Durante uma guerra civil, dois músicos se retiram para uma fazenda numa ilha. Eles são apolíticos. Às vezes um vizinho lhes dá um peixe; ou um vinho que é um luxo. Eles se amam, mas há problemas: a guerra perturba Jan, ele ficou triste, muito sensível; Eva quer filhos, ele não. A guerra de repente chega: rebeldes atacam, vizinhos morrem. Quando o outro lado restabelece a ordem, Jan e Eva são presos como colaboradores. Depois de amedronta-los e domina-los o coronel local os libera. Em seguida, ele começa a aparecer em sua fazenda. Para falar ou para perseguir Eva? Ele lhes dá dinheiro. Os rebeldes retornam e o caos se instala. Jan se torna violento e assassino. Então eles fogem. Será que eles conseguirão escapar? Se assim for, para quê? Estudo psicológico de Ingmar Bergman de como os seres humanos reagem em uma situação de guerra. O filme se passa em Gotland, onde as forças de invasão chegam.

Um jovem assalariado e a sua esposa lutam dentro dos limites do seu relacionamento sem paixão, enquanto ele tem um caso extraconjugal.

Este filme documenta a greve dos mineiros de carvão contra a mina de Brookside da Eastover Mining Company no condado de Harlan, Kentucky, em junho de 1973. A recusa da Eastover em assinar um contrato (quando os mineiros se juntaram aos United Mine Workers of America) levou à greve, que durou mais de um ano e incluiu batalhas violentas entre os capangas/escabinas da empresa armados e os mineiros que faziam piquetes e as mulheres que os apoiavam. A realizadora Barbara Kopple coloca a greve em perspetiva, dando-nos alguns antecedentes sobre a situação histórica dos mineiros e alguma história da UMWA.

The story of two men, both named Antonio Pisapia, who are on the decline and lead strangely parallel lives. One is a pop singer whose success ends after a sex scandal; the other is a football player whose career is cut short by an injury.

An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.

Charlie Kohler toca piano num bar. Uma noite, o seu irmão Chico, perseguido por dois bandidos a quem tentou enganar, refugia-se no bar onde ele toca e pede-lhe ajuda. Léna, a criada, está apaixonada por Charlie que não é outro senão Edouard Saroyan, pianista virtuoso, cuja vida se desmoronou no dia em que a sua mulher se suicidou. Léna quer ajudar Charlie a voltar a ser Edouard Saroyan, mas o destino vigia-os...

No terceiro filme da Série, Ogami Itto oferece-se para ser torturado pela Yakuza para salvar uma prostituta e acaba sendo contratado pelo líder dos Yakuza para matar um oficial do governo.

Célestine, uma criada de quarto jovem e bela, acaba de chegar à província, vinda de Paris, para trabalhar com a família Lanlaire. Ela vai evitando os avanços do patrão, enquanto lida também com a Senhora Lanlaire, que governa a casa com um punho de ferro. É então que conhece Joseph, um misterioso jardineiro, por quem fica fascinada.

Diversos contos sobre a vida de habitantes das favelas de Tóquio, incluindo um jovem mentalmente deficiente e obcecado com a condução de seu próprio trólei, pai e o filho sem teto imaginando a casa de seus sonhos, a jovem abusada pelo tio. Ao mesmo tempo que é trágico e transcendente, este filme de Akira Kurosawa ao acompanhar o quotidiano de um grupo de pessoas maltrapilhas de uma favela nos arredores de Tóquio, O inesquecível Dodes'ka-den foi feito num momento tumultuoso da vida de Kurosawa, contendo todas as suas esperanças, medos e paixão artística estão em exibição fervorosa neste filme, seu primeiro filme gloriosamente a cores.

Mr. Roberts is a Navy officer who's yearning for battle but is stuck in the backwaters of World War II on a non-commissioned ship run by the bullying Captain Morton.

Do, who doesn't take much consideration about his marriageis circled with so many debts. He lied to his mother in law to get some money. Do and his wife eventually got a divorce and Do moved out to Kuala Lumpur to start a new life. Re on the other hand has a wife who is working at a night club whereas he stays at home and takes care of the house chores. Due to re's negligent behaviour his wife's money was stolen and he was told to leave the house bringing him dragging himself to the big city. Mi, a bachelor who is head over heels with the girl who is staying across his house often loans him some money. While Mi was out looking for a job he helped out capturing the theif who snatched a lady's handbag alongside with Re and Do who was in the area and helped out as well. They became close friends since then.

Nesta emocionante história verídica, dois detetives peruanos infiltram-se para localizar e capturar o elusivo líder do Sendero Luminoso.

Spoiled playboy Henry van Cleve dies and arrives at the entrance to Hell, a final destination he is sure he deserves after living a life of profligacy. The devil, however, isn't so sure Henry meets Hell's standards. Convinced he is where he belongs, Henry recounts his life's deeds, both good and bad, including an act of indiscretion during his 25-year marriage to his wife, Martha, with the hope that "His Excellency" will arrive at the proper judgment.

The ocean contains the history of all humanity. The sea holds all the voices of the earth and those that come from outer space. Water receives impetus from the stars and transmits it to living creatures. Water, the longest border in Chile, also holds the secret of two mysterious buttons which were found on its ocean floor. Chile, with its 2,670 miles of coastline and the largest archipelago in the world, presents a supernatural landscape. In it are volcanoes, mountains and glaciers. In it are the voices of the Patagonian Indigenous people, the first English sailors and also those of its political prisoners. Some say that water has memory. This film shows that it also has a voice.

Police commissioner Santamaria is investigating the murder of the ambiguous architect Mr. Garrone. The investigations soon drive him into the Torino's high society. Santamaria suspect Anna Carla and at the same time falls in love for her. Lello is the lover of Massimo, Anna Carla’s gay friend. He is following another direction in order to find out the truth, and his results are confusing the Policeman. But another murder happens...

A Catholic New Yorker falls in love with a girl and wants to marry her, but he struggles to accept her past and what it means for their future.

Walt is a lonely convenience store clerk who has fallen in love with a Mexican migrant worker named Johnny. Though Walt has little in common with the object of his affections — including a shared language — his desire to possess Johnny prompts a sexual awakening that results in taboo trysts and a tangled love triangle.

Composed of intimate and unencumbered moments of people in a community, this film is constructed in a form that allows the viewer an emotive impression of the Historic South - trumpeting the beauty of life and consequences of the social construction of race, while simultaneously a testament to dreaming.

The master of Italian horror, Lucio Fulci, stars as... Lucio Fulci, a filmmaker with a reputation for gruesome horror films. His body of work has started to plague his mental state, and he is haunted by the grotesque set-pieces his mind has conjured up during his career. His psychiatrist, Egon Schwarz, uses a hypnotised Fulci as an avatar to carry out his own disturbed fantasies, in hopes of ruining the master’s reputation once and for all.

Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.