A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.
他们来自一个一切都颠倒的平行宇宙:瓢虫和黑猫的拥有者,暗影瓢虫(ShadyBug)和黑爪(Claw Noir),是恶棍,而蝴蝶的拥有者,赫斯佩利亚(Hesperia),是一个超级英雄。瓢虫(Ladybug)和黑猫(Cat Noir)将不得不帮助赫斯佩利亚抵御他们邪恶的双胞胎的攻击,并阻止他们夺取蝴蝶奇迹(Butterfly Miraculous)。我们的英雄们能否也帮助赫斯佩利亚并让暗影瓢虫和黑爪成为更好的人呢?
阳光明媚,风平浪静,草帽海贼团的诸位正在享受着快乐时光,而就在此时,娜美却突然发起高烧,一病不起。为了治好她的病,众人扬帆来到拥有“常冬之岛”之称的医疗大国磁鼓王国。在当地人的指点下,路飞等人背着娜美上山寻找岛上唯一的魔女医生——吴羽博士。与此同时,一年前因战乱而弃国逃亡的瓦爆鲁带着邪恶的魔法师兄弟木修鲁卷土重来,他企图驱逐吴羽,重新统治这片土地。一时间战火重燃,盘桓在此的草帽海贼团被迫卷入其中…… 本片根据日本漫画家尾田荣一郎的同名原著改编,是2008年上映的第九部动画剧场版,也是漫画连载十周年的纪念作品。
托妮·柯莱特(《遗传厄运》《天鹅绒圆锯》)和戴米恩·刘易斯(《亿万》《兄弟连》)将主演剧情片《梦想之马》,尤洛斯·林(《黑镜》《神探夏洛克》)执导,Neil McKay(《我为钱狂》《呼啸山庄》)编写剧本。 基于真事,柯莱特饰演简,她在自己的威尔士小村庄里创立了一个赛马组织,并试图养一匹赛马冠军。刘易斯饰演一个当地会计,加入了组织。
J-Cup super huge breasts rookie idols [Momoka Mihara] Chan's 1st image will be released from Spice Visual! The gentle and healing [Momoka] Chan is wearing a bold bikini for the first time in her life, and her beautiful white skin and 95 cm J-cup bust are unveiled for the first time in Japan! !! Take a cute and sexy shot of Super Glamorous BODY! !! An intelligent and neat beauty face is irresistible [Momoka] Chan's debut work of the whole body! !!
Morbius Jr, now an OId Man, is nearing the end of life, when he finds the last hope for all Morbkind. However, as he fights to protect the future of Morbheads, he finds himself facing off against an unlikely of enemy... HIMSELF.
拉塞尔·哈奇是一名国际刑警组织特工,他扮演了杰登的父亲角色,而杰登的儿子在一次例行突袭中被杀,而这名线人的儿子却出问题了。 多年后,哈奇发现自己在一场全面的地盘争夺战中保护杰登和他的祖父免受一群无情帮派的侵害,不惜一切代价保护杰登并与任何妨碍他的人战斗。
A story about several hours, which significantly change the adolescent boy's life. In a small town in Latvia, there is an old Ferris wheel near a bar, in which the protagonist meets a female truck driver, and soon the wheel of fate of the adolescent boy is set in motion.
The great theater director Federico Landi Porrini is looking for his Romeo and Juliet for the opera that should definitively consecrate his prestige and end his career. Vittoria stands out among the candidates, but she is excluded because of a shadow on her past. Determined to get a role in the play anyway, and with the complicity of her makeup artist friend, the young actress decides to try again under a false identity to prove all her talent. That's how she turns into Eight November, offers herself for the role of Romeo and gets the part. It does not seem so complicated for her to play someone else, both on stage and behind the scenes, even when her boyfriend is chosen to play the role of Mercutio. However, dressing as a man will allow her to discover a lot about herself, but more importantly about the people around her.
在挚友遭到残忍谋杀后,十六岁的丽姿被指控为唯 一的嫌疑犯,戴上电子脚镣居家监控。两年后的法 庭上,好斗的检察官和辩护律师轮番攻防,甚至公 开探挖起丽姿的性生活。冷酷无情的质询、不断揭 露的秘密,原本全心捍卫女儿无罪的父母也逐渐动 摇,他们过往所了解的,真的是女儿的全部吗?
影片故事发生在当代巴黎,德国电影制作人托马斯(罗戈夫斯基饰)通过与一位名叫阿加特(阿黛尔饰)的年轻女子的激烈恋情拥抱了自己的性取向,这种冲动模糊了他与丈夫马丁(本·卫肖饰)之间的界限。当马丁开始自己的婚外情时,他成功地重新获得了丈夫的关注,同时也引起萨克斯对人类体验的扎根考察,着重于身体和情感吸引力之间的异同,并提出了 将艺术与艺术家分开的问题。 优雅的电影摄影与非常复杂的表演巧妙地平衡,让他的角色在安静、不舒服的时刻安顿下来,直面他们的不完美。 段落是一个非常亲密的作品,拒绝回避生活的混乱。
Forced collectivism, famines, errors and mistakes mark Stalin´s ruthless rise to dictorial power and only increase his madness until he even declares a chicken to be an English spy that should be liquidated.
The Earth shortly before its end. The houses in the cities are deserted, the streets smashed. The sky shimmers dark gray.
马琳娜在一辆高速行驶的汽车后备箱中醒来,她迷失了方向,她惊恐地发现自己失去的不仅仅是记忆。 她用手机作为与外界的唯一联系,为生存进行了一场殊死的战斗。
在露营旅行中为了重新建立联系,退伍军人李·冈纳(Lee Gunner)上校必须从他们意外发现大规模毒品交易后被绑架的暴力摩托车手团伙中救出他的两个儿子。
Displays the experiences of diverse groups of people inside a supermarket.