Kada 1962. godine Tony Lip, izbacivač talijansko-američkog podrijetla koji nije završio niti osnovnu školu, dobije posao vozača Dr. Dona Shirleyja, svjetski poznatog pijanista (ujedno i Afroamerikanca), njih dvojica moraju se koristiti „Zelenom knjigom za crnce koji se nalaze na putu kroz američki jug“ kako bi im ona ukazala na nekolicinu mjesta koja se smatraju sigurnima za Afroamerikance. Suočeni s rasizmom i opasnosti, kao i s neočekivanom humanošću i humorom, njih dvojica prisiljeni su za sobom ostaviti vlastite nesuglasice kako bi preživjeli i doživjeli putovanje svojih života.

Humphrey Bogart glumi Richarda 'Ricka' Blanea, ciničnog, ali dobrodušnog Amerikanca čiji je mali kafić mjesto okupljanja za sve od francuske policije, šefova crnog tržišta do nacista. Kada se njegova davno izgubljena ljubav Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) pojavi u Casablanci sa svojim suprugom Victorom Lazslom (Paul Henreid), vođom Otpora, Rick se uvlači u ljubavni trokut, ali i mrežu političkih intriga. Ilsa i Victor moraju pobjeći iz Casablance i Rick je možda jedini koji im može pomoći. No, pitanje je - hoće li?

Čuvari Galaksije 2 nastavlja pustolovinu ekipe koja prelazi granice svemira. Čuvari se moraju boriti da održe svoju novostečenu obitelj na okupu dok otkrivaju tajnu pravog porijekla Petera Quilla. Stari neprijatelji postaju saveznici.

Three friends who were inseparable in childhood decide to go on a three-week-long bachelor road trip to Spain, in order to re-establish their bond and explore thrilling adventures, before one of them gets married. What will they learn of themselves and each other during the adventure?

Patrick Bateman (C. Bale) mladi je stručnjak za financije zaposlen u uglednoj tvrtki. Poput njegovih kolega, Bateman nosi skupocjena odijela, živi u iznimno luksuznom stanu, održava tijelo u izvrsnoj kondiciji i s lakoćom zavodi žene. Bateman je zaručen za privlačnu no ispraznu Evelyn (R. Witherspoon) i često je vara sa djevojkom njegovog najboljeg prijatelja i brojnim prostitutkama. Iako ostavlja dojam normalnog poslovnog čovjeka, Bateman je zapravo teški psihopat, nasilnik koji jednom prilikom bez ikakvog razloga okrutno ubije prosjaka koji je od njega na ulici zatražio pomoć. Samouvjeren i lišen bilo kakvih osjećaja, Bateman se nakon toga upušta u seriju okrutnih ubojstava koju započinje smaknućem poslovnog suradnika Paula Allena (J. Leto). Allenov nestanak istražuje detektiv Donald Kimball (W. Dafoe), no Bateman nema namjeru prestati sa svojim nedjelima...

Three girls divided by personalities, cultural backgrounds and principles have one thing in common, their love for music.

Tells the life story of Danish author Karen Blixen, who at the beginning of the 20th century moved to Africa to build a new life for herself. The film is based on her 1937 autobiographical novel.

Do, who doesn't take much consideration about his marriageis circled with so many debts. He lied to his mother in law to get some money. Do and his wife eventually got a divorce and Do moved out to Kuala Lumpur to start a new life. Re on the other hand has a wife who is working at a night club whereas he stays at home and takes care of the house chores. Due to re's negligent behaviour his wife's money was stolen and he was told to leave the house bringing him dragging himself to the big city. Mi, a bachelor who is head over heels with the girl who is staying across his house often loans him some money. While Mi was out looking for a job he helped out capturing the theif who snatched a lady's handbag alongside with Re and Do who was in the area and helped out as well. They became close friends since then.

An independent former ranch foreman and an heiress are kidnapped by a trio of ruthless outlaws.

While on a prison furlough, a lowly criminal evades his guards and returns to his old stomping ground to take revenge on the people who turned him into a cold blooded killer.

Re is a Kannada comedy drama starring Ramesh Aravind and Anant Nag. A rich man arrives at an old palatial house to find that his ancestors are cursed to an afterlife in the house. Now it becomes his responsibility to undo the curse.

A young man returns from Rome to his sister's satanic New York apartment house.

Raju, Shyam and Baburao are living happily after having risen from rags to riches. However, they lose it all after falling victim to a chit fund scam due to their greed for more money. Soon, they find themselves in new mess and encounter eccentric and dangerous characters in their quest for a shortcut to riches again.

In 1867, with Garibaldi's forces close to bringing Rome into the Italian kingdom, Monsignor Colombo da Priverno, a world-weary judge on the papal court, wants to resign, disgusted by the violence to which the papacy resorts to hold secular power.

Ormar mladog dječaka sadrži vremensku rupu. Kroz nju prolazi cijela galerija patuljaka koji bježe od Superiornog bića. Oni vode Kevina sa sobom na razne avanture kroz vrijeme, od Napoleonovog vremena, kroz srednji vijek do ranih devedesetih, pa opet u vrijeme legendi, velikih utvrda i vrhunske tame, gdje se suočavaju sa samim iskonskim zlom.

James Bond prati svoga zakletog neprijatelja, Ernsta Blofelda, do povlačenja na planinu gdje trenira vojsku lijepih, smrtonosnih žena. Usput, Bond pada na talijansku contessu Tracy Draco i oženi se njome kako bi se približio Blofeldu.

Ting-yin, a young novelist, is struggling to come up with a followup to her best-selling trilogy of romance novels. After drafting her first chapter, she stops and deletes the file from her computer. She then starts seeing strange, unexplainable things and finds that she is experiencing the supernatural events that she described in her novel-to-be.

It is the story of a fiercely fought election campaign, where money power and corruption are the accepted norms, and where treachery and manipulation are routinely used weapons. As the personal drama of these conflict-ridden characters unfolds against this gritty backdrop, love and friendship become mere baits, and relationships get sacrificed at the altar of political alignments. The darkness that rises from their souls threatens to envelope all that they hold precious. Until eventually, in the crescendo of increasing violence, the line between good and evil blurs, making it impossible to distinguish heroes from villains. Raajneeti is the story of Indian democracy. And its ugly underside. It is about politics. And beyond.

Fraternal twin sisters Emma and Lilly are as different as night and day. Emma, the beautiful blonde tomboy, would rather be riding a horse than anything else in the world. While Lilly, her shy redheaded twin, loves to be left alone to curl up with a good book. Emma and Lilly have an insatiable desire to play matchmaker, because their father is actually Cupid. Life gets complicated when they discover they're in love with the same guy and they become bitter rivals as they try to win his affection. But can Emma and Lily overcome their problems and use their matchmaking skills to bring their parents back together?

Federacijski brod sruši se na udaljeni planet koji se nalazi pod kontrolom krvoločnih kukaca. Da bi stvar bila gora među putnicima je i svemirski maršal, Omar Anoke, koji posjeduje informacije o svim planovima i misijama ljudske rase. Johnny Rico, iskusni marinac i heroje prve invazije kukaca, poslan je kao vođa tima specijalaca u opasnu spasilačku misiju.