Two young Bulgarian brothers have to help their uncle collect scrap metal in Belgium. Over the course of one day, their relationship is tested.

Follow Alex Honnold as he attempts to become the first person to ever free solo climb Yosemite's 3,000 foot high El Capitan wall. With no ropes or safety gear, this would arguably be the greatest feat in rock climbing history.

The gang's vacation to Paris takes a wrong turn when Scooby and Shaggy miss their flight and end up on a skydiving expedition in the Himalayas. To make matters worse, upon arrival they must outrun the Abominable Snowmonster.

Potem ko zakon in red ni kaznoval zločinca, se Carl Lee Hailey odloči vzeti pravico v svoje roke in kaznuje posiljevalca svoje 10-letne hčerke. V takem primeru je pričakovati, da bo oče deležen sožalja in razumevanja, a težava je, ker sta Carl in njegova hči temnopolta, posiljevalec pa je belec. Vse skupaj se dogaja v Mississippiju, ki je znan po rasističnem opredeljevanju in segregaciji. Situacija je še hujša, ker lokali KKK, ki ga vodi Freddie Lee Cobb, postaja vse bolj popularen. Ko Hailey za svojega branilca izbere Jakea, novinca v odvetniškem poslu, izgleda da mu ni rešitve. A Jake poišče nasvet pri svojem profesorju prava Lucienu Willbanksu. Kaj storiti, kadar je pravica slepa, zločinec pa uživa na svobodi? To je ključno vprašanje odlične kriminalistične drame, ki jo je ustvaril izkušeni Joel Schumacher.

Petnajstletna Lara želi postati profesionalna baletka. Družina jo pri tem podpira, zato se z očetom in bratom preseli v bližino ene najboljših plesnih akademij, da bi tam nadaljevala šolanje. Toda postopoma ugotovi, da se njeno telo ne bo tako zlahka uklonilo strogim zahtevam akademske umetnosti. Lara je bila namreč rojena kot fant, in čeprav jo do ženskega telesa ločuje le še korak, se njene najstniške frustracije in nepotrpežljivost vse bolj stopnjujejo. Portret odločnega dekleta, ki mu do uresničitve sanj o baletni karieri stoji na poti le ena ovira: njeno telo. Nagrada za najboljši prvenec in najboljšega igralca v sklopu Posebni pogled na festivalu v Cannesu 2018 in nominacija za zlati globus 2019 ter belgijski kandidat za oskarja za najboljši tujejezični film.

Overwhelmed by grief following the death of his wife, Donnelly shares a train carriage home with a troubled young man identified only as the 'Kid'. As the Kid becomes more agitated and foul-mouthed, the journey takes on a violent and dangerous hue – for the bereaved Donnelly and for other hapless passengers on the train. Academy Award Winner: Best Live Action Short Film – 2005

During an opulent and luxurious banquet, complete with hordes of servers and valets, eleven pampered guests participate in what appears to be a ritualistic gastronomic carnage. In this absurd and grotesque universe, an unexpected sequence of events destabilizes the endless symphony of abundance.

After 20 years abroad, Mark Renton returns to Scotland and reunites with his old friends Sick Boy, Spud and Begbie.

A gritty crime saga which follows the lives of an elite unit of the LA County Sheriff's Dept. and the state's most successful bank robbery crew as the outlaws plan a seemingly impossible heist on the Federal Reserve Bank.

Stephanie, a dedicated mother and popular vlogger, befriends Emily, a mysterious upper-class woman whose son Nicky attends the same school as Miles, Stephanie's son. When Emily asks her to pick Nicky up from school and then disappears, Stephanie undertakes an investigation that will dive deep into Emily's cloudy past.

Two ten year-old boys are detained by police under suspicion of abducting and murdering a toddler.

Izjemna, rahločutna in izvirna stop animacija s ščepcem magičnega realizma, ki pripoveduje o sanjah in življenjih, ki so jih poteptale strahotne, okrutne, nečloveške posledice kolonializma, tako nedolžnih kot krivih, dobričin in podležev. Filmski omnibus, postavljen v kolonialno Afriko poznega 19. stoletja, pripoveduje zgodbe petih likov: razrvanega kralja, Pigmejca srednjih let, ki dela v luksuznem hotelu, propadlega poslovneža na odpravi, izgubljenega nosača in mladega dezerterja.

In 1561, Mary Stuart, widow of the King of France, returns to Scotland, reclaims her rightful throne and menaces the future of Queen Elizabeth I as ruler of England, because she has a legitimate claim to the English throne. Betrayals, rebellions, conspiracies and their own life choices imperil both Queens. They experience the bitter cost of power, until their tragic fate is finally fulfilled.

Vdove je zgodba štirih žensk, ki nimajo nič skupnega, razen velikega dolga, ki so ga za seboj zapustile kriminalne dejavnosti njihovi pokojnih mož. Napetost se stopnjuje, ko v sodobnem Chicagu Veronica, Alice, Linda in Belle usodo vzamejo v lastne roke in se zavzamejo za prihodnost pod svojimi pogoji.

After a zombie becomes involved with the girlfriend of one of his victims, their romance sets in motion a sequence of events that might transform the entire lifeless world.

For generations, the people of the City of Ember have flourished in an amazing world of glittering lights. But Ember's once powerful generator is failing and the great lamps that illuminate the city are starting to flicker. Now, two teenagers, in a race against time, must search Ember for clues that will unlock the ancient mystery of the city's existence, before the the lights go out forever.

Ameriški zvezdniški igralec nogometa se močno poškoduje, to mu ogroža kariero, v času svetovnega prvenstva in v času okrevanja , se poda na veliko romanco z Rusko samohranilko.

A fast-talking lawyer transforms his body and takes a vow of silence, not to be broken until he finds out who killed his wife and daughter and has his revenge.

A newly married couple discovers disturbing, ghostly images in photographs they develop after a tragic accident. Fearing the manifestations may be connected, they investigate and learn that some mysteries are better left unsolved.

Nick, a famous fashion model, decides to retire and goes back to her home country Brazil, after a briliant international career. She becomes the head executive of Popstar, the modeling agency where she started her career, and has to deal with intrigues, fashion faux pas and a budding online romance with Sunshine, a mysterious online friend.