شويا إيشيدا تبدأ بالتنمر على الفتاة الجديدة في الفصل ، شوكو نيشيميا ، لأنها صماء. ولكن مع استمرار المضايقة ، بدأ باقي الفصل في الانقلاب على شوية لافتقاره إلى التعاطف. عندما يغادران المدرسة الابتدائية ، لا يتحدث شوكو وشوية مع بعضهما البعض مرة أخرى ... حتى يقرر شويا الأكبر سنا والأكثر حكمة ، المعذب من سلوكه السابق ، أنه يجب أن يرى شوكو مرة أخرى. يريد التكفير عن خطاياه ولكن هل فات الأوان ...؟
في مدرسة داخلية قديمة الطراز في نيو إنجلاند ، يلهم مدرس اللغة الإنجليزية الشغوف طلابه بالتمرد على الأعراف والاستيلاء على إمكانات كل يوم ، مما يؤدي إلى ازدراء مدير المدرسة الصارم.
رجل يخرج من الصحراء لا يعرف من هو. يجده شقيقه ويساعده في استعادة ذاكرته للحياة التي عاشها قبل أن يخرج عن عائلته ويختفي قبل أربع سنوات.
In 1970s Iran, Marjane 'Marji' Statrapi watches events through her young eyes and her idealistic family of a long dream being fulfilled of the hated Shah's defeat in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. However as Marji grows up, she witnesses first hand how the new Iran, now ruled by Islamic fundamentalists, has become a repressive tyranny on its own.
Sentenced to six years in prison, Malik El Djebena is alone in the world and can neither read nor write. On his arrival at the prison, he seems younger and more brittle than the others detained there. At once he falls under the sway of a group of Corsicans who enforce their rule in the prison. As the 'missions' go by, he toughens himself and wins the confidence of the Corsican group.
يستيقظ الكابتن كولتر ستيفنز الجندي المزخرف في جسد رجل مجهول ، ويكتشف أنه متورط في مهمة للعثور على مفجر قطار ركاب في شيكاغو. يتعلم أنه جزء من برنامج تجريبي شديد السرية يمكّنه من تجربة الدقائق الثمانية الأخيرة من حياة شخص آخر. يعيد كولتر الحياة لحادث القطار مرارًا وتكرارًا ، ويجمع المزيد من الأدلة في كل مرة.
In occupied Paris, an actress married to a Jewish theater owner must keep him hidden from the Nazis while doing both of their jobs.
A successful playwright reflects on his journey from his Armenian roots to adapting in France, forty years after his family's move to Marseilles. He now goes by a new name to fit in better with French society.
The owner of a lottery store refuses to pay a large sum won by one of his workers that he hates, because that man received the winning numbers in a dream.
A motorcycle stunt rider considers committing a crime in order to provide for his wife and child, an act that puts him on a collision course with a cop-turned-politician.
يتولى عميل سابق في الخدمة السرية على مضض مهمة حماية آيدول بوب يهدده معجب مجنون. في البداية ، يتصادم الحارس الشخصي المهووس بالسلامة والمغنية المتسامحة تمامًا. لكن بعد مرور وقت طويل ، كل هذا التوتر يطلق الألعاب النارية من نوع آخر ، والرجل القوي الذي يكره الحب ممزق بين الواجب والرومانسية.
Although he's now eighty years old, Claude Lherminier is still as imposing as he ever was. But his bouts of forgetfulness and confusion are becoming increasingly frequent. Even so, he stubbornly refuses to admit that anything is wrong. Carole, his oldest daughter, wages a daily and taxing battle to ensure that he's not left on his own. Claude suddenly decides on a whim to go to Florida. What lies behind this sudden trip?
Victor Valance, an absent father and gambler, works with shady casino operations abroad. When he returns to Paris in need of money, he plans to take advantage that Pauline, his eldest daughter now fully responsible for the whole family, has begun to work for the Ministry of Finance. Pauline thwarts his new projects but when she realizes gangsters are looking for Victor she will put her life at risk to help him and save their family.
Matthias Duval is in love, but he can't choose between the two twin sisters Betty and Liz Kerner. To pick up the two sisters, he invents his own twin brother and will play both characters.
تدور احداث الفيلم حول الفرقة الانتحارية وهم مجموعة من الأشخاص المسجونين الأكثر شرا على الأرض حينما يعقدوا معاهدات مع الحكومة الفاسدة من اجل تنفيذ مهام شديدة الخطورة وبمقابل ذلك تحصل الفرقة الانتحارية على الأمان والحماية بالسجن وبعض المزايا الأخرى.
A tolerant veterinarian turns the other cheek when annoyed but changes his nature when he falls in love.
A hapless loser (with the surname of Loser) undergoes misadventures with avaracious clergy, a tired horse, and a walking granary (among other things) on his road to collectivized happiness.
A woman on the brink of a marriage proposal is told by a friend that she should date other men before spending the rest of her life with her boyfriend.
Jean-Gabriel intends to spend Christmas in the mountains quietly with his family. Many unforeseen events occur, but Jean-Gabriel will do everything to overcome them...