Fascinated by the human brain and its capacity for ruthlessness, psychiatrist Dr. Dorothy Otnow Lewis has spent her life investigating the interior lives of violent people. With each case, she came closer to developing a unified field theory of what makes a killer. Along the way - steering away from the conventional wisdom of her colleagues - she explored the world of multiple personality disorder.

Hailey Dean knows District Attorney Paulina D'Orazio is innocent of the murder of a man she once put behind bars and must do all she can to prove it in the face of mounting evidence.

Magda and Arek create a harmonious marriage with 25 years of experience, caring for their sick grandfather. They live with their son, Tomek, who is in a long-term relationship with his girlfriend Asia. Seemingly everything is fine - typical family. And yet - Magda, a teacher in a Catholic high school, hides the fact that she prefers women, Arek has not been able to find a job for a long time, and Tomek - a popular YouTuber, is mainly driven by his interests. The embarrassment begins when Magda, tired of living in hiding, decides to follow her heart, setting off an avalanche of new events. Asia breaks up with Tomek, grandpa disappears, and Arek has a problem with re-gluing reality. When crises, conflicts and desires, which have been suppressed for years, finally explode, everyone begins to live on their own. Or at least he thinks so - Will each of the heroes find their own way to be happy?


Thoughtfully, lovingly, Aurora tells the story of an unwanted pregnancy. Alongside her work as an architect, 40-year-old Luisa gives inspirational creative workshops to children. One day, she comes across 17-year-old Julia by the school toilets; it turns out she has unintentionally become pregnant. Luisa decides to help her – in the process manoeuvring herself into a difficult position somewhere between friend, teacher and mother figure. Or does she secretly enjoy playing this role?

当五名女性参加企业徒步旅行时,只有四人走出来,联邦特工艾伦·福克(Aaron Falk)和卡门·库珀(Carmen Cooper)深入维多利亚山脉展开调查,希望找到还活着的告密人艾丽丝·拉塞尔(Alice Russell)。



When Yoel hears about an imminent Iranian military attack on Tel Aviv, he knows what to do - escape with his family to a safe haven in Jerusalem. His son Assaf, who is a filmmaker and about to become a father himself, wants to give Yoel one last lead role in his movie by melting the fictional world into bittersweet reality.

The Battlestar Galactica and its ragtag fleet of ships finally arrive at the Earth, only to discover that the planet is not prepared for the inevitable Cylon invasion.



Estelle is a psychiatrist dedicated to her profession, a fervent practitioner of Ericksonian hypnosis, who leads an almost peaceful life with her husband and son. But her life is turned upside down the day Thomas, her first love, reappears in her life, hospitalized in her department following a suicide attempt. He is soon accused of killing a doctor, Estelle’s rival. Estelle then flees with Thomas to the Provençal countryside to try to clear his name and treat him. Her husband David and her best friend Agathe, while investigating to find them before the authorities, discover Thomas’s very troubled personality and suspect him of being a threat to Estelle. It is in this chase that the secrets binding Estelle and Thomas finally resurface…

朝鲜王国某官员宅内,因以前一桩恩怨惹到怨灵缠身,导致长子、次子接连身亡。家主夫人(徐英姬 饰)不想家道中落,遂主持张罗为三子明奎迎娶一个卑贱女子(孙娜恩 饰),并且安排佣人之子代入洞房,以期骗过女鬼。谁曾想明奎贪恋新娘美貌,执意亲自合房。结果当夜女鬼前来,明奎身亡。在此之后,三少奶奶有孕在身,母凭子贵,得以留在这个家中。她不仅要应对女鬼三番五次的骚扰,更要时刻留心来自两位嫂子的暗算。 为了保住来之不易的子嗣,夫人请来一位法术极其高深的巫师醮禳。巫师忌惮怨灵的法力,当他得知三少奶奶自身所具有的法力后,力劝女孩离开这个家,但是遭到了女孩的拒绝……

The members of an apparently happy couple, each with their respective lovers, have the same idea: spending the weekend at their holiday home. Finding each other there is only the beginning of an awkward and hilarious weekend.

受养猪场主兼多产女杀手罗伯特·皮克顿(Robert 'Willy' Pickton)的可怕故事的启发,他的可怕罪行震惊了世界,《猪杀手》生动地描绘了养猪场对四十九名年轻女性的强奸、折磨、屠杀和肢解。威利和他五颜六色的同伴在他身边,在他巨大的猪巴尔萨扎尔的陪伴下,恐吓温哥华肮脏的市中心,直到他被捕,揭露了一系列可怕的残酷的加拿大谋杀案。


Jojo is out of money and must work for his stepfather's shady car dealership to pick up a car that belongs to a Russian gangster.

Genetically mutated bats escape and it's up to a bat expert and the local sheriff to stop them.