Director Michael Apted revisits the same group of British-born adults after a 7 year wait. The subjects are interviewed as to the changes that have occurred in their lives during the last seven years.

An ordinary suburban girl faces the biggest battle of her life when her sudden disappearance for a brief period leads to a desperate search by her loved ones.

Akbar, 18, has been held in a rehabilitation centre for committing murder at the age of sixteen. Now, Akbar is transferred to prison to await the day of his execution. A’la, a friend of Akbar, tries desperately to gain the consent of Akbar’s plaintiff so as to stop the execution.

Valdis Nulle is a young and ambitious captain of fishing ship 'Dzintars'. He has his views on fishing methods but the sea makes its own rules. Kolkhoz authorities are forced to include dubious characters in his crew, for example, former captain Bauze and silent alcoholic Juhans. The young captain lacks experience in working with so many fishermen on board. Unexpectedly, pretty engineer Sabīne is ordered to test a new construction fishing net on Nulle's ship and 'production conflict' between her and the captain arises...

An animated road-movie set across the vast and barren landscape of Australia's Nullarbor Plain.

Mark Samuels élete egy csapásra megváltozik, amikor lánya meghal egy autóbalesetben. Markot nem véletlenül gyötri a bűntudat; furcsa látomások kísértik, mert felelősnek érzi magát lánya tragédiájában. Úgy érzi, amíg Nancy élt, soha nem jutott elég ideje rá. Megpróbálja megérteni, miért is gyötrődik annyira, miért támadnak furcsa víziói. Így jut el egy olyan különös, vak asszony házába, aki a megnyugvás, beletörődés jegyében megpróbálja "összebékíteni" apát és lányát.

A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.

Egy tizenkilenc éves diák 1993. december 23-án vérengzést rendezett egy bécsi bankban. Megölt három embert, majd öngyilkos lett. A film több szálon fut, különböző emberi sorsokat mutatva be.

While on his way to an orthodontist appointment, comic book enthusiast Skipper spots a building which resembles his favorite villain's headquarters. However, when he and new friend, Libby, venture inside, they have no idea what awaits them.

The world has begun to collapse. The rampaging Meicoomon absorbs Tailmon, who underwent a dark evolution, and changes form into the immensely powerful Ordinemon. In accordance with Yggdrasil's expectation, the real world is about to be engulfed by the Digital World. Meanwhile, Homeostasis considers Ordinemon to be out of control and puts into motion its final plan that will entangle the real world. Then the time comes for the DigiDestined to arrive at a final decision. What future do they choose for themselves?

King Kongot alaposan rászedi egy csinos fiatal lány, aki egy alkalommal váratlanul betoppan a férfi lakásába. A lányt hat férfi kergeti. King Kong természetesen megvédi őt. Ezt követően a lány megkéri hősünket, hogy kísérje el a bankba, mert pénzt szeretne felvenni. King Kong elkíséri, ám ott kiderül, hogy a lány ki akarja rabolni a bankot. King belekeveredik és szorult helyzetében Baldyhoz fordul...

As the silhouette of a lonely girl runs through the woods, something in the shadows is lurking her.

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

A game show where Jo Firestone sets up a cookie tasting in a parking lot to try to make friends. Contestants must ultimately decide between a friendship and $50 cash.

SUMMARY:- A girl wakes up early in the morning to witness an immense Pain in her groin area & discovers blood on the bedsheet which makes her very uncomfortable to face her father. The next series of events lead her to understand whether she can speak about it or not, moreover, an important incident is highlighted between the use of face mask and sanitary pads as both are used for protection purposes. In this, her father get involved consciously and maintains stability and at the same time respecting her daughter's emotion in order to make her understand about the scenario, makes it even more effective love & affection for the father-daughter duo in facing each other and also towards the society.

Based on the true story of Louis "Red" Deutsch. A New Jersey bar-owner is plagued with prank phone calls that prompt him to flip into psychotic, profanity-laden rages.

A young, talented and ambitious journalist, Louis heads off to try his luck in Paris. He's spotted by Walter, editor-in-chief for a major daily newspaper, who takes to him and furthers his career. What he doesn't realise is that Louis is ready to betray anyone to achieve his ends...