Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Aastal 2001 avastavad inimesed Kuult monoliidi – esimese märgi maavälise elu olemasolu kohta. 18 kuud hiljem saadetakse astronaudid Bowman ja Poole koos superarvuti HAL 9000-ga Jupiterile, et saada rohkem teada. Intelligentne ulmefilm, filosoofilise taustaga, mis pakub veel praegugi mitmeid erinevaid interpretatsioonivõimalusi.

Two North Korean soldiers are killed in the border area between North and South Korea, prompting an investigation by a neutral body. The sergeant is the shooter, but the lead investigator, a Swiss-Korean woman, receives differing accounts from the two sides.

Chris and his girlfriend Rose go upstate to visit her parents for the weekend. At first, Chris reads the family's overly accommodating behavior as nervous attempts to deal with their daughter's interracial relationship, but as the weekend progresses, a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries lead him to a truth that he never could have imagined.

Melanie Daniels tutvub ühes San Francisco linnupoes advokaat Mitch Brenneriga. Hoolimata mehe pisut sarkastilisest käitumisest snobistliku Melanie vastu, otsustab Melanie teda, tema ema Lydiat ja õde Cathyt Bodega Bays külastada. Kui Melanie kohale jõuab, ründab teda üks kajakas. Kuid see rünnak ei jää ainukeseks: päev hiljem ründavad kajakad lapsi, kamina kaudu lendavad majja varblased, leitakse surnud farmer, kelle silmad on välja nokitud. Järjest rohkem linde hakkab inimesi ründama.

Two couples meet for a painful and raw conversation in the aftermath of a violent tragedy.

Following the events at home, the Abbott family now face the terrors of the outside world. Forced to venture into the unknown, they realize that the creatures that hunt by sound are not the only threats that lurk beyond the sand path.

Brash, loudmouthed and opportunistic, Kikujiro is the unlikely companion for Masao who is determined to see the mother he has never met. The two begin a series of adventures which soon turns out to be a whimsical journey of laughter and tears with a wide array of surprises and unique characters along the way.

Fern on kaotanud lisaks oma armastavale abikaasale ka terve oma kodulinna. Kohalikku kogukonda üleval hoidnud kaevandus suleti ja tulemuseks oli sõna otseses mõttes terve linna mahajätmine ja isegi linnaindeksi kaotamine. Nüüd liigubki Fern oma ustava furgooniga ühest linnast teise, et leida juhutöid ning lävida oma teiste saatusekaaslastega...

A philistine in the art film business, Jeremy Prokosch is a producer unhappy with the work of his director. Prokosch has hired Fritz Lang to direct an adaptation of "The Odyssey," but when it seems that the legendary filmmaker is making a picture destined to bomb at the box office, he brings in a screenwriter to energize the script. The professional intersects with the personal when a rift develops between the writer and his wife.

In 1800s England, a well-meaning but selfish young woman meddles in the love lives of her friends.

Kaheksas osa jätkab sealt, kust eelmine pooleli jäi. Pärast esimeste katsumuste läbimist kohtub ähmase minevikuga maadlev noor Rey legendaarse Luke Skywalkeriga, kes elab eraklikku elu. Koos püütakse jälile jõuda Jõu mineviku saladustele. Samal ajal püüab Vastuhakk, printsess Leia eestvedamisel, leida viise ellujäämiseks Esimese Ordu eest põgenemisel.

Twelve strangers wake up in a clearing. They don't know where they are—or how they got there. In the shadow of a dark internet conspiracy theory, ruthless elitists gather at a remote location to hunt humans for sport. But their master plan is about to be derailed when one of the hunted turns the tables on her pursuers.

Selma, a psychoanalyst, deals with a cast of colorful new patients after returning home to Tunisia to open a practice.

During the Civil War, at a Southern girls’ boarding school, young women take in an injured enemy soldier. As they provide refuge and tend to his wounds, the house is taken over with sexual tension and dangerous rivalries, and taboos are broken in an unexpected turn of events.

While moving a group of Apaches to a Native American reservation in Arizona, an American scout named Sam Varner is surprised to find a white woman, Sarah Carver, living with the tribe. When Sam learns that she was taken captive by an Indian named Salvaje ten years ago, he attempts to escort Sarah and her half-Native American son to his home in New Mexico. However, it soon becomes clear that Salvaje is hot on their trail.

In 1889, seventeen men die under mysterious circumstances, and spooked by recent events, the miners who populate the town leave in droves until there's nothing left but a shell of a community.

The interlaced stories of several characters in a small town united by their use of CB (citizen's band) radio.

Called to Rome to stop an imminent terrorist bombing, a soldier desperately seeks news of his imprisoned brother — a rebel with knowledge that could thwart the attack. Navigating the capital's darkened streets, he races to a series of ominous encounters to keep the Vatican from being blown to bits.

Captain Saxon, an agent for the top secret Omega agency, has been given the assignment of tracking down and either capturing or killing the crew members of a secret space mission who returned to Earth against orders. It seems that they were all infected with an alien parasite, and they were trying to bring its eggs back to Earth. The eggs were lost in an accident, and both Saxon and the astronauts are trying to locate them.