- through love -- that it's more important who you love and not who's in charge.

Rejected by her lover, the only man left in Cheryl's life is the orphaned nephew she has raised as her own son. She'll stop at nothing to keep Billy with her. When her plans misfire, she is swept up into an insane frenzy that means death to anyone who comes between her and her obsession. But the investigating detective is convinced that Billy is the real killer - and determined to prove it. Madness and fanaticism work together to drag all concerned into a terrifying vortex of blood-letting that adds a nightmarish twist to the classic Oedipus story.

The school year is finally ending, and T.J. Detweiler is looking forward to summer. But boredom quickly sets in when his friends leave for camp — until T.J. uncovers an evil plot to do away with summer vacation! A crazy former principal, Dr. Benedict, is planning to use a laser beam to alter the weather and create permanent winter. Faced with the dire threat of year-round school, T.J. rounds up the RECESS gang and bands together with some unexpected allies — Miss Finster and Principal Prickly — in a nonstop adventure to save everyone's summer break. As the kids discover the heroes inside themselves, a platoon of wacky characters, far-out music, and sci-fi surprises turn this madcap mission into a major victory for fun!

The intersecting lives of teens on a surfing trip, a woman with a weak heart and two teams of doctors and medical experts.

Paolo is an outgoing and handsome real estate broker married to Simona, a beautiful woman from the rough outskirts of Rome who has become an author of spicy bestsellers and is pregnant with their child. Betta, Paolo’s sister and her husband Sandro organise a dinner party with Paolo, Simona and their childhood friend, the eccentric musician Claudio. During the lively gathering Paolo reveals what he would like to name his son, causing reactions to steam up and a torrent of revelations to follow reaching climactic proportions.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

A badger is lying motionless on a local road. A police patrol approaches the body in the dark. They soon realise that the animal is not dead; the badger is dead drunk! When the police attempt to drag the creature off the road, he wakes up and things take a strange turn.

Mergina atvyksta į Kalifornijos valstijos koledžą. Didžiausia jos svajonė – šokti prestižinėje sportinių varžybų palaikymo komandoje. Ji kartu su drauge pereina atranką. Komandos vadovė – išdidi ir reikli Tina. Mergina iš pradžių kenčia Tinos despotiją, bet ši peržengia visas ribas. Abi draugės palieka komandą ir pradeda kurti savo pačių šokių grupę. Svarbiausias uždavinys – laimėti prieš pasipūtėlę Tiną. Konkurse naujoji komanda sužavi neįprastais šokio sprendimais ir patenka į nacionalinį palaikymo komandų konkursą.

Ruošiantis bėgti iš Vietnamo, pulkininko Džeimso Bredoko žmona pametė dokumentus ir buvo neįleista į ambasadą. Išėjęs jos ieškoti Bredokas rado tik palaikus su mylimos žmonos papuošalu. Sielvartaudamas pulkininkas vienas išvyko į JAV. Po dvylikos metų valstijose jį aplanko Vietnamo kunigas ir praneša, kad jo žmona gyva, be to, Vietname auga ir jo dvylikametis sūnus. Bredokas negali tuo patikėti, bet kai jį pokalbiui pasikviečia CŽV pareigūnai, Bredokas supranta, kad kunigas nemelavo. Jis ima ruoštis atgal į pavojingąjį Vietnamą, pas savo žmoną ir sūnų.

Ir vėl blondinių tema... Šį kartą jos dvynės mokinės, atvykusios iš Anglijos į Ameriką. Čia, aišku, neiškarto pritampa ir patiria nuotykių. Labai mergaitiškas ir rožinis filmas.

Vaikų numylėtinis senbernaras tėčio akyse iš bjauraus ir įkyraus padaro jau yra virtęs truputį gal ir nieko šuneliu. Todėl netrukus namuose įsikuria visa Betoveno šeimynėlė - senbernarė Misi ir keturi mažyčiai nuostabūs senbernariukai.

The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.

Gauja terorizuoja miestą, apiplėšinėja bankus ir parduotuves. Kovoti su nusikaltėliais skiriami Policijos akademijos studentai. Linksmoji kompanija, kurios patikimiausias ginklas mėlyna uniforma ir sėkmingai susiklosčiusios aplinkybės, nepalieka jokių šansų patiems talentingiausiems vagims.

A montley group of free-lance photographers are desperate to grab a good shot of a celebrity.

Jauna nekilnojamojo turto brokerė planuoja romantišką susitikimą su savo vaikinu sename daugiabutyje. Tačiau pora yra priversta kovoti už savo gyvybę, kai žudikų grupė bando juos nužudyti.