No 1945. gada līdz 1955. gadam — izdomātas itāļu izcelsmes amerikāņu Korleones noziedznieku ģimenes hronika. Kad organizētās noziedzības ģimenes patriarhs Vito Korleone tik tikko izdzīvo mēģinājumu nogalināt savu dzīvību, viņa jaunākais dēls Maikls iesaistās, lai rūpētos par potenciālajiem slepkavām, uzsākot asiņainas atriebības kampaņu.

Betmens uzvarējis cīņā savu pretinieku Džonatanu Kreinu, turpina kārtības uzturēšanu Gotemā ar leitenantu Gordonu.

Jauns vīrietis bez ilūzijām cīnās pret savu bezmiegu, kas, iespējams, ir viņa garlaicības un pelēkās ikdienas dzīves sekas. Lidojumā ar lidmašīnu viņš tiekas ar Taileru Durdenu, harizmātisku ziepju pārdevēju, kuram ir ļoti īpaša filozofija: perfekcionisms ir vāju cilvēku darbs; tā vietā sevis iznīcināšana ir vienīgā lieta, kas padara dzīvi patiešām dzīvošanas vērtu. Abi nolemj izveidot slepenu cīņas klubu, kur varētu atbrīvoties no neapmierinātības un dusmām, kas būs pārliecinoši panākumi.

A mysterious story of two magicians whose intense rivalry leads them on a life-long battle for supremacy -- full of obsession, deceit and jealousy with dangerous and deadly consequences.

As the world fell, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by The Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she puts together the means to find her way home.

In 1916, a Chicago steel worker accidentally kills his supervisor and flees to the Texas panhandle with his girlfriend and little sister to work harvesting wheat in the fields of a stoic farmer.

"Hobits: Piecu armiju kauja" ir trešā, noslēdzošā daļa episkajai filmu triloģijai, kas uzņemta pēc britu rakstnieka Dž.R.R. Tolkīna pasaulslavenā fantāzijas romāna "Hobits" motīviem. Pēc rūķu valsts atgūšanas hobita Bilbo Baginsa, Torina Ozolvairoga un rūķu briesmu pilnie piedzīvojumi nebūt nav galā. Saniknotais pūķis Smogs izgāž savas ugunīgās dusmas uz Ezera pilsētas neaizsargātajiem iedzīvotājiem, bet Torina prātu apmiglojuši dārgumi, kuru dēļ viņš gatavs upurēt draudzību un godu. Bilbo nekādi neizdodas vest viņu pie prāta, tādēļ hobits spiests izdarīt riskantu izvēli, nenojaušot, ka tuvojas vēl lielākas briesmas - Viduszemes ļaunākais ienaidnieks Saurons nosūtījis orku leģionus uz Vientuļo kalnu. Ap savstarpēji karojošajām tautām savelkas tumsa, tādēļ rūķu, elfu un cilvēku rasēm jāizvēlas - apvienoties, vai tapt iznīcinātiem. Bilbo attopas piecu dižu armiju kaujas epicentrā, kur notiek cīņa uz dzīvību un nāvi, bet Viduszemes nākotne karājas mata galā.

In Greenwich Village in the early 1960s, gifted but volatile folk musician Llewyn Davis struggles with money, relationships, and his uncertain future.

The commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, and his wife Hedwig, strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden next to the camp.

Kid is an anonymous young man who ekes out a meager living in an underground fight club where, night after night, wearing a gorilla mask, he is beaten bloody by more popular fighters for cash. After years of suppressed rage, Kid discovers a way to infiltrate the enclave of the city’s sinister elite. As his childhood trauma boils over, his mysteriously scarred hands unleash an explosive campaign of retribution to settle the score with the men who took everything from him.

Ex-UFC fighter Dalton takes a job as a bouncer at a Florida Keys roadhouse, only to discover that this paradise is not all it seems.

Robotos ir ieprogrammēti trīs likumi, kas neļauj nodarīt ļaunu cilvēkam. Viens robots šos likumus pārkāpj un ja to spēj izdarīt viens robots, tad cilvēku rase ir apdraudēta. 2035. gads

In the near future, a group of war journalists attempt to survive while reporting the truth as the United States stands on the brink of civil war.

When a young American woman is sent to Rome to begin a life of service to the church, she encounters a darkness that causes her to question her own faith and uncovers a terrifying conspiracy that hopes to bring about the birth of evil incarnate.

When five women take part in a corporate hiking retreat and only four come out on the other side, Federal Agents Aaron Falk and Carmen Cooper head deep into the Victorian mountain ranges to investigate in the hopes of finding their whistle-blowing informant, Alice Russell, alive.

Harriet finds art imitating life when she discovers certain songs can transport her back in time – literally. While she relives the past through romantic memories of her former boyfriend, her time travelling collides with a burgeoning new love interest in the present. As she takes her journey through the hypnotic connection between music and memory, she wonders – even if she could change the past, should she?

Three British teenage girls go on a rites-of-passage holiday—drinking, clubbing and hooking up, in what should be the best summer of their lives.

In 19th-century Papal Rome, Bartolomeo is a wealthy and greedy parvenu who craves a noble title. While trying to raise the money he needs to strike a deal with a prince for the hand of his daughter, he'll find himself caught in a magical journey between past, present and future. Assisted by some rather illustrious companions, he'll have to come to terms with whom he really is and give his life a new meaning.