Daniel Craig v tomto dokumentu hovoří s producenty agenta 007 Michaelem G. Wilsonem a Barbarou Broccoliovou. Otevřeně vypráví o patnáctiletém dobrodružství v roli Jamese Bonda a dělí se o své osobní vzpomínky. Film je obohacen o dosud neviděné archivní záběry z kasovního trháku „Casino Royale“ a nejnovějšího snímku „Není čas zemřít.“

Gino, a drifter, begins an affair with inn-owner Giovanna as they plan to get rid of her older husband.

An unhappy middle-aged banker agrees to a procedure that will fake his death and give him a completely new look and identity – one that comes with its own price.

A gangster sets out to fulfill his father's dream of becoming a doctor.

Slávny spisovateľ Miguel de Unamuno v roku 1936 v Salamanke podporí vojenský prevrat, pretože dúfa, že sa ním podarí vyriešiť nestabilnú situáciu v Španielsku. Generál Francisco Franco sa medzitým so svojimi vojenskými jednotkami pridá k puču a tajne plánuje ujať sa velenia vo vojne. Konflikt je čoraz krvavejší, mnohí Unamunovi priatelia končia vo väzení a spisovateľ začne pochybovať o svojom počiatočnom stanovisku. Keď Franco presunie veliteľstvo povstaleckých vojsk do Salamanky, Unamuno ho navštívi a žiada milosť pre svojich blízkych.

A presentation of a case for a needed transition out of the current socioeconomic monetary paradigm which governs the entire world society. This subject matter will transcend the issues of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and move to relate the core, empirical 'life ground' attributes of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws into a new sustainable social paradigm called a 'Resource-Based Economy'.

Pätica priateľov si prenajme byt k prežívaniu vzrušujúcich stretnutí. Teraz tu leží mŕtvola a loft sa mení na miesto, kde je viac otázok než odpovedí. Kto je obeť? Vedia o sebe všetko? Vedel niekto o ich dohode? Ale hlavne - kto je vrah?

An old man and a young woman meet in Tokyo. She knows nothing about him, he thinks he knows her. He welcomes her into his home, she offers him her body. But the web that is woven between them in the space of twenty four hours bears no relation to the circumstances of their encounter.

Dr. Stephen Strange embarks on a wondrous journey to the heights of a Tibetan mountain, where he seeks healing at the feet of the mysterious Ancient One.

A basketball player's father must try to convince him to go to a college so he can get a shorter prison sentence.

George Wallace is a 1997 television film starring Gary Sinise as George Wallace, the former Governor of Alabama. It was directed by John Frankenheimer, who won an Emmy award for it; Sinise and Mare Winningham also won Emmies for their performances. The film was based on the 1996 biography Wallace : The Classic Portrait of Alabama Governor George Wallace by Marshall Frady, who also co-wrote the teleplay. Frankenheimer's film was highly praised by critics: in addition to the Emmy awards, it received the Golden Globe for Best Miniseries/Motion Picture made for TV. Angelina Jolie also received a Golden Globe for her performance as Wallace's second wife, Cornelia.

Somewhere in Australia in the early 20th century outback, an Aboriginal man is accused of murdering a white woman. Three white men are on a mission to capture him with the help of an experienced Indigenous man.

Mladá servírka Jenna Huntersonová pracuje v bistre, kde pečú tie najúžasnejšie ovocné koláče, a práve ona je autorkou najlepších receptov. V súkromí už taká úspešná nie je – trápi ju žiarlivý manžel Earl, ktorý jej robí zo života peklo. Jenna si preto tajne šetrí peniaze, aby mohla muža opustiť a osamostatniť sa. Stane sa však niečo neočakávané – otehotnie. Earlovi to zatají a ide za svojou gynekologičkou. Tá odišla do penzie a namiesto nej ordinuje sympatický gynekológ Jim Pomatter. V tej chvíli Jenna netuší, ako sa vzápätí zmení jej život...

Blanca, an 18-year-old foster home resident, is the key witness in a scandal involving kids, politicians and rich men taking part in sex parties. Yet, the more questions are asked, the less clear it becomes what Blanca’s role in the scandal exactly is.

Is there room for principle in Los Angeles? Mike Terry teaches jujitsu and barely makes ends meet. His Brazilian wife, whose family promotes fights, wants to see Mike in the ring making money, but to him competition is degrading. A woman sideswipes Mike's car and then, after an odd sequence of events, shoots out the studio's window. Later that evening, Mike rescues an action movie star in a fistfight at a bar. In return, the actor befriends Mike, gives him a gift, offers him work on his newest film, and introduces Mike's wife to his own - the women initiate business dealings. Then, things go sour all at once, Mike's debts mount, and going into the ring may be his only option.

Keď Abby pricestuje do Tokia za svojím priateľom, nečaká ju spoločný život, ale rozchod. Zostane sama uprostred mesta, ktorému nerozumie, a rozhodne sa preniknúť do tajomstiev japonskej kuchyne.

An ex-lawyer and his team run an underworld service, they seek the most desperate and greedy to become fake criminals to take the fall for the rich and powerful's crimes in a process known as `Criminal Audition'.

Lt. Dave Robicheaux, a detective in New Iberia, Louisiana, is trying to link the murder of a local hooker to New Orleans mobster Julie (Baby Feet) Balboni, who is co-producer of a Civil War film. At the same time, after Elrod Sykes, the star of the film, reports finding another corpse in the Atchafalaya Swamp near the movie set, Robicheaux starts another investigation, believing the corpse to be the remains of a black man who he saw being murdered 35 years before.

Jack Regan, a hardened cop who doesn’t play by the rules, is confronted with a criminal from his past. With sidekick George Carter they are put on the case of a jewellery store heist that ends in a killing. But is that killing really an execution in disguise? With pressure from his boss and the fact that Regan is having an affair with that boss’s wife, it’s not going to be easy for him to stay out of trouble.

Jonathan Rivers je úspešným architektom s krásnou ženou, spisovateľkou Annou a milujúcim synom a ďalším dieťaťom na ceste. Žije spokojne až do chvíle, pokiaľ do jeho života zasiahne tragédia. Anna sa stratí cestou do práce a neskôr ju nájdu zavraždenú. Jonathan, šialený žiaľom, sa odsťahuje a úzkostlivo bočí od priateľov a rodiny. Tajomný vedec Nicolas presvedčí Jonathana, že Anna vysiela signály „zo záhrobia“ pomocou televíznej obrazovky a rádia. Jonathan poslúchne jeho rady a s pomocou nových priateľov Raymonda a Sarah sa pokúsi nadviazať spojenie s manželkou. Nechtiac tak otvorí dvere do iného sveta. Netuší, čo tým spôsobí, mŕtvym dal možnosť preniknúť do reálneho sveta a tiež do jeho života.