儿女们都大了,各自成家。父亲周吉(笠智众饰)和老伴(东山千荣子饰)要去东京看望他们,老两口带着愉快心情上路。可另一边,还没等他们到大儿子家,孙子就因为爷爷奶奶到来腾地方哭闹不停。老人开始觉得尴尬,大儿子幸一(山村聪饰)在东京当医生,二女儿繁(杉村春子饰)在东京开美容店,二儿媳纪子(原节子饰),小女儿京子(香川京子饰)外,大阪还有三子敬三。 东京让老人陌生,在儿女家也好不到哪去。大儿子工作繁忙,没时间带他们出去玩。搬到女儿家,依旧每日困守且有矛盾。老两口渐渐也明白儿女们的处境,他们在东京的老友也过得不好。只有守寡的儿媳纪子对老人很是孝顺。之后老人踏上回家的路,前后不过十天……
The life of a dying young man at the short age of only forty-one after playing the lead in Il postino. He was a brilliant stage actor before becoming an astonishing film director.
在一系列喜剧性的场景之后,两位好朋友,Saverio(Benigni饰)和Mario(Troisi饰)突然发现自己置身于1492年,正骑马行走在意大利乡间。Saverio很乐观,而Mario则想要赶快回家,直到他遇到了适龄女子Pia(Amanda Sandrelli饰)。然后,Saverio提议,他们应该去阻止哥伦布航行到新大陆,这样美洲就永远不会被发现,美洲土著人也不会遭遇灭顶之灾。除这个计划之外,中间还有一些小插曲,比如Saverio向达芬奇解释了几种现代机器。
Gaetano, a young Neapolitan, decides to leave home, work and friends, to look for other moments of life and meet other people.
电脑文书保罗(Griffin Dunne 饰)下班后去餐厅宵夜,他手上的《北回归线》让邻座的神秘女子玛西(Rosanna Arquette 饰)上前搭讪,玛西留下电话号码,并向他介绍与自己合租的女雕塑家琦琦。保罗为追求一段艳遇,在午夜时分拨通了玛西的电话,玛西家中因纸糊雕塑显得凌乱不堪,她本人则急于喋喋不休的倾诉,让保罗无法得逞,保罗不能忍受那个没有露脸的男人“富兰克林”与玛西的神经质表现,在急欲返家之时,却又卷入了连串麻烦,与酒吧老板、酒吧女招待、朋克青年们、两名窃贼、开冰激凌车的女青年等等纠缠不清,似乎在这个夜里,所有人都在妨碍保罗回家。
A father and his son who lived seperated for some time meet each other one day and try to talk their problems over and understand their diametrical differences.
Set in Italy during the 1920s, a barber is in a wheelchair because of a psychosomatic illness after he lost the woman he loves.
Three Italians travel to their hometown to vote for elections: Pasquale is a Southern immigrant living in Munich who's genuinely happy to come back to Italy, even if just for a few days, but the country he dreams of is far from reality; Furio travels to Rome with his family, but his niggling attitude threatens to push his wife Magda over the edge; young Mimmo is also going to Rome, but the trip is repeatedly interrupted by worries about his grandma's health.
马塞洛(马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)、菲利普(菲利浦·诺瓦雷 Philippe Noiret 饰)、雨果(乌戈·托格内吉 Ugo Tognazzi 饰)和米歇尔(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)是四个事业有成但心灵空虚的中年男人,面对再无可恋的世界,四人决定以一种极其夸张的方式在极致的快感中迎来他们的死亡。 四人驱车来到了一幢地处偏远的别墅中,这里就是他们的死地,紧接着,一场十分荒唐却又极尽奢华的狂欢盛宴开始了,四人彻底抛弃了作为人的属性,任凭兽性肆虐。为了给这场死亡之宴增加亮点,他们邀请了三个妓女和一个小学女教师加入他们的行列。很快,对屋子里的一切忍无可忍的妓女们离开了,但小学女教师的兴致似乎比这四个疯狂的男人还有过之而无不及。
Tommaso goes incredible lengths to win back the love of his former girlfriend Cecilia, but sometimes things change in the most unexpected way.
Women in a failing silk factory, fight to find a way to keep their jobs.
The fake report about Troisi's death, with the direction of Troisi himself with Lello Arena and Anna Pavignano. A long of list people greet the comediam, from Gianni Boncompagni to Maria Giovanna Elmi. There is also Benigni, hidden behind a window, and Arena, his guardian angel.
1964年,年轻的阿里(Will Smith 威尔• 史密斯 饰)凭着高超的拳术,坚韧的毅力战胜尼桑•里斯顿成为了新的拳王!时值越南战争期间,阿里拒绝服兵役,因为“越共没有管我叫黑鬼”。正因为阿里直率的性格,拒绝向自己认为错误的事屈服,阿里因此吃尽苦头:美国政府用尽方法企图将阿里投进监狱;拳击理事会剥夺了阿里拳王的金腰带。在1964至1974这社会动荡的10年里,阿里表现出的坚忍不拔的毅力和决不屈服的独立性不仅对他个人,对拳击界甚至对整个社会都产生了巨大的回响,阿里亦因此成为黑人运动和反越战运动的精神领袖。 1974年,阿里出乎所有人的意料,以34岁的运动高龄,再次参加拳王争霸赛。
该片取材于美国乐坛的常青树50 Cent的成长故事,从小在街头讨生活的50 Cent怎么也想不到自己会有功成名就的今天。故事讲述一个热爱音乐的毒品贩子如何脱离乌烟瘴气的黑社会,在乐坛打拼的经历。
Michele relocates from capital to remote village Rupe in Abruzzo park. Challenges emerge as she aims to keep local school with few students open, set against idyllic winter and summer backdrops.
Kuwait’s constitution says that every person has the right to a job, so in some places 20 people are employed for one person’s job. In South Korea, they work so much that a policy has been introduced to turn off computers at the end of the day so that employees can’t work any more. In the US, they give up over 500 million holiday hours each year, while Amazon’s drivers are trying to form a union. Meanwhile, robots are poised to take over most jobs and put the rest of us out of work. Work is so crucial to our identity and what we spend our waking hours on that it is barely noticed anymore. A lot has happened since a group of Puritan priests invented the concept of work ethic in the 1600s, and in the 21st century the very concept of work is in many ways disintegrating. A perfect situation for a filmmaker like Swedish mastermind Erik Gandini, who travels the world to explore what the concept of work means today – if it means anything at all.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir is known and loved for his impressionist paintings of Paris. These paintings count among the world’s favourites. Renoir, however, grew tired of this style and changed course. This film, based on the collection of 181 Renoirs at the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia,– examines the direction he then took and why it provokes such extreme reactions right up to today. Some claim they are repulsed by Renoir’s later works and some claim they are seduced. What may surprise many is that among the many artists who sought Renoir’s new works out and were clearly highly influenced by them were the two giants of the 20th century – Picasso and Matisse.