Keď do Krajiny medu vtrhne rodina kočovníkov a poruší jej základné pravidlo, posledná chovateľka divokých včiel v Európe musí zachrániť včely a obnoviť prírodnú rovnováhu. Ide o prekvapivo humorný, i keď drsný i nežný portrét krehkej rovnováhy medzi ľudstvom a prírodou, o pohľad na rýchlo miznúci spôsob života a nezabudnuteľné svedectvo o vytrvalosti jednej ženy.
Au revoir les enfants tells a heartbreaking story of friendship and devastating loss concerning two boys living in Nazi-occupied France. At a provincial Catholic boarding school, the precocious youths enjoy true camaraderie—until a secret is revealed. Based on events from writer-director Malle’s own childhood, the film is a subtle, precisely observed tale of courage, cowardice, and tragic awakening.
Run Boy Run is the true story of Jurek, an eight-year-old boy, who escapes from the Warsaw ghetto, then manages to survive in the woods and working as a farmhand, disguising himself as a Polish orphan. He encounters people who will betray him for a reward, who will beat him up or try to kill him, and he meets those, who will do and risk almost everything to help him. Jurek’s resilience is put to the ultimate test, when an accident cripples him, making it harder to find work. But he struggles on against all odds. Eventually the Russians reach his area and Jurek even finds a family where he could stay. Yet he is betrayed again, and a young man from a Jewish orphanage forcefully tries to bring Jurek back to his people and his faith.
Nigel has fallen in love. But when you live in orbit, aboard a ramshackle space hovel with the most risk-averse family imaginable, it isn't easy to follow your heart - especially when the girl of your dreams is spinning around earth the wrong way!
Príbeh slávnej speváčky Grace Davis, ktorá sa pohybuje v trblietavom svete hudobnej scény Los Angeles. Grace je superstar, ktorej talent a ego dosiahli neuveriteľných výšok. Jej prepracovanou osobnou asistentkou je Maggie, ktorá sa stále usiluje o splnenie svojho veľkého sna: stať sa rešpektovanou hudobnou producentkou. Keď im Gracein manažér predstaví voľbu, ktorá by mohla zmeniť priebeh ich kariér, Maggie a Grace prídu s vlastným plánom. Ten by mohol navždy zmeniť ich životy.
Odile is a business executive looking for a new, bigger apartment. Her younger sister Camille has just completed her doctoral thesis in history and is a Paris tour guide. Simon is a regular on Camille's tours because he's attracted to her. Camille has fallen for Marc, and they begin an affair. Nicolas is also looking for an apartment, since he hopes to eventually have his family join him in Paris.
Successful surgeon Tomas leaves Prague for an operation, meets a young photographer named Tereza, and brings her back with him. Tereza is surprised to learn that Tomas is already having an affair with the bohemian Sabina, but when the Soviet invasion occurs, all three flee to Switzerland. Sabina begins an affair, Tom continues womanizing, and Tereza, disgusted, returns to Czechoslovakia. Realizing his mistake, Tomas decides to chase after her.
Jedenásťročná Faith sa pomocou mágie opýta na meno svojho osudového muža. Postupne sa objavujú písmená, ktoré tvoria meno: Damon Bradley. O pätnásť rokov neskôr je Faith učiteľkou a chystá sa vydať za lekára Dwayna. Práve keď si Faith skúša šaty v prítomnosti svojej budúcej švagrinej Kate, zavolá bývalý spolužiak jej budúceho manžela Damon Bradley.... Faith neváha ani minútu a v svadobných šatách odchádza na letisko, odkiaľ sa Damon chystá odletieť do Benátok. Z letiska zavolá Kate, aby jej priniesla pas a niekoľko drobností, a Kate sa rozhodne letieť s ňou - jej manželstvo s Larrym nebolo v poslednom čase najšťastnejšie. Obe mladé ženy sa ocitnú v Benátkach a Faith hľadá Damona. Pritom náhodne narazí na iného muža, ktorý v nej okamžite spozná ženu svojho života. Keď mu Faith povie, koho hľadá, vyhlási, že je Damon Bradley. Viera je v siedmom nebi...
Tom, 16, is a sensitive teenager who is about to enter a new high school after being expelled. He intends to find his place, make friends and seduce the girl he loves. Tom needs the support of his older brother, Leo, a true mentor, who is working to make him a “cool kid”. However, Leo's fraternal benevolence hides a destructive temperament... Will Tom be able to grow up finding his own path?
2020: A year so [insert adjective of choice here], even the creators of Black Mirror couldn't make it up… but that doesn't mean they don't have a little something to add. This comedy event that tells the story of the dreadful year that was — and perhaps still is? The documentary-style special weaves together some of the world's most (fictitious) renowned voices with real-life archival footage.
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz face a crisis that could end their careers and another that could end their marriage.
Sentimentální komedie Kéž by vypráví příběh tří nerozlučných sourozenců Almy, Jeana a Sebastiana, kteří žijí v Paříži, v bezpečném, byť poněkud bizarním buržoazním světě své ruské matky. Jednoho dne jsou však nečekaně sbaleni a posláni do pečující náruče jejich odcizeného, nekonvenčního a zcela zruinovaného italského otce Carla, který nemá tušení, jak se postarat sám o sebe, natož o děti. Během vánočních svátků strávených v domě na pláži s Carlem a jeho přítelkyní Benedettou, v okamžiku, kdy je jejich skutečný život dočasně pozastaven, vypluje na povrch skryté napětí. Carlo odhalí temnou stránku své bývalé ženy a dokáže dětem, že je opravdu tím nespolehlivým, ale také neuvěřitelně charizmatickým otcem. A navzdory každodenním problémům a třenicím malá Alma stále pevně věří, že jednoho dne – kéž by! – se její rodina dá znovu dohromady a všechno bude jako dřív.
Marcos' life turns upside down after he loses the same day his girlfriend and his job. Marcos' life turns wild after to meet Raquel.
Dj Steph is a young radio deejay on the rise, who gained a lot of popularity on social media and every evening hosts a radio show with a large following, during which he receives calls from his fans. One evening, a call chills him to the bone: a cold-blooded stranger announces on live radio that he plans to take his own life, making himself explode in the middle of the city.
Bea is a successful architect who lives in Barcelona (Catalonia, northeast to Spain) with her boyfriend and boss, Víctor, a CEO of an important company. During a night celebration of an important contract signed to make a skyscraper designed by Bea, in the bar appears the famous TV reporter and anchorwoman Rebecca Ramos, Victor's personal erotic fantasy. Not measuring the consequences of her actions due to the alcohol she drank, Bea makes a meeting between Víctor and Rebecca. When to the next day she wakes up, Víctor proposes to wed Bea and she accepts, but after she arrives to the job, Bea learns about a videotape where Víctor and Rebecca make the love in a car that it's in all TV channels. In front of all CEOs during a full meeting, Bea slaps Víctor and destroys her design, being fired from the job. Looking for a break, she travels her natal coastal town, Santa Clara, just to discover that her rest isn't so easy as it seems: her eccentric, free-spirited and eternal smiling mother ...
Roman loves Camille as much as he loves his two daughters. But he is hiding from all of them a serious problem of addiction, which could endanger his dearest. Does love have a chance to survive when trust is broken?
As Constance (Natasha Richardson) and Nina (Toni Collette) gather at the deathbed of their mother, Ann (Vanessa Redgrave), they learn for the first time that their mother lived an entire other lifetime during one evening 50 years ago. In vivid flashbacks, the young Ann (Claire Daines) spends one night with a man named Harris (Patrick Wilson), who was the love of her life.
Kyle a Swin žijú podľa príkazov arkansaského drogového kráľa menom Frog, s ktorým sa nikdy nestretli. Ale keď sa dohoda strašne pokazí, následky sú smrteľné.
Jaime, a doctor who lives in Seville, finds his life radicallychanged when his son is left fighting for his life after beingbeaten up during a robbery. The feelings of pain andhelplessness soon change to feelings of hate and anger,converting a good dad into a dehumanised man.
A personal essay about the United States, viewed through the life and work of a movie actor. Henry Fonda and the roles he played merge into a dazzling and conflicted figure. A very private man who thought he had “no good answers to anything” becomes the unlikely motor of a parallel history. His voice, recorded during his last interview in 1981, and his onscreen avatars guide us through America’s past and present – on a road trip from the village of Fonda, NY, across the Midwest to the Pacific; from 1651 to the 1980s and the presidency of another movie actor. It takes many places and times and characters to imagine an invisible republic – the United States of Fonda.